Molly's week 16 Stare and week 17 Peace

This week was a puzzle and I thought that there must something of interest behind the scenes of a pharmacy, so I go the local chemist and its so busy there until this morning so I asked if there was any scales or something that was used in days gone by and the pharmacist brought out this pestle and mortar, perfect, the only thing was as in all chemist shops there no room on the counter so I couldn't have it in the photo more to the left or the right.
My entry for the 'Chemistry' week.

First thing I thought when I saw this was it needed more space, but you explained that :) A shame, as with a bit more space it would have made all the difference. At the moment it looks very cramped. Interesting looking mortar and pestle though and certainly a good subject for the image, just a shame about the crop/background problem :)
A very clever idea and on theme... It does need a little more space, but not a lot you could do about that. The details are very good.
Now why didn't I think of that? I've got a pestle and mortar at home that I could have used for this week :LOL:

Some really nice detail in the wood on the handle and I love the interpretation of the theme.
You already know about the lack of space, but I think you've worked well with what you had.
Only one thing for me, and since nobody else has mentioned it, it could just be my monitor - but is there a bit of an odd colour cast to the image?
Some really nice detail in the wood on the handle and I love the interpretation of the theme.
You already know about the lack of space, but I think you've worked well with what you had.
Only one thing for me, and since nobody else has mentioned it, it could just be my monitor - but is there a bit of an odd colour cast to the image?

I agree with Sarah - the detail is just what you want. There's a bit of a colour cast on my screen too, but I wondered if it was something odd going on between the lights in the chemists shop (fluorescent) and my screen, and possibly flash as well. :shrug: No sure, but still a good interpretation of the theme. :)

I like the Chemistry shot - agree with the others about the detail in the handle etc. It does look a little green on my monitor but it could be my calibration...

Well done anyway - great effort (y)
I am going to be different with my comment on the image being crampped, If you cropped off the left edge and made it tighter to the Pestle. I see something at the top and also the counte edge that makes my eye wander to them and away from the subject. Otherwise a good effort thid week.
I didn't realise there were so many comments, I'd left it for the week whilst I puzzled over Candid.
Its a bit green on my monitor as well and squashed, I'll have another go at it, I'm just in the middle of getting my photo for Candid but oh dear I have to go back to last summer for the expression of my nephews little boy and this one has plenty to offer. The hat which he hates but has to wear because as a baby he had glaucoma and if the suns too bright he shuts his eye, Mum is saying that moment leave it alone:nono: poor Oliver he hates his hat but not as much as he hates his glasses.

Shirley, that's a really nice candid shot. A typical expression on a youngster who is not happy with something!

It's just a pity that the bottom left quadrant is a bit bright.

I also like the chemistry shot - very suitable for theme but I agree about the greenish tinge. Could this be a problem with the white balance?

Aw bless.... a lovely shot, and a great expression Shirley...
I thought a nice bright basket of juicy red apples. Very difficult to get just the right background so I put them on the lawn.

(y) Red apples in red basket . . . a lovely colourful concept and I like the idea of taking it out onto the lawn. It’s given a nice natural feel as if they’ve just been picked from an orchard – and green is always a good complement to red.

The WB still isn’t looking quite right for me though. Have you adjusted it in PP?
Good effort Shirley, I like the red of the basket and apples, its a nice contrast to the green grass.

Couple of things, it looks to me like the saturation has been bumped up a little high as the colours look a little false, also think the composition would be improved my getting lower to the ground.

Well done, Dan

P.S Just seen 68lbs entry, very similar shot to yours, his is lower down and what I meant above with the composition
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It's a great idea Shirley, and is on theme. It looks good apart from the points above... the WB looks a bit out... it looks a bit blue, and a little lower may have made it much better.
Produce is a nice shot indeed and a good idea. Agree with the others comments re white balance, but that should be easily fixed in PP
Thanks for the advice, from now on I have my new camera 50d and hope I can take better photos. I'll take the apple photo back to pps and have a go with the white balance. With the Sony camera the white balance is on auto, I'll also find 68lb's photo and compare the two.
Just seen 68lbs entry, very similar shot to yours, his is lower down and what I meant above with the composition


I think the main issue for me with the shot is the saturation. It looks like the red has been boosted a shed load as even the grass has some red fringing in places. I'm not sure if white balance is the issue... I always shoot on Auto WB and it rarely gives me any problems, especially outside in daylight.

Just remember we're all here and learning. I feel quite honored that one of my shots has been 'quoted' to help someone. I personally opted for some 'produce' spilling out as it allowed me to balance the composition more and take the shot away from just a 'snapshot' of a basket.
What I did with the apple photo is image size, brightness and contrast and then unsharp mask. The apples were that bright red, I went into pp and couldn't find the white balance to alter the photo.
This week theme is another photo of the bud opening, I'm not altogether sure if its the right bud.


It was the poem week. It was taken with the 50d Canon and 60mm lens.
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The second part of this week tasks is 4 photo from the play theme, I had to get the subject to sit with the ball in her mouth, she didn't much of that.




The last one looks out of place, that was taken to-day and I think the camera was on a different setting and the grass was greener. Look forward to next weeks hope its less complicated.
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Your second shoot image gets my vote Shirley(y)
lovely tone and colours, the dof is spot on too. Well done. Iain
:agree: that's worked very well, and fits the theme perfectly (y)
The final shot of your quad set is head and shoulders above the other 3 :clap:

It's not just that the pose is better and that you've not got the motion blur that's in the others - the WB looks spot on too.
The other 3 all have that slightly bluish colour cast that was in your apple shot. I'm wondering whether it's something that you've accidentally set in camera :shrug:
That 4th shot really is very good though and well done on getting her to pose with her ball.

I like both your tree bud / shoot shots too.
Both are nicely focused and the DoF works well with them.
Hi Shirley,

Fits the theme perfectly and has lots of detail. But, the colour does not look right to me. It seems very red. Have you done any PP?

I seem to have missed your last few weeks. Sorry.

I just love the fourth dog shot. Lovely expression on it's face. Well captured. Pet shots are not easy, are they? They don't usually like to sit and pose.

:agree: 110% with Jenny...

She's said almost exactly what I was thinking as I worked through your last few pics...:LOL:
Us poor new people do get overlooked in the 52, so here are my views:

Single: Great interpretation, as has been said the colour looks off, but other than that.

Shoot: Again, very apt. the left of the center leaf looks a tad bright, but the out of focus area is good, and the shallow DOF is very well used here i think.

Quad: I have no experience of shooting animals so i cant comment on how well you've managed it, but #4 is great, #1 is the best of the moving, its a shame the ball block out the dog in #3.

Produce: certainly fits the theme, good contrast with the red/green, almost christmasy.

Candid: Well poor Ollie has a cracking expression there, and makes a great candid shot!

Chemistry: I had to read the write up to understand the connection, i think this isnt your strongest shot in the 52

Play: number 3 is very representative of the theme, and th best of the bunch!
Thank you Peter and everyone. The chemisty one was what the chemist used to use, pills and things being mixed. The penny maybe a little too much saturation.:bonk:
I like the colour and placing of the penny, and the detail shows up well - I haven't really looked closely at the new design. It seems a little soft on my monitor, though, as if you have missed the focus slightly?
Shirley, I'm afraid I have to agree with Tracer... a great idea, with good placement and good details... but it seems a bit soft to me too... Was it handheld ?