Leica users - do you use a lot of Voigtlander lens? Or just Leica?
I only have Leica lenses for my M9s but they are the older versions mainly.Leica users - do you use a lot of Voigtlander lens? Or just Leica?
You could also look at Zeiss BiogonLeica users - do you use a lot of Voigtlander lens? Or just Leica?
No leica glass ;D closet I had is leitz m mount. Voigtlander m mount, 7 artisans m mount, lomographt m mount, nikon (by adapter), leica r mount leitz via adapter.Leica users - do you use a lot of Voigtlander lens? Or just Leica?
Leica users - do you use a lot of Voigtlander lens? Or just Leica?
Interesting read and lovely shots. I particularly like the fishermen and the coastguard rescue shots. I popped in here as I have been helping a neighbour with his Q3 and was curious.I’ve had my Q3 for a full year now and I’ve put my likes and dislikes, along with 16 environmental portrait pics, into this review. Enjoy!
Leica Q3: One Year Review — Skye At Night
Now my Leica Q3 is one year old, and very well used, it’s a good time to do a comprehensive review of this little camera. I think it’s only once you’ve used a camera in real-world, highly stressed situations that you get a real understanding of its capabilities. I’ve had plenty of those situations iwww.skyeatnight.com
Similar for me - the big upgrades on the Q3 are the sensor for much more crop-ability and really usable 28-75 focal range, and the articulating screen. If those are important to you, the Q3 is well worth it.after 2 weeks or is it 3 I love my "basic" Q, so much so that I'm thinking about a Q3, why, I crop a lot and the extra MP's may help, but so far the basic Q really works for me
I’ve only had mine for 3 months, so far really impressed- my only wish is that tilt screen tilted in portrait orientation as well.I’ve had my Q3 for a full year now and I’ve put my likes and dislikes, along with 16 environmental portrait pics, into this review. Enjoy!
Leica Q3: One Year Review — Skye At Night
Now my Leica Q3 is one year old, and very well used, it’s a good time to do a comprehensive review of this little camera. I think it’s only once you’ve used a camera in real-world, highly stressed situations that you get a real understanding of its capabilities. I’ve had plenty of those situations iwww.skyeatnight.com
Similar for me - the big upgrades on the Q3 are the sensor for much more crop-ability and really usable 28-75 focal range, and the articulating screen. If those are important to you, the Q3 is well worth it.
I have had an M9, M240, M10 and some gorgeous lenses. I love using them, but found that for pressured and time critical work the Q is much better for me. And now there is really good croppability with the Q3 the M's have no place for me any more. I'm guessing others may think the same. There will always be a place for M's. I'd have another if I had loads of money as they are delightful.
I think Leica could make a 75mm Q. That would be epic. You don't need a 50mm Q as the existing one will do 50mm very nicely. But the 28mm Q and a 75mm Q would be a two-body kit from the heavens.
Wonderful image Fraser, incredible quality, very well done