Molly's week 16 Stare and week 17 Peace

Hi Shirley, Just trying to catch up on some of the 52s I've missed. :)

Week 1: Well spotted - and very Curved. I like the final edit best. Full marks for perseverence, too. :)

Week 2: That is gorgeous. :clap::clap:

Week 3: I like the composition, but agree with the comments about the wb. It's sometimes hard to know what to do for the best, isn't it? :)

Week 4: Lovely rural scene, and very pretty location in a lovely part of the world. :) I agree with Sarah, it could do with a bit of a contrast boost, but I also think the gentle colours are in keeping with the character of the lane. (y)

Never work with children and animals it has been said. What a hoot working with my lab Rosy. Labradors are built for speed but not quite in the right direction and to be able to keep up or at least meet her half way. Ha:) here first is the best of dozens of photos.
I love the first picture, really does capture the movement without resorting to using any sort of blurring techniques.

I like the third photo too. I know Rosy has just about disappeared from the frame, but I think it works for the given topic - my dog is so fast I missed her.
What a lovely girl Rosy is :love:

I know how difficult this type of shot is to capture and even if this was one of many attempts well done on even getting shot No.1 !!!

There's some lovely muscle definition in that shot, she looks full of power as she's racing away (y)
For me, the composition is a little too central. I'd like to crop away a bit from the RHS and then from the top to keep the proportions.
Still a very good capture though.

p.s. no.2 really has the awwwwww factor.
:agree: lovely looking Lab. If you cropped the first one to be the same sort of composition of the second it'll look great. #1 is very good and on theme though. I agree with Derek about the last one... it does fit the theme.
Week 6. I thought a nice little egg shaped flowered tin inside a little soap.

This week taken with my Panasonic DMC/FZ18, I'd nearly forgotton how to use it after using the Sony and it was so light like a feather.

I will alter my first dog/speed photo in a little while thanks for the advice on that one.

Nice image Shirley, although I feel the background is a little at odds with the colourful egg.
Here is an altered photo of Rosy at Speed.

The same doggy is at the moment is in the naughty chair, she ate my toast, stole it from the kitchen and all the folks in the lounge my Dad, the cat and Rosy, I asked who has stolen my toast, Rosy shot behind the chair.:LOL::LOL:

i like your week 6 image personally i would have used a white background to make it stand out a little more
Catch up so many 52s so little time, nice set of pictures particularly like the curve photo but the speeding dog gets my vote I bet you had a great time trying to photograph your dog just at the right time :clap:
Hi Shirley.

Rosy edit (y)
It's really added another dimension to what was a good shot to start with.

Present : I think you've excelled yourself this week.
I seem to be saying this a lot, but so many people have really raised the bar in week 6. I think this is the best out of your 52 so far.

I actually like the way that the soft grey background contrasts with the smooth colourful egg.
The focus looks spot on and you've controlled the reflections really well. they're still there but you've managed to keep them from being distracting.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for week 7.
I do like the soft textured background for your egg just not quite the colour. Egg looks great though, bright and colourful. Nice one.
I really like the egg, lovely colours. The background works well with it.

I like that crop of Rosy for speed too.
How do you point a camera at strangers, I'm a shy person at the best of time, so when I was having a walk maybe be to see any birds I saw this yellow fishing boat coming back to the harbour at Porth Dinllaen, I'm sure they fish for Welks. For my 500mm reflex lens it was extremly far away but the sea was a deep blue and the Seagulls were coming home with the boat. There are two men in the boat one is standing behind the other so therefor as the titile says 'People'.

Shirley, it looks a bit rough around the edges there... not sure what though... it looks like jpg compression artefacts... the file size at 60k is possibly a good indicator that's the issue. I had this a while back... I posted up some shots that looked superb on my machine, but when jpg'ed and uploaded looked horribly soft. What jpg compression did you use ?
Hi Shirley,

That’s a lovely idea for the theme and a beautiful scene with the yellow boat on the bright blue sea.
The little details like the seagulls really make it IMO.

On the downside, I think it’s suffered from being a little too far away and heavily cropped or maybe John's got it right with the JPeg compression issue. Either way you seem to have lost some of the picture quality and I can’t make out the details like the people in the boat. It’s a shame because it has the makings of a stunning shot – and I really would like to be able to see more of it more clearly.
Hmmm, don't really get the people theme with the fishing boat. At this size/quality I can't make out any people. :shrug:
I haven't got very good lenes so I have to make the best out of them, the boat was miles away. This week entry came up our lane this morning and the photo was taken through the window with a Panasonic, its a gigantic crane which is carrying girders to a house next door, the lane is very narrow and the people are watching all the bt and electric cables.

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That's a much better quality picture Shirley, and looking at the file size, compared to last weeks, it's twice the size, so has had less compression applied to it.

The picture itself. I like it, The crane is clearly mechanical so on theme, and it's good to have the context of the scene. Shooting through windows causes a loss of contrast, it's easily solved by boosting the contrast in PP. It's a small thing, but it's a shame the top of the crane has been lost, I don't know the camera, and the lens focal length isn't included in the exif. If the lens was at it's widest, than a portrait shot would have included all the crane.
The camera was Panasonic DMC-FZ18 and I put it on Mode Architecture. I did do a portrait and it was better had I actually looked at it this morning. There wasn't much time to do anything except grab the compact.


I could have used this photo as the 'people' challenge--- must get out more but if I hadn't been doing my ironing maybe I wouldn't have seen it.
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Catch up...

Liking Mechanical, it's busy and has lots to hold my attention... I find myself looking for good bits... the trees, the watchers, the guiding and pushing people, the crane itself, the fence... and on and on!

People, yup, me too struggling but it's an attempt at a difficult shot and you never know unless you go for it. A great image for colours but...

Speed, love the first one, like the edit even more - a beautiful dog you have there. I have to say though that our dog is not allowed on the furniture ever - and yet yours has a special naughty one!

I like this one - interesting shapes and colours, lots to look at. The edit is much better. (y)
(y) the portrait shot is much better, nice bit of PP to remove the glass too.
Second mechanical is much better. The colours are more vivid and you've got back the contrast you lost in the first.
Second one for me too. They should be wearing hard hats & reflective jackets too!
The second mechanical shot is definitely the better one contrast, colour and composition are very good.
:thinking: ironing or photography?
I don't blame you for dropping the iron and grabbing the camera instead :D

Second for me too Shirley.
It's just cleaner and crisper. Could maybe still do with a touch more contrast for my taste, but it's a lot better than the first.
Lots going on to draw your attention, I keep going back and looking at it again.

Compositionally it's very close, but I'd like a bit more space to the left to get all of that fence in and I think you could have afforded to lose a bit off the right to accomodate that.

Nice spot though - and perfect for the theme (y)
I tried all sorts of ball games with my young cat and it was:bang: so I turned to my dog Rosy and it was pretty much the same, to-day we had one final go in the garden. Get ready, catch, missed and Sooty went because he was bored




Mechanical: Yes, I vote for the second version, too, and agree it could still stand a little more oomph to make the most of that blue. I hope it got to it's destination safely. Did you get the ironing finished as well? :D

Play: We had similar (ie, difficult-to-impossible) ideas on this one. :LOL:

The second shot made me laugh, the tail disappearing from the frame in #4 is oh-so-familiar with one of my dogs, and the finale with Sooty walking off the set is classic cat. :D Rosy looks as though she's enjoying the game and the first one's caught her nicely in action. :)

Thanks Jean, the crane got the girders next door and there's another lot of ironing I've left on the line to-night, never ending. Sooty is on my Dads bed and Rosy's waitng for her last biscuits before bed. I wonder one is for week 10.
2,4 & 5 are good comical images, made me chuckle. Three is the pick for the theme I think just a shame the paws are cut off and it's a little straight on with everything in the middle, but good try at grabbing shots of difficult subjects :)
#3 for me too, the concentration on the ball is intense.

Technically and photographically it just has to be No.3.
You've caught the ball in motion and a great expression on Rosy's face. It can't have been easy and I don't even want to think how many attempts it took to get that right, but it was worth it (y)
I'd love to see that one posted on its own - it's getting a little bit lost with the ones above and below it and it definitely deserves pride of place in its own post.

Having said that. No.2 and No.4 really did make me laugh.
That's how 99% of my dog photos turn out :LOL:
And No.5 with Sooty stalking off in true cat fashion tells a story all on its own.
#3 takes it for the theme... lovely expression on Rosy... well done for getting it. It can't have been easy... #2 made me laugh :LOL: as for the cat... sounds familiar, when ours can be bothered that is.