Michael23's 52! Revised Slide Show Added

First one is my favourite michael. Lovely colours on the object and the sky. I'm guessing it's a sea urchin shell which fits in with the other shells.
Isn't it great to get a theme with so many options? Lets us get posting earlier in the week. For me it also means that I can view other peoples shots as they are posted instead of waiting until I have posted my shot.
Hi Michael

love the 1st shot , great angle & background plus texture & & ....basically just a great shot :clap:
#1 for me michael. I like the close composition - it would have been easy to place it centrally or on a 3rd.

Nice textures and contrasting colours.

I would like to see a deeper depth of field so that all the urchin was in focus.

Cheers and well done for being quick off the mark...(y)
Your sea urchin is great. Unusual item with great lighting & composition. I like the sea shells too, both excellent clarity & the background works with them too.
Hiya Michael,

Love the photos for week 14, especially #1 for the detail and clarity and the background fits it well.

Have to say I really like the vignette framing of #2 and think it really works well for this subject.

#3 is good too, but not as sharp as the first two.

Well done on 3 great images for the week.


Dawn :)
First one is my favourite michael. Lovely colours on the object and the sky. I'm guessing it's a sea urchin shell which fits in with the other shells.
Isn't it great to get a theme with so many options? Lets us get posting earlier in the week. For me it also means that I can view other peoples shots as they are posted instead of waiting until I have posted my shot.
Hi Colin, thank you for your comments, you are correct, it is a sea urchin shell, this one was from the Isles of Scilly. I quite liked the theme this week, allowing me to get it done and dusted quickly, but it did still make me think!

Hi Michael

love the 1st shot , great angle & background plus texture & & ....basically just a great shot :clap:
Hi Lynne, thanks for the comment, I am really pleased with outcome of this one.!

#1 for me michael. I like the close composition - it would have been easy to place it centrally or on a 3rd.

Nice textures and contrasting colours.

I would like to see a deeper depth of field so that all the urchin was in focus.

Cheers and well done for being quick off the mark...(y)
Hi Andy glad you like it, and thank you for popping by. DOF wise this was a hard one to get right, this one was taken on my 18-55 with a close up lens attached as well, aperture was f8.

Your sea urchin is great. Unusual item with great lighting & composition. I like the sea shells too, both excellent clarity & the background works with them too.
Hi Darren glad you like them, the background I wasn't to sure on but it has grown on me! It is one of my black jumpers!

No. 1 for me.
Thanks Neil (y)
Hiya Michael,

Love the photos for week 14, especially #1 for the detail and clarity and the background fits it well.

Have to say I really like the vignette framing of #2 and think it really works well for this subject.

#3 is good too, but not as sharp as the first two.

Well done on 3 great images for the week.


Dawn :)
Hiya Dawn, thank you for your comments. With regards to number 3, I am wondering if I forgot to add some sharpening, :thinking: I can't remember now, but as I look more, I do prefer the version with the vignette.

I like your shallow dof and composition for #1; the colours are beautifully enhanced by the light and sky behind.

I know I know what it is but my memory is ... wierd at the moment :shrug:

#2 and 3 don't strike a chord for me. Sorry.

Hi Tina thanks for the compliments there, much appreciated. No need to be sorry on 2 and 3, I thought they wouldn't appeal to everyone, I think I might get some sand from somewhere, A great excuse to goto the seaside for the day!

The Sea Urchin shell has proved really tricky to photograph, I decided to take it outside as it was lovely and sunny, but had a lot of problems with the exposure, getting the light onto it evenly was tricky as well, then I had a bit of a brainwave! As these shells have a hole in the top and bottom, I used my tripod head as a stand, it was just the correct size to fit through the bottom hole! Pointed it to a decent bit of blue sky, and photographed it from undeneath at an angle. (y)
The Sea Urchin shell has proved really tricky to photograph, I decided to take it outside as it was lovely and sunny, but had a lot of problems with the exposure, getting the light onto it evenly was tricky as well, then I had a bit of a brainwave! As these shells have a hole in the top and bottom, I used my tripod head as a stand, it was just the correct size to fit through the bottom hole! Pointed it to a decent bit of blue sky, and photographed it from undeneath at an angle. (y)

Hiya Michael,

(y) well done on the improvisation, great idea!


Dawn :)
Hi Michael, I love that sea urchin pic - absolutely brilliant. Colour, focus , lighting, exposure all spot on. Good use of DOF, but personally I would like a slightly deeper DOF.
Great pic - a classic (y)
Like #1 as well, just reiterate what many have already said. As for the other two I prefer 3 as I defined border makes for a stronger picture.
Only just made it!!

Where You End Up When You Have Done Something WRONG!!

Week 15, Wrong! by scilly puffin, on Flickr

Taken with my 30d and 18-55 with a +4 close up filter,
lens @ 40mm, f20, 1/250 sec.
On Camera flash was used as was -2 stops of flash exposure compensation and -2 stops of normal under exposure, cropped a little and converted to greyscale to remove a blue colouring on the roof of the object.
Now I can breathe and relax with a glass of DiSaronno!

Works for me matey Nice one.

Hiya Michael,

:LOL: I love it, great take on the theme and almost looks like a grave stone (which I suppose one could construed the same in some instances :D). As mentioned the graininess adds to the image.

Well done ....

You can relax now and enjoy a couple of glasses of DiSaronno while you think of Paradox :p


Dawn :)

PS I hope you are a good boy and never land up in there haha
I like the idea and the angle. It has an old grainy and gritty look about it and is on theme (y)
Hi Tina, thanks for popping by, glad you like it. With the angle I did try with it on the floor on my lawn but it didn't work at all


Works for me matey Nice one.

Cheers Dave (y)

Great take on theme Michael. The finished effect of the pp looks really good:clap::)

Thank you Martin for taking a look, pleased you like it. (y)

Hiya Michael,

:LOL: I love it, great take on the theme and almost looks like a grave stone (which I suppose one could construed the same in some instances :D). As mentioned the graininess adds to the image.

Well done ....

You can relax now and enjoy a couple of glasses of DiSaronno while you think of Paradox :p


Dawn :)

PS I hope you are a good boy and never land up in there haha

Hi Dawn, thanks for popping by and for your comments, I have been really pleased with the outcome of this one.
Oh and Yes, I am a good boy indeed! I do everything I tell myself to do :D
Hi, Michael, I have to agree regarding the processing and it has real atmosphere.

My only issue, if you like, is the flash bottom right of the bin.

In actual fact, at the moment, I'm not actually in the dog house...:)

Doghouse shot is really good Michael (bottom corner has been mentioned)
For an accidental shot your reshoot has worked out really well, I often struggle to get as sharp as that when I'm focusing intentionally.
Hiya Michael,

Well done on the re-shoot .... now why didn't I think of that while I was away camping ... I could have got a fab shot of the campervan all a clutter with all my son's dvds, toys, cuddlies, undies, shoes, clothing strewn all over (home from home, just in a smaller space) :LOL:


Dawn :)
Well, after a very mind boggling week with no ideas whatsoever, no matter how many times I googled for inspiration. So this morning I decided to have another read through, and came across "The Crocodile Dilemma" And came up with something. Got my daughter to pose for all of 3 photos, and only one was usable!

So without further a due I give the "The Crocodile Dilemma"

Week 16 Paradox, Paradoxical by scilly puffin, on Flickr

The Crocodile Dilemma is an unsolvable problem in logic.[1] The premise states that a crocodile who has stolen a child promises the father that his son will be returned if and only if he can correctly predict whether or not the crocodile will return the child.

The transaction is logically smooth (but unpredictable) if the father guesses that the child will be returned, but a dilemma arises for the crocodile if he guesses that the child will not be returned. In the case that the crocodile decides to keep the child, he violates his terms: the father's prediction has been validated, and the child should be returned. However, in the case that the crocodile decides to give back the child, he still violates his terms, even if this decision is based on the previous result: the father's prediction has been falsified, and the child should not be returned. The question of what the crocodile should do is therefore paradoxical, and there is no justifiable solution.
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Hi, Michael, there really are some great paradoxes out there and you're chosen a great one...

I'd prefer b&w as opposed to sepia. But I prefer sepia to colour...:)

I can't quite work out if your daughter is looking at the camera or not?

It's well composed and I like the hand on the bar. You're cropped the crocodile slightly at the bottom and I wonder if cropping the RH vertical gap would add or not?

That's a really nice shot Michael. I just hope you took another of just your daughter without the crocodile for your own collection.
Hiya Michael,

Well done .... a great take on the theme, love the processing and the framing too.

In fact the look on your daughters face just adds to the whole philosophy too.



Dawn :)
Hi, Michael, there really are some great paradoxes out there and you're chosen a great one...

I'd prefer b&w as opposed to sepia. But I prefer sepia to colour...:)

I can't quite work out if your daughter is looking at the camera or not?

It's well composed and I like the hand on the bar. You're cropped the crocodile slightly at the bottom and I wonder if cropping the RH vertical gap would add or not?

Hi Andy thanks for popping by, glad you like it, I have done a black and white version, also cropped as you suggested, see below, I think she was looking at the camera.

That's a really nice shot Michael. I just hope you took another of just your daughter without the crocodile for your own collection.
Hi Colin, I didnt think of doing one without the croc, the whole time I got to do this was 3 minutes long! Might have to do a reshoot for that. (y)

Hiya Michael,

Well done .... a great take on the theme, love the processing and the framing too.

In fact the look on your daughters face just adds to the whole philosophy too.



Dawn :)

Hi Dawn thanks for your comments, glad you like it.

Cropped And Black White Below,

Week 16, Paradox, Paradoxical by scilly puffin, on Flickr

Week 16, Paradox, Paradoxical by scilly puffin, on Flickr
michael, dog house wasn't for me... but then i came across your clutter and thought you'd been in our spare room...but it was the party hat that gave it away..

BUT your paradox... VERY GOOD... love that mean and mood shot in sepia??.. i do like that.. rather World Cinema raw ... 'brutal' shot.. in a nice way.. can it be nice... anyhow.. i love it.


Hi Michael

great idea for Paradox , love the original sepia version (y)

my brain is still trying to take in the words though:bonk:
Hiya Lynne, thanks for popping by, and I'm glad you like it. I will admit, my brain is just the same! It's not the easiest of things to get to geips with is it.

Hi, michael, I really like the b&w, cropped version; even the square format works for me and I feel b&w give it more contrast.

Hi Andy, I'm in between the 2, but I just keep going back to the original sepia version, thanks for your comment re the black and white.

michael, dog house wasn't for me... but then i came across your clutter and thought you'd been in our spare room...but it was the party hat that gave it away..

BUT your paradox... VERY GOOD... love that mean and mood shot in sepia??.. i do like that.. rather World Cinema raw ... 'brutal' shot.. in a nice way.. can it be nice... anyhow.. i love it.


Hiya Kev thanks for your comments on my last few pics. Very much appreciated. I had to back and look for the party hat :LOL: i didn't realise it was in there! Thanks for your thoughts on my Paradox week as well

I like your original paradox (y) I'm still looking for inspiration.

Hiya Tina, thanks for popping in! Glad you like it

Going on how difficult this weeks theme has been, I am really glad I have pulled this one off, as I really didn't think I was going to be able too!.
Well, having this one in my head for last couple of days, I have kept wondering if I could incorporate this into a photo, so just been having a play as I can't really get to sleep, so would value your thoughts on the following image!

Week 16, Paradox. Take 2! by scilly puffin, on Flickr

Now I must get to sleep, busy day tomorrow, well today really!
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