Nifty 50mm on tour?

Some people are just objectionable by nature. ;)

I'll provide the hosting and the FTP'ing of images (easier than email) and you can redirect to the images should you like?

Give me a shout if you want a hand :)
I saw this thread earlier, but refrained from commenting straight away as I wanted to think it through. I'm glad mattyh has had a change of heart. I'm not disappointed the need to deal with Alfred.D has now been removed. FWIW I tend to agree with those who have said that this is a long term project without time limits.

I'm seriously impressed with the photos posted so far. Its clear the lens has been put to good use. And that makes me happy. So keep at it people. I look forward to more.
Byker, dond't pay for webspace, I have an account and can let you have the space free of charge if you want it, just pm me the url you want it for and I will set it up for you and let you have the ftp details :)

LOL - I have a couple of Gb space on their already - I was proposing a separate space.


Welcome back Matty. I've had a couple of 'busy' weeks, so can understand the pressures.

Oh and the lens is currently in Swindon. The portrait shots were my first ever studio shots, but as someone said it was a portrait lens :D

It's off to the Isle of Man on Friday.

P.S. Dunno what you'c done to the nifty50 site - but it's much quicker to load
Dunno mate, if it works then it's a miracle, anything else is a bonus ;)

For the most part, the site is back online now, with a new theme (feel free to suggest an alternate if you think a different one is better :) )

I'm temporarily hosting the photos in my photobucket account, but as soon as I've confirmed with LeeP that the FTP stuff is online, I'll transfer them to there and hopefully will be able to make them "clickable" for bigger images, as they're a bit small at the moment.

If anyone's got any suggestions, feel free I'm more than open to constructive crit :)

Again, just want to thank you all for your support. (last moment of softness, otherwise someone might take my man card away :D)
Aye, it's done matey.

Details as per earlier conversation :D

Got an image on there as a test, but ull see it when you login.
See - nothing is unsurmountable - Gotta love this forum :D

If you need backup space the offer of a pbase account is still open. £13 for 500Gb for a year is still cheap.

Cheers & thanks

Oh and you're all gits. I didn't think I needed another lens but I've added this lens or it's 1.4 brother to my purchase list :D
Wow, there's a whole lot of kindness on these forums. Glad I (recently) became a member of Talk Photography even if I have been a little quiet in the sidelines :)

I thought something was strange when Alfred D started railroading the show. MattyH, nice one for picking this back up again. Also, were you going to offer up your personal 50mm or were the Nikon folk still going for a collective purchase?

If you're still going to buy one I'd like to help rekindle the passion on this project (after the rude interruption) and match Superstat's kind offer and contribute £5 to the Nikon fund. Please let me know.

Loving the site and photos so far, what an awesome concept :D
Well my £5 is certainly forthcoming, please PM me where you'd like it sent to!
Why not start collecting? With the condition that if you don't get enough by a certain date it either goes to a charity of you choosing, or donate it to TalkPhotography itself. Just my 2p's worth :)
Hahaha, good point!. Well mark me down as being good for it, then if you get enough volunteers PM and collect. I'm sure you'll get a few more random acts of generosity on here since you've decided to take up the reigns again.

What's the theoretical total fund for the Nikon Nifty looking like now?
mattyh - the website's looking good. The photos are ace and all's looking well in the world. Kudos to you.
If you need some pictures taken in Canada then pop me a PM,.. I'll be more than willing to contribute.


Great stuff Matty :) the sites looking good. Is there a list of people/places the lens is going to? *edit* found it lol
Wow! I don't currently have the time to read all the above threads as my dinner is waiting but blimey...what a day I missed yesterday!

As far as i'm concerned there was no problem....Matty you legend!

Alfred goodbye!

Glad the nifty is back on track!

On another issue im going to start a side thread for the Nikon we can keep a running total on it....

And also matty i'm more than willing to help you with the website and uploading etc....I have used html and ftp before so should be able to lend a hand if its required....

TP rules!



Unbelievable...I'm in shock...
Hey, Just A Suggestion, But A Current Location On The Website Would Be Handy To Tell What Pics Coming Up, But Going Really Well, Well Done For The People Who Put Time, Money And Hard Work Into This. Some Good Pics And Looking Forward To What The Next Lot Will Be(y) Well Done Everyone!!
Hi all,

Just found this site today and think this is a fantastic idea and would love to take part. I know I'm new but promise to look after it and shall be lurking and posting here a lot more over the next few months - great site!

I will be in Iraq for four months after mid July this year so could take a few shots of something a little different perhaps anytime in that period.

I think it's in Berkshire right now. Headed to the Isle of Man after as far as I know :)
I dunno, I miss reading this thread for a few days and all hell breaks loose. I'm surprised no one could immediately smell the pile of rat poo festering in post 137. These admins, I dunno - amateurs ;)

Well done Matty. If you need help with anything you only have to ask. If host/space/bandwidth is ever a problem then just ask. I have ooodles of British server goodness available should it be needed for main or backup, short or long term. Young Bod can vouch for me :D

And can someone remove me from the list for Mallorca in June. The list is a little crowded around late June/early July when I'm away and, anyway, I've decided to hire an ikkle 1.2 jobbie :)
Hi guys

Ok got ontop of various requests and chasing up of dates missing.

Biker28i regarding its location and when he is planning to return with the lens
Moos3h as well regarding when he returns from NYC/Boston.
Added 6ftblonde to the list
And removed 2blue4u as requested.

Remember pm me with dates people :)

Websites looking good Mattyh

Managed to get admin access to the blog site from Mattyh. Had a play about what do you think?

The whole of April is free after a request to remove Moos3h

Anyone wants it for then pm me

OK, so the Lens is now free.
Next request to send to, otherwise I'll add some local shots