Nikon D750 & D780

I just want to make the leap to full frame. Most of my lenses are FX and I could use the extra width on my 24-70 quite often. I know there's not a lot else to be gained - maybe a stop or two more iso usability and shallower depth of field.
And very good reasons they are to upgrade ;)
I just want to make the leap to full frame. Most of my lenses are FX and I could use the extra width on my 24-70 quite often. I know there's not a lot else to be gained - maybe a stop or two more iso usability and shallower depth of field.
The beauty of the D750 is that it is made from chocolate so if theres an issue when it is delivered just snap a bit off and give it to her. They loves chocolate does wimmin.
The 18-105 isn't mine - its my lads but he wants my 16-85 in exchange (my D7200 is a kit box but bought as body only from LCE)
He also wants the 11-16 but that's not happening as he has a battered Siggy 10-20 (proper battered too - I had to melt a bit of the filter mount back on with a soldering iron)

Nope - I'll just have to keep my head down and not spend anything for a day or two.
David, saw your D750 up for sale...upgrading to D810 or ditching Nikon completely? :D
But then he'd not be able to shoot motorsports, crappy mirrorless AF-C :sneaky::whistle:

A buddy of mine had a pre production X-T2 to test via Fuji and I had loan of it for a while at an F1 meeting that we were both working at. You'll find that the X-T2 is well up to motor sport and a whole different ball game to other Fuji units.(y):)
are we taking bets,I'm going for an 810?
I'd be interested if he does as I've been contemplating one, but not sure if Id regret it or not. Wouldn't mind someone else making the jump first to get their thoughts.
I've been contemplating it more for the crop ability for my wildlife pics instead of maybe getting a crop body as a second body. My concerns with the D810 would be noise, colour rendition, lack of flippy screen and the grip/ergonomics.
A buddy of mine had a pre production X-T2 to test via Fuji and I had loan of it for a while at an F1 meeting that we were both working at. You'll find that the X-T2 is well up to motor sport and a whole different ball game to other Fuji units.(y):)
I've read that too, I was being facetious :p
I'd be interested if he does as I've been contemplating one, but not sure if Id regret it or not. Wouldn't mind someone else making the jump first to get their thoughts.
I've been contemplating it more for the crop ability for my wildlife pics instead of maybe getting a crop body as a second body. My concerns with the D810 would be noise, colour rendition, lack of flippy screen and the grip/ergonomics.
is the noise and colour worse than a D750 then?
A few shots from the sidelines of two friends wedding in Florida... Taken with the D750 and 35mm 1.4 Siggy ART.

Building up the courage to post them in the critique section ... :D:D:D



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Wow - lots of pages since I last visited :) That's the downside (and possibly the only one!) of going away for 3 weeks.

Well, I'm now in the process of importing my photos from said holiday and one of the first ones that jumps out at me (with almost no processing) is of us sailing into Venice just after sunrise. Everyone onboard was looking the other way and missed this little beauty...


I could easily pump up the saturation and sunrisey colours to make it have more of an impact, but I quite like the muted look.

Edited to add apology to @minnnt and other Siggy50 users - I somehow broke my camera and it insisted on shooting at f/11 rather than the obviously better f/1.4 ;)
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The boy was crabbing so I had a go at bif with the 70-200 2.8 down at padstow harbour.
Just a quick auto adjust in camera and a crop


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Wow - lots of pages since I last visited :) That's the downside (and possibly the only one!) of going away for 3 weeks.

Well, I'm now in the process of importing my photos from said holiday and one of the first ones that jumps out at me (with almost no processing) is of us sailing into Venice just after sunrise. Everyone onboard was looking the other way and missed this little beauty...


I could easily pump up the saturation and sunrisey colours to make it have more of an impact, but I quite like the muted look.

Edited to add apology to @minnnt and other Siggy50 users - I somehow broke my camera and it insisted on shooting at f/11 rather than the obviously better f/1.4 ;)
That's a cracking pic, great vantage point. You might want to clone out the dust spot in the top left though ;)
is the noise and colour worse than a D750 then?
For me the D750 has the most natural colours that Nikon have produced, but as with these things it's all personal. The D750 is better at noise handling which is probably most likely down to the larger pixels, I still think the D750 looks better even when the D810 has been downsampled, the D750 noise is finer and more pleasing. However, without shooting the D810 day to day it's difficult to say how much of these things actual impact on your images day to day, which is why I'd be interested to hear from somebody who's made the switch (y)
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That's a cracking pic, great vantage point. You might want to clone out the dust spot in the top left though ;)

Thanks and good spot (of a bad spot!) - I have over 1000 photos to sift through so haven't had much of a chance to do any particular processing other than an exposure lift where I've been using Highlight Priority metering. I'm starting to get through them more now and adding in a bit of quick tweaking and I should have seen that one!

It was an amazing way to arrive into Venice - such a different view of San Marco's. It was definitely worth the early wake up!
For me the D750 has the most natural colours that Nikon have produced, but as with these things it's all personal. The D750 is better at noise handling which is probably most likely down to the larger pixels, I still think the D750 looks better even when the D810 has been downsampled, the D750 noise is finer and more pleasing. However, without shooting the D810 day to day it's difficult to say how much of these things actual impact on your images day to day, which is why I'd be interested to hear from somebody who's made the switch (y)
We just need to wait for David to report in a bit then ;)
For me the D750 has the most natural colours that Nikon have produced, but as with these things it's all personal. The D750 is better at noise handling which is probably most likely down to the larger pixels, I still think the D750 looks better even when the D810 has been downsampled, the D750 noise is finer and more pleasing. However, without shooting the D810 day to day it's difficult to say how much of these things actual impact on your images day to day, which is why I'd be interested to hear from somebody who's made the switch (y)

I'd be interested if he does as I've been contemplating one, but not sure if Id regret it or not. Wouldn't mind someone else making the jump first to get their thoughts.
I've been contemplating it more for the crop ability for my wildlife pics instead of maybe getting a crop body as a second body. My concerns with the D810 would be noise, colour rendition, lack of flippy screen and the grip/ergonomics.

I made the switch, which was a bit of gas though rather than need. I wanted a D810 when I bought my previous three D750s but the price was just out of my range then.

What I prefer, the cropping ability, quieter shutter a lot better than the D750, you often mention the grip but I see no difference from the D750 and find it comfortable. For my bird photos I often run in 1.2 crop mode, so it's like having another camera. You can black out the outer crop mode which makes it easier for framing. I feel the focusing is better when using the group area AF over the D750, especially for BIF. Never used the flippy screen on the D750 so not a issue for me, if I wanted it for low work, I'd just use my tripod in macro mode.

Colour wise I find them about the same but the JPEG's are better from the D810, I remember when I first had the D750 how poor the JPEG's were compared to the XT1 I moved from. It's in the early part of this thread. Finally I find the the camera sharper as expected and for me the blacks seems to come out a lot better. As for Noise, I was a little disappointed at first but, looking back I cant see much of a difference over the D750 files, it was in my head.:eek:. You also gain a bit with the D810 with the ISO64 and the 1/8000 shutter speed.

In summary, I would be more than happy with a D750, but I do prefer my D810. I did have it up for sale due to some medical issues, but I have just bought a GX80 as a lightweight option and will keep the D810 for home use for the time being.

Hire one for a week and see how you feel, rather than reading IR, DXO and DPreview etc.....

Just a record shot and my first Kingfisher photo, but to give an idea of the cropping capabilities. Bird was about 100+ meteres away.

Original photo of KF, see the crop on next photos. by Swansea Jack, on Flickr

1st Kingfisher shot, very large crop though. by Swansea Jack, on Flickr
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I made the switch, which was a bit of gas though rather than need. I wanted a D810 when I bought my previous three D750s but the price was just out of my range then.

What I prefer, the cropping ability, quieter shutter a lot better than the D750, you often mention the grip but I see no difference from the D750 and find it comfortable. For my bird photos I often run in 1.2 crop mode, so it's like having another camera. You can black out the outer crop mode which makes it easier for framing. I feel the focusing is better when using the group area AF over the D750, especially for BIF. Never used the flippy screen on the D750 so not a issue for me, if I wanted it for low work, I'd just use my tripod in macro mode.

Colour wise I find them about the same but the JPEG's are better from the D810, I remember when I first had the D750 how poor the JPEG's were compared to the XT1 I moved from. It's in the early part of this thread. Finally I find the the camera sharper as expected and for me the blacks seems to come out a lot better. As for Noise, I was a little disappointed at first but, looking back I cant see much of a difference over the D750 files, it was in my head.:eek:. You also gain a bit with the D810 with the ISO64 and the 1/8000 shutter speed.

In summary, I would be more than happy with a D750, but I do prefer my D810. I did have it up for sale due to some medical issues, but I have just bought a GX80 as a lightweight option and will keep the D810 for home use for the time being.

Hire one for a week and see how you feel, rather than reading IR, DXO and DPreview etc.....

Just a record shot and my first Kingfisher photo, but to give an idea of the cropping capabilities. Bird was about 100+ meteres away.

Original photo of KF, see the crop on next photos. by Swansea Jack, on Flickr

1st Kingfisher shot, very large crop though. by Swansea Jack, on Flickr
Thanks for this, most useful. Impressive cropability.

I thought about hiring but at £80/day I'm very reluctant tbh. I don't think the noise thing is in your head tbh, every review I've seen says the D750 is better, but of course you'd expect that with the relative pixel size. The question is, how much I would actually notice it in day to day. It's rare that I shoot at 12800 ISO tbh so maybe I could 'put up with it' for the odd occasion that I do ;)

Nice to hear what you said re the AF system as again with most reviews I've seen suggest that the D750 was arguably the most accurate and reliable AF system Nikon had made, prior to the D5/D500 that is and I was concerned that the D810 might have been a step back. Again, it's interesting to hear what you said about the D810 grip, from memory I found that you needed a wider span similar to using the battery grip on the D750, and as my hand is fubar it may cause a bit of an issue. I'd obviously have to try it again, and it might not be as 'bad' as I remember. Maybe I was trying to find fault with the D810 as I couldn't afford it at the time :LOL:

I wonder if Nikon will be running a 'trade in bonus' anytime soon, last time I think you got £250 or £350 trade in bonus which would bring it pretty close to used prices :D

How do you find the shadow recovery compared to the D750, that's one thing I like about the D750, not having to bracket landscapes. I know the D810 has better DR but this doesn't necessarily automatically translate to better shadow recovery.
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My recent shoulder Arthroscopy and Subacromial Decompression along with elbow Ulnar Nerve transposition haven't been successful, from a recent MRI I have compression on my spinal cord (neck) so the shoulder doc has referred me to the Spinal Department. I also have arthritis in my hands and riddled throughout my body. I don't find the grip uncomfortable one bit, although using BBF my thumb can get painful if heavy use, but this is the same with D750's I owned. YMMV as were all physically different.

I have become a little more layed back in my approach to photography and try not to pixel peep to much these days and for me I have not come across an issue where the D810 has failed to perform. My fastest lens is a 50mm f1.4D lens but I don't shoot in low-light conditions very often so don't have a problem.

I have owned three D750's and IMO the AF is better in the D810 when using group area AF (5 point same as the D4S) compared to the 9 in the D750 and very rarely have issue with single point either. IIRC the D810 also shares the same metering module as the D4S which will aid with AF.

Shadow recovery is fine and not an issue I have had a problem with.

Physically I'm limited to my photography, plus I don't have the greatest lenses in the world, with your kit I think you would see a difference, shame you weren't closer you could have tried mine out.

You have a great camera, but like me you have an itch, when they did the last promotion of the £350 trade in bonus it was a no brainer for me. ( but I still lost a few quid on what I paid for my D750 and 300mm f4 lens). Just my man maths to Clare.:D

ISO 2000 Taken through glass back door.

Goldfinch. by Swansea Jack, on Flickr

Little Egret Junior by Swansea Jack, on Flickr

Dog in Flight DIF.

Hugo by Swansea Jack, on Flickr
Understanding all of the shoulder terminology you've used, I see why it's been hard. Aside from the camera I'm gutted for you that your surgery hasn't worked.

That said I love the pics you've posted. [emoji106]
My recent shoulder Arthroscopy and Subacromial Decompression along with elbow Ulnar Nerve transposition haven't been successful, from a recent MRI I have compression on my spinal cord (neck) so the shoulder doc has referred me to the Spinal Department. I also have arthritis in my hands and riddled throughout my body. I don't find the grip uncomfortable one bit, although using BBF my thumb can get painful if heavy use, but this is the same with D750's I owned. YMMV as were all physically different.

I have become a little more layed back in my approach to photography and try not to pixel peep to much these days and for me I have not come across an issue where the D810 has failed to perform. My fastest lens is a 50mm f1.4D lens but I don't shoot in low-light conditions very often so don't have a problem.

I have owned three D750's and IMO the AF is better in the D810 when using group area AF (5 point same as the D4S) compared to the 9 in the D750 and very rarely have issue with single point either. IIRC the D810 also shares the same metering module as the D4S which will aid with AF.

Shadow recovery is fine and not an issue I have had a problem with.

Physically I'm limited to my photography, plus I don't have the greatest lenses in the world, with your kit I think you would see a difference, shame you weren't closer you could have tried mine out.

You have a great camera, but like me you have an itch, when they did the last promotion of the £350 trade in bonus it was a no brainer for me. ( but I still lost a few quid on what I paid for my D750 and 300mm f4 lens). Just my man maths to Clare.:D

ISO 2000 Taken through glass back door.

Goldfinch. by Swansea Jack, on Flickr

Little Egret Junior by Swansea Jack, on Flickr

Dog in Flight DIF.

Hugo by Swansea Jack, on Flickr
Thanks again. Injury sounds similar to mine, although they're now thinking mine's a double crush as the most recent nerve conduction studies are showing 'issues' with the antebrachial cutaneous nerve as it branches off the brachial plexus. I've been reluctant to have surgery to date as my hands are my tools. The wonderful irony of this is that often I treat such conditions (conservatively), but have been unsuccessful on myself :rolleyes: ;) Sorry to hear your treatment has been unsuccessful to date :(

Back onto the camera ;) I very rarely use group AF tbh, single point 99% of the time. Yes, I believe the D810 has the same system as the D4s, the Multicam 3500fx, whereas the D750 has newer tweaked version the Multicam 3500FX-II. Whether this is better or not I don't know, I believe it sees in the dark better though. Isn't it rated to -3ev compared to -2ev on the D810? Not that I shoot in this much darkness anyway ;)

As for the D750, it is great, it's just with my recent issues I've lost a bit of faith tbh. I did have a knee jerk reaction of ditching Nikon altogether but I've got too much invested in it. Plus that was just me throwing the toys out the pram for a split second ;) I'd be interested to see how my camera is with f1.4 lenses now though o_O

Great pics btw (y)
Understanding all of the shoulder terminology you've used, I see why it's been hard. Aside from the camera I'm gutted for you that your surgery hasn't worked.

That said I love the pics you've posted. [emoji106]

Thanks Shaheed,

My BIL is a SN ODP, one of your sidekicks ;) so I get some of the terminology from him. This is the second op to the left, I have also had one to the right. They said I should have had instant relief from the ops for Ulnar, but as no improvement in arm, hand and little and wedding fingers they arranged the MRI. I have this nerve problem on both sides, the Ortho Doc said it looks as if I need further surgery, but wait and see what the Spinal Doc says, plus it's upto me.

I take it in my stride now and photography and this forum help me a lot with the boredom and take your mind of things.
Thanks again. Injury sounds similar to mine, although they're now thinking mine's a double crush as the most recent nerve conduction studies are showing 'issues' with the antebrachial cutaneous nerve as it branches off the brachial plexus. I've been reluctant to have surgery to date as my hands are my tools. The wonderful irony of this is that often I treat such conditions (conservatively), but have been unsuccessful on myself :rolleyes: ;) Sorry to hear your treatment has been unsuccessful to date :(

Back onto the camera ;) I very rarely use group AF tbh, single point 99% of the time. Yes, I believe the D810 has the same system as the D4s, the Multicam 3500fx, whereas the D750 has newer tweaked version the Multicam 3500FX-II. Whether this is better or not I don't know, I believe it sees in the dark better though. Isn't it rated to -3ev compared to -2ev on the D810? Not that I shoot in this much darkness anyway ;)

As for the D750, it is great, it's just with my recent issues I've lost a bit of faith tbh. I did have a knee jerk reaction of ditching Nikon altogether but I've got too much invested in it. Plus that was just me throwing the toys out the pram for a split second ;) I'd be interested to see how my camera is with f1.4 lenses now though o_O

Great pics btw (y)

Thanks......looks as if we have similar problems, doh!

I can understand your frustration with the issues you have. I used to have similar outlook with cars, when they had the slightest problem I got rid.

As for AF, I use single point 99% also, but when trying BIF I switch to group.

Couple of pics for you, similar position of perch and about the closest ISO I could find of a bird in the same location area. Which do you prefer without looking at exif? Also, one was with a prime and the other a zoom lens. As you know with the greens, I find they show a lot of noise but both have cleaned up okay with my limited PP skills.

Robin in the rain. by Swansea Jack, on Flickr

Coal Tit Fledgling by Swansea Jack, on Flickr
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Thanks......looks as if we have similar problems, doh!

I can understand your frustration with the issues you have. I used to have similar outlook with cars, when they had the slightest problem I got rid.

As for AF, I use single point 99% also, but when trying BIF I switch to group.

Couple of pics for you, similar position of perch and about the closest ISO I could find of a bird in the same location area. Which do you prefer without looking at exif? Also, one was with a prime and the other a zoom lens. As you know with the greens, I find they show a lot of noise but both have cleaned up okay with my limited PP skills.

Robin in the rain. by Swansea Jack, on Flickr

Coal Tit Fledgling by Swansea Jack, on Flickr
Just shows how good these zooms are these days as there's little to tell, and I wouldn't like to say which is the prime. From these small pics I would say that I prefer the tit, pops a bit more and looks sharper to my eyes, but obviously they're not the biggest pics when viewed on this forum on a laptop ;) Can't see much difference in the noise (y)
If you haven't already looked;) The Robin is with the D750 and 300mm AFS F4 Prime @ ISO 2000 and the Coal Tit is with the D810 and Sigma 150-600mm @ ISO 1600. I just wanted to show how the D810 handles the noise for dark green colours which I find a pain sometimes. They have both cleaned up okay, but like you, I feel the CT has more pop to it. Nothing scientific but to just give you a rough idea.