Nikon D750 & D780

Think I am going to pull the trigger! :)

However I have read that the 24-120 kit is a great choice (apart from distortion and vignetting).
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Although i purchased the D750 and 24-120 kit from Panamoz, i eventually ended up with the 24-70. Optically they're pretty much the same imo but the better build quality, weather sealing, f2.8 and the fact you could use it to kill anyone who ever tried to steal it were all big pluses for me. The biggest winner for me though was the fact it doesn't extend as you zoom. Well, it does but it is hidden by the hood.
could use it to kill anyone who ever tried to steal it were all big pluses for me

And take a photo of the corpse afterwards!
Has anyone decided on the 70-200 range with the D750 especially with its great low light performance. Do you go for the huge f2.8 or f4?
Has anyone decided on the 70-200 range with the D750 especially with its great low light performance. Do you go for the huge f2.8 or f4?
I use the f2.8 in the D750, I love the rendering and also like the extra subject isolation.
Has anyone decided on the 70-200 range with the D750 especially with its great low light performance. Do you go for the huge f2.8 or f4?
f4 is much lighter and cheaper - if you don't really need the extra stop get the f4 - much more practical to carry around.
f4 is much lighter and cheaper - if you don't really need the extra stop get the f4 - much more practical to carry around.
It is more practical, but what about the rendering such as colours, contrast, bokeh etc? This of course is personal, but shouldn't be overlooked IMO.
It is more practical, but what about the rendering such as colours, contrast, bokeh etc? This of course is personal, but shouldn't be overlooked IMO.
Those are all qualities I do not think I could compromise on. I'd better start saving!
Like the D610, the D750 raw files can handle bit of abuse in post processing,. Here's a not so extreme example of pp, but liked the way the file turned up.
Shot this inside the Basilica of Holy Blood in Bruges with the 24-85 VR at 5.6 and ISO 1100 handheld at 1/15 sec.

Before - as shot in camera

by Anirban Acharya, on Flickr


Basilica of the Holy Blood
by Anirban Acharya, on Flickr
@anibap amazing what detail is lurking in the shadows. Prefer the original though tbh. A lot more atmospheric and the lighting is just right. All in my opinion of course.
Agree David. I was just playing with pp to find out how much I can extract. I will do a more close to what I saw pp later. The inside was like most church bit dark and atmospheric.
Lovely shots Paul. 1 is too good.
Lovely shots Paul. 1 is too good.

Thanks matey.
Flip screen comes into its own, in times like this. I could never have captured this with my D700 without getting soaked.
A food pic. Prawns cooked inside tender coconut with a paste made of mustard, poppy seeds, soft kernel of coconut and chillies. This is a delicacy from Bengal in India.
This is something that cannot be ordered in any Indian or Bangladeshi restaurant in the UK.

Daab Chingri (prawn cooked inside tender coconut)
by Anirban Acharya, on Flickr
Haven't had the time I would like out with the 750 yet but managed one evening at my local Loch.

Knapps II by Chris Marr, on Flickr

Long weekend on Skye at the end of the week though, so hopefully it shall get some more use.
Lovely shot. Love the processing too, almost looks like a painting.
Just become the proud owner of a D750 :D

Now I just need to learn how to use it. My previous camera - a D5000 - I knew inside out. It's surprising how a camera by the same manufacturer can be so different. I'm looking forward to getting some photos in the same ball park as the ones I have seen in this thread :banana:
Shutter of one of my D750's failed rather spectacularly an hour into a wedding last week, not good considering its only 6 months old and I guess at less than 30k clicks!

Ouch. Seems like a few are having the odd issue with them. Since having the board replaced I've noticed that it freezes a little when viewing shots, almost a pause for 5 seconds occasionally. Anymore problems with mine and it's going back for a full replacement.