My 52 - Updated *Week 30 - Colour*

Thanks guys. Think this is 'the' entry for me this week. Totally forgot I was working this weekend[woops] and will have no internet connection there. And have no time tomorrow to try and get something done. Booo.

Dark Star....I always get annoyed the second after I upload pics cos I realised I have made SUCH a tight crop. :bang:
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What a lovely picture of your dog :) The brown and the orange together are fantastic, and the picture is pin sharp with a lovely blurry background. Love it! (y)
Spot on theme with this one (y) Colours are great, DoF is great, composition just needs that little bit extra space at the top which would have made it a fantastic dog portrait :clap::clap:
Take 2 - I appear to have gone shopping today and bought clothes[and hair dye, but I'll save u a picture of THAT monstrostiy[bleugh, not in a spelling mood!]

So here is Colour, Take twoooooooooo[prefer the first shot, still, though!]
Yeah, I prefer the first one too :) The orange bone just grabs your attention so well that it works well for me. And it's a beautiful photo too. Personally I don't mind the tight crop on top, I think it suits this picture. It sets the dogs eyes high and leads you out of the photograph. Well done!
I think that the second shot says "colour" to me more clearly, but No.1 is the far better photograph IMO.

Is that Ozzy again?
All I can say is "WOW!"
I think it's your best animal photograph to date. I'd also like a tad more space above his head just to finish it off perfectly, but when I look at the rest of the picture that really doesn't matter.
The colours in his coat and eyes are spot on and I love the bit of movement where the wind is ruffling his fur.

Was the choice of an orange toy deliberate or just good luck?
Either way it's just the right tone to compliment the rich browns in the rest of the photograph.
A big (y) on this one.
Thanks guys :) it is ozzy, yes. Love him so much! The choice of toy is chance. As are almost all the photos i take at the rescue. I just *click* and have fun, lol
What can I say that's not been said before, that first shot is soooo close to being perfect, just tad more head room...but all the same that's a really good shot and one to be proud of...:clap::clap::clap:
You really are getting to grips with your photography and I can tell your enjoying it now...brilliant...:clap:
That's not to say your second shot wasn't any good and fitted the theme better, but I'd still go for the first one everytime...(y)
The second shot, fits the theme better, but it lacks something, that the first shot of Ozzy has by the barrowload. It's gotta be the shot of Ozzy, and I hadn't noticed the tight crop till it was mentioned, as I'm drawn to the face and toy so much. :clap:
Love the dog excellent shot (y)

The t shirts are greats colours but tbh the composition doesnt do much for me, maybe if you had lost the space around them :D
Sorry guys, just to say not sure I'm gonna get anything in on time for this[maybe even at all] this week. Work this week has been proving pretty what with their being a puppy, and I'm having to spend today[the same as I did yest] looking for my client's cat, too cos he's decided to disappear - and never strays for more than 3hours, usually. :(
Will try and get something in, though.
Catch up time. Highlight - Superb. Fun, smashing shot of the dogs playing but that kitten shot is simply stunning! Easy - very ingenious. Colour - HAS to be your gorgeous dog over the t-shirts, lovely shot.
Another vote for the first colour shot, the orange bone conveys the theme perfectly and well it's just better. (y)