Molly's week 16 Stare and week 17 Peace

A good idea for the theme Shirley. Not one that I had even considered :)

As others have already pointed out, it is a little soft. That is, of course, down to being hand held. It also looks a bit flat to me. Small textured subjects like this always look better with side lighting creating shadows on the detail. This would have made it stand out more and create more depth in the picture.

I've decided to call it a day people are too picky, it was worth a try some good sunjects but too many negative comments. Thanks and good bye.
I really like your candid shot, you caught the moment really well.

Single good idea, well composed, a little bit of processing would improve it.

Don't be disheartened by the negative comments, take them on board, as these are the ones that will help you improve.
Your shoot shots are both lovely but I prefer the second. Dont be disheartened by negative comments. We all like nice feedback but you dont learn anything from it. For my first few weeks on TP I couldnt get anything in focus but people helped me on here with their comments.
It would be a real shame to see you leave Shirley :(

I know it's nice to hear that your shots are great, but it's good to hear how you can improve too.
Anyone who's posted something negative has only done it in a constructive way and with the intention of helping you.

Please keep at it.
After 52 weeks of practicing and taking comments on board you'll be surprised how much you can get out of this.
I'm sorry you feel that way Shirley.

My comments were not intended to be negative. However from my own personal point of view I am using the 52 as a way to improve my photography. I view the less positive comments as a way to learn from other people. I have spend years showing family and friends my images and everybody saying how good they are. I knew that this wasn't true but couldn't get past it. Since coming on here and getting constructive crit from other members I feel my photography has improved quiet a lot.

Don't give up but keep working on it.

Shirley, come back... I wasn't trying to be negative... The reason I asked about it being handheld... 1/20s is really slow for being handheld at 105mm, even with IS in play
I've just been busy, my job as well as a carer is making calendars which is partly why I came on here but wandered away from landscapes. I need to get a sea view calendar out by Whit, I am way behind. Now I am behind with this, being a carer is stressful so I wander with my camera and take nice photos. The shoot photo is my favourite because now I see all the new shoots in a different light, Jenny's wonderful flower photos has made me see flowers in an altogether different way, thats why I bought a 60mm lens. I would use it more ofter but the 400mm f5.6 has taken over for a while. I have learnt a lot from this personal thread 52 thing. I take my compact Panasonic to take the sea photos, its easy especially with the dog. I made a big mistake last summer when I bought a sony off ebay and thought the mode with a little palm tree was for taking beach and sea photos, which actually its for sunsets. So all the photos which I should have been in a folder for creating the calendar were rubbish. Talk about read the manual, I didn't have one. Well, the Panasonicdmz/18 produces lovely photos, visitors to this area like sea as the eye sees it not milky and cottages covered in white paint, the beaches not brimming with visitors and coloured boats on a blue sea. I'll get a 'stare' photo but I'll have to find Simon's thread to find out what no.17 task is. Sorry for being grumpy.
Hi Shirley, good to see you back.
I think this weeks theme is "Peace", I'm still racking my brains for an idea. :)
Hi Shirley, good to see you back.

It is very good to see you back Shirley.

Don't feel any pressure to catch up on the missed weeks, remember that this is a personal challenge, so you do what you want to do.
Not even any pressure to stick to the themes if you don't want to - you could make this a personal 52 focusing on landscapes if that's your thing.

Best of luck with getting your calendar finished too.
Being a carer is one of the toughest jobs in the world, so I'm glad you've found photography as an outlet - and if you can combine that with your other other job it's got to be good.
:wave: Glad you've made it back Shirley, echo what Sarah says, don't feel under pressure, all this is supposed to be fun when you don't have the time or the 'mood' just let it go on the back boiler.....keep up the amazing work you do THAT is the important thing as long as you get some YOU time too!
Hi Shirley, glad to see you back. I'm a carer, too, and fully understand the pressures involved. That is the reason most of my photos are taken in the garden - I don't often get time to go further afield.

I wish I lived near the sea. I just love it and wish I could get there more often. Good luck with the calendar.

Hi! Have to agree with the others about the penny. Your shoot shot is excellent though. Really love the light on it. Nicely done (y)
Very glad to see you back Shirley... pressures can make things real tricky at times. Good luck with the Calendar, and don't feel under any extra pressure with this.
The stare photo is a filly in a field close by with dad, dad is 17 and a half hands, really big. The filly when its approached throws its head back. Its raining so this morning I took a few photos quickly, I like the filly's eyes, long eye lashes.
The camera used is my Canon with 60mm lens.
The photo of the two horses, I dropped down to variations and choose a lighter photo because the blackness of the horses blotted its eyes out but the variation made the black dull.

The peace photo I took April 2009 with my Sony A100 and I've forgotton which lens. A warm early morning.

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Love the horse shot in stare, lovely colours and details in the horse. The sky really hasn't helped you here... that really dull blank grey... yeuch.. it's in the second image too.. But again, the horses look very nice.

Love the feel in Peace, the muted tones fit the theme nicely. There's a fair amount of dust on that sensor... easily resolved with the healing brush though. The 50d, being newer than the 450d is gonna have the sensor shake thing, and that works well on most of the dust for me.