Namllihs' 52 (Art.)

Missed your last weeks Steve, really liking your portrait shot, different from any other entry and really original.

Not too sure about your produce shot, it is a touch cluttered but think it is the flash bouncing off the pumpkin which is slightly disctracting, wonder whether a bit of dodge and burn in PS might help the image.

Good effort
I really like your candid shot - as others have said, just like an impressionist painting. The colours are very harmonious and you have captured a really good pose - well spotted!

Produce - you have caught the colours and textures of the pumpkin nicely, but as you say it is very difficult to get the composition right in such circumstances.
You had no control over the clutter, as you say, but you've made the most of the exuberant colours and texture. I quite like the light on the pumpkin slice - it makes it look juicy! The hessian texture is an excellent contrast to it.

I think it would work with some cropping - hard crop on the left to get rid of the white sign (and come of the pumpkin slice) and a small crop at the top to reduce the amount of blue plastic. :)

Great produce shot :clap: I don't think the clutter detracts at all - for me the different textures and colours make it a really interesting shot.
It's a little cluttered but it works, and the lighting and colour are really good Steve, it fits the theme.
Great colours in that one, I like the way that the lighting's worked and there's some great texture in the pumpkin and seeds.
But I'm afraid that the background is a bit off-putting for me . . . I really like the idea of Jean's suggested crop I think that would help loads.
Thanks all.

I am a little late with this weeks effort (Quad), but here goes.

QUAD in American sign language, I'm just hoping I got the letters in the correct order :)

Thanks all.

I am a little late with this weeks effort (Quad), but here goes.

It must be something to do with the bank holiday - a lot of us seem to have been a bit late this week. . . and just wait until you try to finish this off at Christmas! :LOL:

And it was worth waiting for. It's a really well thought out shot.
Love the black background and the hands are perfectly crisp and clear.
I'm not sure whether it's my monitor, but the hands do look a little overexposed on my screen though :thinking:
Great minds think alike Steve.

I had the same idea as you and also did an attempt at sign language but ended up opting for hands spelling out letters as normal.

Agree that the hands look slightly blown out but a nice effort.

Wonder if seperating the hands into seperate photos would enhance the image? I did so but has different colours for each letter so didnt really have much choice.

Well done!
Thank you all for your comments.
I may set this up again and try with a bit of -ve FEC to counter the over exposure.
A great idea, well thought out, and very well implemented (y)
Thanks all.

I am a little late with this weeks effort (Quad), but here goes.

QUAD in American sign language, I'm just hoping I got the letters in the correct order :)


Very clever. Light is a bit harsh, but works okay. :)
This weeks topic got me thinking, but the idea I came up with meant a lot of PS work if I used thr DSLR so I copped out and used the web cam on my netbook.

Wow !!!
That's a really imaginative take on this week's theme. I don't mind admitting that I struggled with this one - couldn't get past new plant shoots in the garden.

For a webcam pic that actually looks really good quality and it definitely fits this week's theme.
(y) for thinking outside of the box for both the shot and the method of pulling it off.
:agree: with Sarah, that's worked very well Steve
It is a nice idea and a good effort Steve.

Shame you couldnt do the same shot with your dslr on timer, that would have obviously given a better quality shot to allow using a larger image with the gun crosshairs a little smaller.
Thanks Sarah, John, Dan & Michelle.
If I can get this weeks image sorted out, I may give this another go with the DSLR
This weeks theme was harder than it first seemed, so I went for the fairly obvious.

playing a bit of catchup on your thread,

Quad is an excellent idea and well executed, whats the difference between US and UK signing?
Shoot again is a neat idea, it does look like one of those things a dog wears after an operation though:LOL:
Single, not really for me this one, its a difficult thing to take but i think it would be better in context with other record gear and a player.
Cheers, Unfortunately I have hundreds of singles and LPs but no record player, but I do think I need to retry this one somehow.
I think thats before my time, so i'll believe you that its a single. good take on the theme!
I think thats before my time, so i'll believe you that its a single.

Now that's one way to make me feel really old! :eek:

It's a very good take on the theme. I had another mental block this week and couldn't think of anything for single other than "one of something" :shrug:
Wish I'd thought of this.

The colour combination of white, black and red is very strong but as an image it's lacking something for me.
I think it would benefit from playing around with some different angles and DoF, but as a concept it's definitely got potential.
Thanks for the comments, I think I need to show some more detail in the record face i.e. the grooves. maybe I can get a little closer and angle the flash differently.
Good idea for this weeks theme the shot just needs a bit more interest in it for me
am with the others on this.. great vivid colours and nice and crisp but looks a tad flat, be interesting to see if you try something else with it :)
Still not quite what I was after but a different take on the same subject with a macro lens.

Steve, the first shot was on theme, but lacking in something... that new one works so much better. For those of us that remember, we know that's a single, and the close in view and angle has really bought the textures and detail out (along with all the dust that these things were great at collecting :D) Love the colour too.
The second version of single is much stronger. Great composition and the lighting picks up all the detail in the single. It really grabs your attention much more than the first version.

I was going to say the first single needed a different angle and lighting. And then you came up with the second version which is a much more interesting angle and crop for those of us that remember vinyl. You've caught the colour and details well here. Very nicely done :clap:
Thanks John, Andy and Darren As I said it is still not the shot I see in my head but it will have to do for now.
This guy stared at me all the way from when I put the camera to my eye to when he passed, he was running 2nd in a 20 mile road race at the time.
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Excellent take on Shoot! Well pp'd :)

Your 2nd Single shot is spot on......I too have lots of records but no player :(

Stare amuses me :) very well captured but I'd love to know what he was thinking!