People & Scenery 2009


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Hello everyone, so it's the 5th Feburuary 2009 today, and i am going to start my 365 as from today.

I really want to have a go at it this time, i've been thinking and i've not really completed anything to do with photography, always gave up when i ran out of ideas or could not be bothered to do it. But now i have got motivation because i want to achieve something that i can look back on in a year and say "Woop go me".
I gave it the title "People & Scenery 2009" because i am hoping to get some photos of people, and some photos of scenery.....hmm you wouldn't have guessed it would you? :D

Well let's get it rolling.....

People & Scenery 2009

001/365 - Tired


Photo has been cropped

Hello TP, remember me? :D I put on the moody effect for the camera.....

Today i have not done anything, apart from sit in my chair watching the snow and listening to some music on the computer, oh yeah and i played some ps3 as well, Fifa 09 if your thinking what was i playing :). Now i am about to get my list written of the places i want to go and take a photo of, some with me in and some without and can see what looks the best and then post the best one, see the People & Scenery titled worked didn't it?

Thanks for looking

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Glad you decided to keep your gear and carry on with your photography. Good luck with your 365 :)
002/365 Driving


Had to drive my car in the snow and ice today, i told my mum and dad to ring me when they got to work. They didn't call so i tried to phone them but one of their phones had ran out of battery and the other one had been left in the car. So natrually i get in my car to go the route she does without even thinking of myself and my car. But i think anyone would have done that.

The roads were fine around here accept the little bit of slush now and then, you know the snow that is turning in to water? that sort of stuff, anyways. I get to her work walk in the entrance and the ladies behind the front desk asked what i wanted and i asked them if my mum was there, and then one of them got my mum for me.

The little button on the gearbox which has the little snow flake on it really does work well in my car. What it does is when you push it in, it automatically puts you in 2nd so you don't spin your wheels when you pull off.

Thanks for looking

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003/365 Yum


I think i've drank to much diet coke today, it's like it really tastes nice but isn't the best drink when your on a diet. Even if it does say "Diet" in the name of it :LOL:. I went for a drive today in to King's Lynn, which i was spotted by one of our other norfolk members pro.wannabe. I didn't know it was him until he pm'ed me and said he was the one in the vauxhall :)

Yeah, it's not a good photo today. Don't think it is in focus or anything or is it? i don't know :LOL:

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004/365 Relaxing


I took the car to see if i could have new tyres put on it today, the man was shutting in half hour so he couldn't do it. For two tyres £100+ is that about right? they are low profiles so might be. Other than that i have not done much today, really excited about my dad picking his new car up :) Will get a photo when he brings it home (y)

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I made the mistake of leaving taking a photo until i was tired tonight, woops but i am going out tomorrow to try and find somewhere intresting to photograph so shall see what i can do tomorrow :)

Really tired today, didn't feel like doing a 365 but i had to. And sorry i took another photo of myself :LOL:



Today has been a day of mixed feelings and ups and downs for me, I've never really missed love like i have done today. Have not got a clue why.

I just feel...
Not cared for
Not wanted
Laughed at
A fool

It just seems like i have got nothing going for me, no job no girlfriend no giggidy giggidy goooo (mods i'll remove that bit if you want me to)

When people say "The more i learn about girls, the more i love my car" i actully get annoyed with it but used to laugh at it, funny isn't it?

Ok im going to shut up now.



Just going to use this for today's, well yesterday's now but meh :)

"I wanna be the reason you smile" is my quote for today.

My dad picked his new car up today, a rover 75 for a Land Rover Discovery 2.7 TDv6. Lovely smooth ride, the best car he has had since i've been alive anyways. It's much quiter than the other land rover he had, Love it :D

You've given me inspiration to maybe try this myself, I wasn't really up for it at the start of the year, but I think I am now... I might give it a go. Good luck with it :)
Thanks JDholic (y)



Not done much today other than, Game, Drive, Chill, Sing, Dance with a certain someone ;) Giggidy giggidy

Now just chilling listening to some tunes.



I've felt like utter crap today, one person has been really horrible to me and made me feel like crap, really useless and has done me over good and proper. Just when i was finally coming round to being able to talk to women without going all shy because what has happend in the past. I don't know why i put myself in the position where they could do that to me again, drag me down emostionally. Why? I dunno if i have the strenght emostionally to go though a relationship again, thanks. Thanks for knocking all my self confidents.

Geeze, women. Pfft.

I have not felt like this in ages and do not want to carry on like this, so i am out tomorrow enjoying myself. girls can just leave me alone at the mo, really really not in the mood


Tony (y)
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Anyone like the PP on this?

MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH better day today then yesterday.

Really tired

Reporting for Tony Laing Photography News

Im Tony AKA Techno-Geek ;p


Just met nikki today and then went out riding, driving makes me tired :LOL: And i feel so tired now i can't really do much else

Photo is crap yup yup but atleast i got one in.

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Got alot to do tomorrow, going to get my hair cut then going to the gym the going to town to meet up with a mate (y)



Very tired today, had to drive back in the dark at 20 to 30mph all the way. Was major foggy.

I dunno if this is normal for the police to do but one car passed me and i see him turn around and come up behind me and follow me to the roundabout. is this a common thing to do if they think your on your own or what?



It's my baby :)

Spent today down town and thought why i was waiting for someone i would give the glovebox a clean out and the rest of the inside of the car (y)



Really really tired today, got to do lots of work on the car tomorrow.

Im off to bed, night

Tony (y)


Im tired and my car has got her M.O.T tomorrow in the morning, and i need to be up early to clean the wheels "shiney shiney shiney"

Tony (y)


This is the one from yesterday, i got it uploaded then went to sleep :LOL:



Very tired today, got the m.o.t retest tomorrow. I've been on my hands and knee's under the car and im nackard.




Got really annoyed today as went to take the car for it's m.o.t and the bloke said he wouldn't be able to do it until friday, i wanted my car back today :( Oh well going to give it a proper clean, inside and out tomorrow :)



Sorry it's late, feel straight asleep again soon after i done this one :)

Car still not on the road yet
HEY TECHNO, nice to see you attempting this again. lets see some shots of the car or a view from your window etc...

in the nicest way, you seem to have got stuck taking the shot just before bed and a lot of the shots are looking very similar, you have spent bout 3 days cleaning individual parts of the car, perhapssome shots of them. show us what is involved in your daily life, if you spent all day cleaning a wheel, a shot of the wheel will mean far more than a shot of you in your room just about to fall asleep;)

good luck with this:popcorn:
HEY TECHNO, nice to see you attempting this again. lets see some shots of the car or a view from your window etc...

in the nicest way, you seem to have got stuck taking the shot just before bed and a lot of the shots are looking very similar, you have spent bout 3 days cleaning individual parts of the car, perhapssome shots of them. show us what is involved in your daily life, if you spent all day cleaning a wheel, a shot of the wheel will mean far more than a shot of you in your room just about to fall asleep;)

good luck with this:popcorn:

I agree and will start doing it once i get my car sorted (y)


The thread title is people and scenery. The people seems to be just you, and the scenery is your bedroom wall.

Haha yeah