you mean a little like this one -

(and yes, I know, there's a certain irony that I've posted that, AND distributed a Holga to half of F&C :))

Perhaps. Its not wearing skinny jeans, a stupid titfer and riding a fixie though!
Perhaps. Its not wearing skinny jeans, a stupid titfer and riding a fixie though!

I don't know what any of that means......does this mean I'm not cool anymore:help:
There is no North/South divide... its an East/West divide.:D
Big city yokels, thats what you Londoners are.... :LOL:
I'm holding this forum responsible for my wanting a TLR quite badly now, one with speeds up to 1/500th and a crank advance (because they don't look right somehow without one).

God knows how I'm going to squeeze into the drainpipe jeans though. :(
Perhaps. Its not wearing skinny jeans, a stupid titfer and riding a fixie though!

Sadly, i DO have a fixed gear bike - though in my defence, it's not been ridden since I gave up competing in time trials in my late 20's, and I can't afford the tyres to put it back on the road again - think they were around £60 a tyre (and with tubulars, you pretty much need 3 - one for each end, and a spare in case of punctures)
TheBigYin said:
Sadly, i DO have a fixed gear bike - though in my defence, it's not been ridden since I gave up competing in time trials in my late 20's, and I can't afford the tyres to put it back on the road again - think they were around £60 a tyre (and with tubulars, you pretty much need 3 - one for each end, and a spare in case of punctures)

Ah but there is a difference between a hipster Dixie and one owned by cycle racing loonies. Mainly the hipster on the saddle! ;)
:confused: I thought that read FS1E to start with!


FS1E that's going back a bit... I had the ss50 5 speed and got clocked at doing 62 MPH through a 30 limit in my village by the old bill....It made selling the bike easy.., 62mph on a 50 cc everybody wanted to buy it... mind you it cost me a ten quid fine and 1 endorsment, those were the days..
I miss my fizzy. Mine had a K and N filter with a Micron exhaust, used to fly..
This came my way yesterday


Am I right in thinking that the film pack contains the battery and that without one the shutter won't fire etc?

Loks like I'll be buying some Impossible Project to test it.
Maybe not strictly a new toy but they are for my new toy

Trev, is the bottom thing one of them panoramic doubries?

Andysnap said:
Trev, is the bottom thing one of them panoramic doubries?


Yes it is Andy. Once it stops bloody raining I'll give it a go.
I'd be very interested to see the results mate, may have to get one.

So the film scanner I bought from Starastin finally arrived (Plustek 7600i), rescanned a few negatives and I'm quite pleased with the jump up in quality. Because of the way I work it isn't even much slower than my V500:


Looks like I'll definitely be ordering my Plustek soon! Those results are perfectly adequate for my own needs. Thanks for sharing that.
I must admit, I am more and more tempted by a Plustek. My Canon 9000f is ok, but I'm sure a dedicated film scanner would be better for my 35mm stuff and I can't stretch to a Nikon or anything fancy.
Wait for the Plustek 120 :)
Does this count as a 'new toy' or not ? A Contax N1 35mm with the N mount 70-300 lens. Been dreaming of one ever since I had the 167MT. Kept the camera brochure under my pillow all these years. The wife thought it was a 'mucky book'.:nono::LOL: I think the camera and lens were worth about £2,000 when new. My dream came true this weekend. At the price I won the auction, I may as well give up hope of EVER winning the lottery.:crying: So what ? An N1 is better than winning the millions.(y)
I've bought a couple of new toys lately, this was the first to arrive and is the smaller of my new toys. It's made of plastic and stainless steel.

Funny thing is these were made in the UK by Mike Walker (no longer available) and I had to have this one shipped back from the US.

Walker Titan SF45 my 'plastic fantastic'

Liking the look of that Ed, is it light compared to the wooden/metal 4x5 field cameras?
Liking the look of that Ed, is it light compared to the wooden/metal 4x5 field cameras?

No, it is quite a lot heavier than my wooden Nagaoka 4x5 Field Camera but lighter than my monorail, it is very much more versatile though with a triple extension bed will accept lenses from 65mm through to 470mm with the standard bellows. It has a fantastic range of movements too, not quite as much as a monorail, but more than your average field camera. Video of one being made!

Wait until the big 'new toy' arrives (hopefully tomorrow).
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Thanks Ed, I've got a Toyo monorail but am looking to replace it with a field camera as I feel I'll get more use out of something more portable. Loking forward to see the big new toy, your camera collection never ceases to amaze me.
Nice Walker Titan, looked into one of those in the past. I'm suffering from a bit of gas at the moment.

Impulse Hexar AF purchase from Starasin, always wanted to try this camera.


And a tank-like F5.


And got another camera incoming.
Two nice choices there, they're also on my list of future acquisitions as well.
I'm not sure if this should go here or the bargain finds section..

Polaroid 250 Land Camera. This beauty was destined either for the skip or to be buried in the rubble of the building housing it. Demolition day looms and we're providing a home to all sorts of technical and laboratory gear that needs to be shifted quick before it's scrapped. To be honest, most of it is rubbosh. But some of it is very beautiful rubbish in a retro sort of way.

In the same haul is:
  • Polaroid #545 4x5 Land Film Holder
  • 3x 20-sheet boxes Polapan 52 , ISO400, 4x5 expired July 2003

It's tragic that there's so much being thrown out
IMHO there needs to be a 'abandoned treasure' thread, sure we all pick up bargains every now and again but that is a thing of beauty. I just picked up a box full of Polaroid cameras, unfortunately 2 of them are "Swingers" that took roll film which the good people at the Impossible Project don't have the ability to make so it's unlikely they will be anything more than door-stops. There was a Colorpack 80 which again I don't think film is available for but there was a 636 Close Up which takes 600 film so I can at least have a go with some Impossible Project film, I feel a trip to Silverprint is on the cards :D
Just got a yellow filter and a lens hood ( both in original cases ) for my Yashica-Mat from ebay.

......just need it to stop raining when I am not working so I can use them!

I just realise I'm stuffed with regard to batteries for that Polaroid 250 - took me two solid black frames of FP-100C before I remembered it has an electronic shutter. Normally I hate modifying anything vintage in almost as new condition (did I mention it came with the shoulder bag?) but at £10/each for the right battery I think the battery compartment is going to get modified to take 3x AA/AAA. Unless someone knows another small battery combination that will provide 4.5V

Nick - you would not believe the stuff that has been rescued from this one building.. and the stuff that won't be.. ..
I just realise I'm stuffed with regard to batteries for that Polaroid 250 - took me two solid black frames of FP-100C before I remembered it has an electronic shutter. Normally I hate modifying anything vintage in almost as new condition (did I mention it came with the shoulder bag?) but at £10/each for the right battery I think the battery compartment is going to get modified to take 3x AA/AAA. Unless someone knows another small battery combination that will provide 4.5V

Nick - you would not believe the stuff that has been rescued from this one building.. and the stuff that won't be.. ..

I think that you should take a few frames to show us :)
Shame it's not like the square shooter that takes 2 x AA batteries for the of the cameras i haven't yet tried with film but intend to manipulate something to get a shot out of it.
Good on ya for rescuing the 250 land camera Alastair......a crying shame when you see gear ( not necessarily cameras) just left to go to ruin / of the reasons I av so many cameras is simply cos I can see when one still has some life left in it and "yearns" to be used!

Problem is I end up with umpteen unfinished projects on the go at the same time!! lol