Most popular photo - Latest photo

Most popular with 39,386 views although it's pretty boring, taken on a compact, and doesn't deserve it.


Most recent:

I like the Swan.
"Tower to Swan your in ground effect. Power, POWER, PULL UP! *&$£^^£&£^".:puke:
A bit OT but since this is a Flickr discussion I thought it might be ok, but how do people get so many views on Flickr? I've had my account a few months now but no one has visited it.. Is there a way to get it seen by more people just browsing? Obviously I can post pics up here but I'm more interested in having people randomly stumbling on things :)
A bit OT but since this is a Flickr discussion I thought it might be ok, but how do people get so many views on Flickr? I've had my account a few months now but no one has visited it.. Is there a way to get it seen by more people just browsing? Obviously I can post pics up here but I'm more interested in having people randomly stumbling on things :)

Add tags so searches will pick them up and post to groups.
This is my effort to ensure the quality is kept reassuringly average so people feel they can contribute too, after such great shots posted earlier...:LOL:

Most popular, 10x times as many views as any other, and I have no idea why this particular shot got picked-up on by so many people...

Just another day at the office by FTS Photography, on Flickr

Most recent - what happens when you play with silly colour effects on a 30-year old prime...

Some days, Photography is just Pants... by FTS Photography, on Flickr
Most popular at 281 views (guess there are lots of train spotters on Flickr :shrug: )

And most recend (I was bored :) )

Mine from Flickr.

Most viewed, with a whopping 207 views. :LOL:
Gareth McGrillen, front man of the band 'Pendulum'.

And the latest, but by no means recent......
Most Recent and my first attempt at long day time exposure, pitty about the boat masts:-


My most viewed photo on Flickr after making explore:-


but this beats it by nearly 100 views also after making explore, please put volume on to watch:-

Thanks Lee Harrison

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Most popular (317 views, 15 comments, 14 favourites)




Both from the same set taken a week or so ago. Im in the strange situation where you take a couple of shots, post them in a load of groups and all of a sudden they catch and people wont stop viewing them. My most popular shot overtook my last popular one within 4 days of uploading it (had my last most pop for about 4 months).

Some awesome shots in here as well, nice one all :)
Most popular 1672 views (actually hate this photo now)


Latest a quick selfie to use my new D700 as I hadn't had a chance to get out with it yet.

Most viewed (with a mighty 214 :D):

And most recent:
