Nifty 50mm on tour?

how did you get on with the nikon people mattyH?
Hi all, I'm back from New York with the Canon nifty fifty and an overwhelming number of raw images. Still slightly jetlagged, but will post some up in due course. I'll just say for now, NYC is amazing!!
Welcome back, mac. Looking forward to your harvest. Have you guys thought about a kind of a 'format' for reporting here on the niftyfifty's travels and travails? Do you aim to post a half dozen great shots of any one trip, or dozens of exposures in a slideshow. Like a photographic essay. And while talking about photographic essays, how about collecting all of those shots as high-res files, in a central location. Then make a coffee table book: the nifty fifty on tour, subtitle: the first 12 months.
So I've got the lens at the moment. How do we post pics on the website? Fill in the blog and link to the pics or upload them somehow?
oooo all very pro....i like this.....anyone get anywhere with nikon?
email them to me :D

Infact I'll set up a new email address for submissions... 2 mins :exit:

EDIT: Send pics to: submit [at]

Ta - we had a model shoot last night so I used it a bit. Pics later :)
That was 2 days ago! The suspense is killing me! Where can we see them matty?
Matty, no offense meant, but checking this thread you have stated a number of times that you couldn't do this or that because you are busy working or doing other stuff. It is always 'mañana, mañana'. That has happened at every occasion that this came up in this thread. That's OK of course: first things first, but realistically it also makes you unsuitable to manage the NFonTour collection. It simply takes too long. It looks like you've bitten off more than you can chew.

While I, and I'm sure everybody here, appreciate your intent, we also have to conclude that it really doesn't work...

Imo it would be better if the NF's whereabouts, and the resulting photo collection, was managed by somebody else. Actually, for security's sake, by TWO somebodies else (mirrored collections).

To be sure: I am not volunteering, as I cannot guarantee I can spend the time that this project and its participants deserve.

So my question is:
who can take over from Matty? Coordinating the NF's whereabouts, and managing the resulting photo collection (posting them here and on Google Earth, and possibly creating slideshows and (a) coffee table book(s) down the line). And who is prepared to take on the number 2 responsibility, and be the backup, the mirror?

Because if this project continues as is, I predict it will very soon die in beauty...
So you want to get rid of the whole thing right away? I understand. OK, so let's do it straight away: please send the photos you collected sofar through to your own eMail address. You will receive a link in your mailbox. Post that link in a PM to me here, please. I will collect and store them (for 3 months, tops!) until someone volunteers to really, actively, manage the collection.
Got 'm. Thanks.

OK, you guys, I am now the temporary recipient and storage of the NFonTour photo collection. Looking for a no. 2 mirror for security. Any volunteers?

If you want to send me NFonTour photos, then send me full-res originals please. They won't fit a mailbox, so you had better upload/'send' them to your own email address using You will then receive a link in your mailbox. Please PM me that link and we're all set.
Matty, no offense meant

Hang on, are you saying you've just taken over the organization of this tour? Sorry mate, but this was arranged before you were even on the forum. Mattyh agreed to sort out the site and is, as far as I can see, doing a good job of it.

Let's get the facts straight. The Nifty Fifty has been to one location so far. There are ten photos. (Not much of a collection yet). Mattyh got the photos three days ago and said he would put them up this afternoon. If it takes a few days, or even a few weeks to get the photos up, it's not a problem. This was meant to be a long-term thing. We have plenty of time.

I think for you to come along and tell Mattyh he's not doing his job properly is unnecessary and frankly quite offensive.
Hang on, are you saying you've just taken over the organization of this tour?

No 'mate', better read carefully: I took over the collection and storage TEMPORARILY, asked for a permanent volunteer (who will deliver), and a backup.
Also, I have already posted 'm, in 10 minutes, which is what Matty clearly had problems with.

If you find that 'offensive' then you're finding reality offensive. That's your problem, 'mate'.
Don't like it? Then be my guest and take over.
Matty, you didn't need to give it up :( You were doing a great job. So what if everything wasn't *instant*. People do have lives to lead, and we're all aware of that.
Personally, im another one with a "problem" at how you have tried to handle this situation, in that there WAS no situation in the first place, Mattyh was doing this for the good of the community, he had volunteered his own time, obviously money and effort into doing this and you jump in, say "No offence meant" as if that makes anything you say ok... and take over.

MattyH has a job, has other interested outside TP and at the end of the day there are no deadlines, so why the rush to get the photos online?

Sorry if you find my post seems rude, but, well... i find yours rude so mehh...

Personally id prefer it if MattyH would take control back over this project, and do things in his own time.... But, unfortunately, I expect he will be quite annoyed at this stage and wont be willing to... Darryn.
Guys, it's OK.

It was a previously banned member causing trouble. ;)
Now banned again.
okies sow hat is happening, the site had been removed ( understandably after that insulting piece of $%^& said what he did) but is Matty taking it back over a etc pr what. I agree witht he others, there is no mad rush its a long term project and one that to be honest is better having time taken over than rushed and messed up.
Come back Matty we need ya!
And i think in future if anyone is not happy they should really have a quiet nice word in PM?

Guy's/Girls, Chaps, Togs - (whatever the collective noun is)

I use Pbase, I find it useful, quick and easy & cheap.

I'm more than willing to pay the $23 for 500Mb of disk space (easily expandable) for these photo's if required and we can subdivide the area into Nikon & Canon, then into individual togs etc etc.

I have no limits on my work email so can easily accept photos, or we can have the password passed onto the current receipient of the lens so they can upload their own photo's.
im glad that the trouble maker has been banned, personally i thought everything was perfect the way it was. seemed to be working well, and also matty had only been given the photos a couple days earlier, and everyone has other commitments i.e. work, family...
i dont think anyone expected the photos to be shown within minutes of being passed over, these things take time.
its a shame if this stops now since a generous member lent the nifty fifty, come back matty.

just my opinion..
Guy's/Girls, Chaps, Togs - (whatever the collective noun is)

I use Pbase, I find it useful, quick and easy & cheap.

I'm more than willing to pay the $23 for 500Mb of disk space (easily expandable) for these photo's if required and we can subdivide the area into Nikon & Canon, then into individual togs etc etc.

I have no limits on my work email so can easily accept photos, or we can have the password passed onto the current receipient of the lens so they can upload their own photo's.

Byker, dond't pay for webspace, I have an account and can let you have the space free of charge if you want it, just pm me the url you want it for and I will set it up for you and let you have the ftp details :)
How about a Nifty Fifty on Tour section in the TP Gallery? That way anyone can upload what photos they take then :)
What a shame, I had just looked at the site this morning and was impressed with it. Hopefully when Matty has had had a read of the thread he'll be happy to take the job back on. Projects like this are long term and there's plenty of time to see the pictures.

Oh and well spotted and well banned Marcel(y)
How about a Nifty Fifty on Tour section in the TP Gallery? That way anyone can upload what photos they take then :)

awesome idea! have to say, the shots that have been put on so far are great, well done to those that took them :clap::clap:.
:love: I do love this place :)

I've calmed down now, will get the website back online tonight, but I'm sorry, any comments on the site will have gone now.

Sorry for getting so wound up, but thats just my nature :D

Will get everything operational and post the details tonight :)

Cheers for your support :D
Welcome back MattyH.. will look forward to seeing the site back/