People & Scenery 2009

Because i was having a sleep in the waiting room, and didn't have my camera with me.

Yes, i was tired :)



It's my car, love my baby haha



4 mins late :)

Done a pre-wash on the engine to get the dirt a bit loose and then tomorrow im going to do it proper (y)



Started washing it again today, but because i messed it up i need to do it tomorrow again.



Taken yesterday so im not missing days :)



Im really tired today, do i look it? :LOL: Washed the car again today that is about it.

And then have spent near enough all day creating a sign for a mate.

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Took on the day but not posted until today, so im not behind :)


Not done alot today, apart from go for a ride to my mum and dad's work then came back and washed the windows on my car :)
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Been bored today again, tomorrow im going to have a sleep in and then get up and clean the car
:eek: Tony for gawd sake put some clothes on! :LOL: The apparent nakedness with that grin ...:eek:

Also while I'm here... come on Tony, less self portraiture and more out and about stuff. You have titled it People & Scenery after all.
:eek: Tony for gawd sake put some clothes on! :LOL: The apparent nakedness with that grin ...:eek:

Also while I'm here... come on Tony, less self portraiture and more out and about stuff. You have titled it People & Scenery after all.

Sorry i just had been working out, i forgot i even have it off :LOL:

I will be out today so see what i can get :)


Didn't go out anywhere fancy.....:LOL: Did spend some time processing this photo, can you guess what was done? :)
Tony, for the love of God and all that is Holy, PLEEEASE show us a photo of something other than you! :eek:
at least he's got clothes on this time...

Anyway. Ignore Tony and just look at the stuff in the background. Sometimes its diet coke, sometimes lemonade, one day some milk, or chicken nugget things and ketchup.
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Tony, for the love of God and all that is Holy, PLEEEASE show us a photo of something other than you! :eek:

:agree: In fact... Tony I am boycotting your thread until I see 'Something different today!' added to the title :razz:

at least he's got clothes on this time...

Anyway. Ignore Tony and just look at the stuff in the background. Sometimes its diet coke, sometimes lemonade, one day some milk, or chicken nugget things and ketchup.

:LOL: You're drawn to the background to? I'm amazed at how many icons Tony has on his desktops :eek:

Right, I'm out of here and won't be back until there is change :nono:
Tony, it might be a good idea to have a look at some of the other 365's going on at the moment to give you a few ideas.
There are a couple that have done many self portraits, but they have been so well executed that they are a joy to follow. Try Fabs and Purpleclouds.
I am afraid yours are just too much of the same every time.
at least he's got clothes on this time...

Anyway. Ignore Tony and just look at the stuff in the background. Sometimes its diet coke, sometimes lemonade, one day some milk, or chicken nugget things and ketchup.

Yeah, i eat alot. I'm normally writting in the day time so just pop to the shop to pick up some sort of junk food. I know it's not good but i am trying on turning that around.

:agree: In fact... Tony I am boycotting your thread until I see 'Something different today!' added to the title :razz:

Can promise you that it is not a picture of me tonight, if you can guess what it is which i have no doubt you will i'll be amazed

Tony, it might be a good idea to have a look at some of the other 365's going on at the moment to give you a few ideas.
There are a couple that have done many self portraits, but they have been so well executed that they are a joy to follow. Try Fabs and Purpleclouds.
I am afraid yours are just too much of the same every time.

Thanks for the comment Crocky, i can see where your coming from with it being the same all the time. The reason i got in to doing the 365's was seeing Marcel's and Jimmy-Lemon's one last year :) And did get loads of ideas from them.
033 365


Guess what, today it's not one of me :D

His name is Buddy, i waited for hours to get him to do that. I did really put some effect in to getting something else other than me today. Gone though loads of processing i can't remember what i have done to it :LOL:

Tony (y)
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I've been dipping in and out of your 365 hoping to see something I could comment on - and here it is. :)

Well done on several counts.

1 He's cute
2 He's not you
3 He's not your car
4 You've taken on board all the very good advice

And today's picture will be ........?

Keep up the good work. :)

:And today's picture will be ........?
.... Tony sat in his room:LOL:

nice pic tony, just the lighting could do with being bigger, his head looks a little dark.

well done on something different.


Got mega annoyed at photomatix today, getting the hang of it though :)



Hi my name is Tony, I'm addicted to photography and photoshop. Nice to meet you


Got a long day tomorrow photographing a football match, which post some photos after i have processed them (y)

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Really tired, now watching American Pie Band Camp (y)
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Tony, start being creative. These are tedious and are just snaps to get your 365 chore done. This is supposed to be a challenge for you where you get outside and shoot people and scenery - not you, your car and your dog.

Having taken a look on your flickr account some show exactly what I mean.
Tony, start being creative. These are tedious and are just snaps to get your 365 chore done. This is supposed to be a challenge for you where you get outside and shoot people and scenery - not you, your car and your dog.

Having taken a look on your flickr account some show exactly what I mean.


I am going to start putting time in to them, maybe go up to the beach today :)

Am I right in thinking that you have lost interest in doing this 365, because that's what it looks like to me.

If it is becoming a chore ... Then give it up.

Am I right in thinking that you have lost interest in doing this 365, because that's what it looks like to me.

If it is becoming a chore ... Then give it up.

... or better still - get out there and show us what you can do. I thought the first dog shot was a bit of a breakthrough. Let's have another breakthrough - from the football match, or next door's garden, or the postbox at the end of the road, or anything you can point your camera at.

Lots of people are willing you to do it. :)
