My Competition Year.


Bo Derek
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So this year, I'm back at my camera club. Last year was the first year back for the club itself, post Covid but I only started back at the start of this session in September. The club I go to is Kilmaurs Photographic Club.

I realise that clubs and competitions are not everbody's cup of tea and I respect that but I enjoy the banter, and bouncing ideas etc as well as competing. There are one or two world class photographers at Kilmaurs and I regard them as peers that have given me something to aim for and also, competitions give me a way of showing my work to a varied audience as some of my images go into inter club and national competitions too. Some images from the club go international.

There will be 4 competions this year, 2 Opens, a themed competition and what is known as the Annual, where any images from the year can be used or fresh ones as well. The first 'Open' competition of the year is upon us, it has been judged for the last 3 weeks and the results will be announced on Monday, 7th November. This will be my first competition in over 3 years, due to Covid mainly. I used to regularly score in the region of 17 or 18, out of 20, some as low as 14 but the odd 19 too. So far, I've never scored a 20 in my time at Kilmaurs, although I've had the odd 19. I've had the odd 20 externally.

This thread isn't about the 'rights or wrongs' of clubs, it's just to document how I do over the coming year. (y)

I hope you enjoy following my progress. :)

My first 3 entries in the first Open are these,

Aonach Eagach Abstract Reflection,

TP 1.jpg

Loch Rusky Boats Reflection,

TP 2.jpg

Toby, Greenwing Macaw.

TP 3.jpg

I will update the thread with images and scores as the year progresses.

Thanks for looking. :)
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Well, here we go, not long to wait as tonight is the night.

From 7-30 to about 10PM is results time.

I'll update tomorrow (maybe) . ;)
Best of luck with your shots (really like Toby) my camera club started to meet again 2 weeks ago and the competitions restarted although I don't like them
but as you say a good place to bounce ideas etc about.
Well, here we go, not long to wait as tonight is the night.

From 7-30 to about 10PM is results time.

I'll update tomorrow (maybe) . ;)
Good luck (y)
Best of luck with your shots (really like Toby) my camera club started to meet again 2 weeks ago and the competitions restarted although I don't like them
but as you say a good place to bounce ideas etc about.


Good luck (y)

Thank you.

Well, it didn't quite go to plan. I did OK but thought I might've done better.

Aonach Eagach scored 17 pts,

Loch Rusky Boats scored 15 pts,

Toby scored 17 pts.

I thought Toby might've done better, I think it was the strongest of the 3 images. Aonach Eagach is a Marmite image but it did ok.

The one that really suprised me though was the boats, I thought it was stronger than a 15. That's how it goes though and it's always going to be a case of subjectiveness in these competitions. The judge was clear about that too to be fair to him.

A little disappointed? Yes, maybe a little but it's character building too. I reminded myself that I'm a little rusty too, not in image production but in image selection. I'm also up against some strong photographers, one or two are up there with the best in the country, they're that good.

So, I have a slightly stronger character this morning and I will only double down and try to improve, I won't be put off. Onwards to the next competiton now, the hand in was yesterday and the results of that will be announced on the 28th November. It's a themed competition and I have chosen the 'Nature' section. I have entered 3 DPIs and I will share those closer to the time.

Thanks for looking.

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Just had a look through some of the galleries on your club's site - amazing that Bill Stitt and Robin Patrick took almost identical shots of a red arrow. They look like shots taken from another aircraft, too - that must have been some club outing!

I think your photos - and the photos in the galleries - are of exceptional quality. As you've said, the thread isn't about the merits or otherwise of competitions, but (to me) it certainly does beg the question as to what areas you feel the need to double down and improve on? I'd love to know where you feel your work needs some work, as it were.

Camera Club judges can be a fickle bunch ;) On another day, your scores would be totally different.

I once had a vegan judge, score me super low for a pic of a burger. "Why would anyone want to take a photograph of dead cooked meat" o_O
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Just had a look through some of the galleries on your club's site - amazing that Bill Stitt and Robin Patrick took almost identical shots of a red arrow. They look like shots taken from another aircraft, too - that must have been some club outing!

I think your photos - and the photos in the galleries - are of exceptional quality. As you've said, the thread isn't about the merits or otherwise of competitions, but (to me) it certainly does beg the question as to what areas you feel the need to double down and improve on? I'd love to know where you feel your work needs some work, as it were.


Thanks. :)

Bill and Robin (they're buddies) were probably stood next to each other for that very similar shot and probably at the Ayr Airshow or possibly Prestwick Airport, where the show aircraft spend the night and sometimes show off or practice over the airfield, where you can get an elavated angle, not at the same level as the aircraft passing but higher than a normal ground level shot.

'Doubling down' well that means more that I won't get discouraged. I'd expected better last night from my images and it would be easy to take it to heart but I won't, I will keep going/trying. I've learned to be thick skinned and take the rough with the smooth and not to take it too seriously.

The areas I think I could improve on are in the details, they seem to make all the difference, sharpness in particular. One detail I missed last night was on the boats and a loss of detail in one of them (the LHS one) due to the high key processing, it's things like that that gets points knocked off make the difference. I like that one high key though and I will keep it that way. (y)

I also think I could improve my image selection, I have difficulty seperating my personal connections to my own images. I love Kingfishers and a few of my entries this year will be of Kingfishers. I have tons of images that I could use though, especially at the moment as I'd not been to club or been in a competition for 3 years, due mainly to Covid but I was still bagging images.

You're right about the quality of the images by some members at the club, it's a very high standard and some folk go on to national and occasionally, international level. :clap:

Camera Club judges can be a fickle bunch ;) On another day, your scores would be totally different.

I once had a vegan judge, score me super low for a pic of a burger. "Why would anyone want to take a photograph of dead cooked meat" o_O


I could tell you some stories about some comments I've heard over the years, that's for sure. :LOL:
Three cracking images, you were robbed with Toby, would have got a 20 from me every day of the week. Gorgeous lighting. I look forward to seeing you next set of entries.
Three cracking images, you were robbed with Toby, would have got a 20 from me every day of the week. Gorgeous lighting. I look forward to seeing you next set of entries.

Thank you.

Toby was picked today by the club for an external competition later in the year.
Just like that, the second competition of the year is upon us. This one is an internal competition and counts towards the league. There are 3 set themes and this year, they are,

1, Landscapes,
2. Nature,
3, Close Up.

I went for 'Nature', no suprises there.

The hand in for this one was 3 weeks ago and I could've entered 3 colour prints, 3 mono prints and 3 DPIs. I have only entered DPIs, I may get into printing later this year or next, we'll see. It is being judged by an external, affiliated judge.

The results will be announced tomorrow night, Monday, 28/11/22.

Here are my entries....I'm regretting entering the Puffin, I don't think it will do very well. I'm a bit happier with the other 2, we'll see if the judge agrees.






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Well, had my best night ever at Kilmaurs.

My Siskin appeared early and scored a 17, it got marked down for being a bird on a stick, some judges love them others, well give them 17s. :rolleyes: :LOL:

When the Siskin appeared early, I thought, 'here we go'.

As the night went on, my anticipation grew and then the judge announced, we're onto the top images now and at this point, there's usually 5 or 6 images left, so I knew I was on for 2x 18's at least. I couldn't believe it when my Kingfisher got a 19, and I was really suprised, when the judge said, 'now for the winner' and it was my Puffin, an image I didn't think was that strong. It won the DPI section.

So my first 20, in almost 10 years of trying, hopefully not that long until the next one.
Very well done Dale.
None are easy images to capture.

Going back to last year's, the boats is the winner by far IMO.

Good luck with the rest of this year.
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Your images, in both competitions, are stunning. The Puffin was a deserving winner, but for me the boats in the first was also. Crikey!
Very well done Dale.
None are easy images to capture.

Going back to last year's, the boats is the winner by far IMO.

Good luck with the rest of this year.

Cheers Peter. (y)
Your images, in both competitions, are stunning. The Puffin was a deserving winner, but for me the boats in the first was also. Crikey!

Thanks Lindsay. I love the boats too, that was a blow to get 15. It does build character though.
Here we go, the hand in for the second open competition is upon us, it's Monday. I actually woke with a start this morning when that penny dropped. :runaway:

So I will be prepping images today, if my PC behaves, I have 2 almost certain entries and I have to pick another, as once again, I am only entering the DPI section, so only 3 images.

The competition itself will be in 3 weeks time and I will show off my images just before that, then update with the results.
good luck
I have to agree with others, the boats on the loch picture is a cracker, that said I am not a clubs person so don't know what the judge was looking for.

I may have missed the translation earlier if so sorry for asking silly questions, but what does the DPI section stand for?
I have to agree with others, the boats on the loch picture is a cracker, that said I am not a clubs person so don't know what the judge was looking for.

I may have missed the translation earlier if so sorry for asking silly questions, but what does the DPI section stand for?

Thanks, it's an image I love too, it was an epic morning.

DPI means 'Digital Projected Image'. We can also enter 3 colour prints and 3 mono prints on top of the DPIs but I'm not in a position to be producing prints at the moment.
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I have only just seen this thread, Dale, and as a fellow member of a photography club, I find it really interesting!

First of all, your images are stunning :clap::clap: Secondly, I just wanted to say that several of your comments struck a chord with me as I entered a similar-ish high-key image of a boat on still water in our competition last night and it also scored 15, which was disappointing as I liked it and rated it as my best of the night. But, as you say, judging is very subjective and another may like it :)

Your comments about the challenge of image selection and personal attachment to our images are very true indeed and definitely part of the challenge of entering competitions Likewise, the need to grow a thick skin and get ready to do it again. As you say, clubs are not for everyone but I enjoy the banter and the chance to meet up with like-minded folk and enjoy their work.

Well done on your success in the last competition and good luck in the next one!
I have only just seen this thread, Dale, and as a fellow member of a photography club, I find it really interesting!

First of all, your images are stunning :clap::clap: Secondly, I just wanted to say that several of your comments struck a chord with me as I entered a similar-ish high-key image of a boat on still water in our competition last night and it also scored 15, which was disappointing as I liked it and rated it as my best of the night. But, as you say, judging is very subjective and another may like it :)

Your comments about the challenge of image selection and personal attachment to our images are very true indeed and definitely part of the challenge of entering competitions Likewise, the need to grow a thick skin and get ready to do it again. As you say, clubs are not for everyone but I enjoy the banter and the chance to meet up with like-minded folk and enjoy their work.

Well done on your success in the last competition and good luck in the next one!

Cheers Andrea.
Three absolutely smashing shots, I love the simplicity of the Wren on the Bullrush. :clap:
Results are in......

Red Squirrel, 17/20 pts,
Puffin, 19 pts, 2nd place DPI s,
Wren, 20 pts, DPI winner and overall winning image of the night out of all 3 categories, (colour prints, mono prints, DPIs).

My first trophy at Kilmaurs.

I'm stunned, I'm going to sit down now. o_O
Results are in......

Red Squirrel, 17/20 pts,
Puffin, 19 pts, 2nd place DPI s,
Wren, 20 pts, DPI winner and overall winning image of the night out of all 3 categories, (colour prints, mono prints, DPIs).

My first trophy at Kilmaurs.

I'm stunned, I'm going to sit down now. o_O
Brilliant Dale congratulations (y)
Wren, 20 pts, DPI winner and overall winning image of the night out of all 3 categories, (colour prints, mono prints, DPIs).
Congratulations, I never doubted it. ;)
Results are in......

Red Squirrel, 17/20 pts,
Puffin, 19 pts, 2nd place DPI s,
Wren, 20 pts, DPI winner and overall winning image of the night out of all 3 categories, (colour prints, mono prints, DPIs).

My first trophy at Kilmaurs.

I'm stunned, I'm going to sit down now. o_O
Well done Dale.
Well deserved.....
Well done Dale, and well deserved. These are really classy images, beautifully executed.
Brilliant Dale congratulations (y)

Very well deserved!

Nice one Dale (y) Congratulations :):)

Congratulations, I never doubted it. ;)

Well done Dale.
Well deserved.....

Well done Dale, and well deserved. These are really classy images, beautifully executed.

Thanks chaps. I'm still in disbelief :eek:.......................but the trophy is still here this morning, it really did happen. :facepalm:
I enter my Club competitions as well as national and international salons. When posting your good images in isolation and reporting a score of say 17, it means little because we cannot see what you were competing against. I was always in the second echelon in my club but could win enough to gain trophies regularly as there were only 2 members in the first echelon. However, in recent years we have had new members who have swiftly moved into the first echelon so competing is tough. However, giving marks out of 20 went out of fashion in the Midlands of England over 20 years ago though it is still used for our local and international inter-club competitions. I particularly like your Puffins having first photographed Puffins last summer but could not get as close as you.

Great images, Dale. Well done on the scoring (y)
Wow you're images are amazing.

I wouldn't worry about your scoring as your pictures are absolutely stunning. They are something someone like me, very new to photography wants to aspire to be able to achieve.
I showed the wife also and we both think the boat image is a favourite.
I enter my Club competitions as well as national and international salons. When posting your good images in isolation and reporting a score of say 17, it means little because we cannot see what you were competing against. I was always in the second echelon in my club but could win enough to gain trophies regularly as there were only 2 members in the first echelon. However, in recent years we have had new members who have swiftly moved into the first echelon so competing is tough. However, giving marks out of 20 went out of fashion in the Midlands of England over 20 years ago though it is still used for our local and international inter-club competitions. I particularly like your Puffins having first photographed Puffins last summer but could not get as close as you.


Well done Dale - beautiful images!

Great images, Dale. Well done on the scoring (y)

Wow you're images are amazing.

I wouldn't worry about your scoring as your pictures are absolutely stunning. They are something someone like me, very new to photography wants to aspire to be able to achieve.
I showed the wife also and we both think the boat image is a favourite.

Cheers all.