Most popular photo - Latest photo


both most popular and most recent, havent been on deviant art long though
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From Flickr, my most popular, in terms of views i am actually quite embarrassed about, as it is a terrible shot. 290 views, just the most viewed because it's been up for a couple of years.

DJ and MC Oxide & Neutrino.

Most popular, in terms of interetingness, however that is calculated?

And my most recent upload.
Most popular according to my "interestingness" on Flickr;

Sad Phantom by cw318is, on Flickr

And most recent (a shockingly bad shot but with BBD destroyed it was not like I was going to ever get a better shot)

Big Beautiful Doll by cw318is, on Flickr

Haven't really got into deviantart yet, worth a look?
There are so many ridiculously good shots in this thread, oviously some very talented people on here :clap:

Here's both my most recent, and most viewed pic, with a staggering 4 views. . .:tumbleweed: :help:

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Most popular in terms of views, might have had something to do with the fact it was a flickr meetup..


The latest, one of my many, many Kingstonian match photos...
