People & Scenery 2009

dunno, not used to seeing much in this thread, you use it instead of carpet:LOL:(just kidding mate, your landscapes are a lot better than your self portraits, keep em up
dunno, not used to seeing much in this thread, you use it instead of carpet:LOL:(just kidding mate, your landscapes are a lot better than your self portraits, keep em up

Ah right :LOL:

:LOL: There is a dog in there somewhere you know? :)


Long exsposer 10 seconds i think, camera resting on the sea front wall my tripod is broke so couldn't use that.

It was cold up there, the wind was really beating it in off the sea



I had a good day out today, went and sat up hunstaton and see a bloke with a big camera get out the car parked up then as i parked up he pulled away. I took some photos and had a relax then as i turned around i noticed the Way out was locked and only the In way was open. You can't just drove though because they have them things on the floor that punture your wheels if you try and drive out the in way
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These are looking good Tony. Glad to see you're getting out and about and taking some much more interesting shots (y)


All i have done today is sit about on the computer and eat them things :)



That is the signs i used to have in my back window of my car, i see them in a shop when i first passed my test and thought it would be a laugh. Well i really didn't have anything else to photograph tonight so i got these out the draw :)

By the way, i've cropped the photo as stuff on the desk was in the top of the frame and it looked yucky.



Boring again today, to tired to do anything else.

well ive just looked at the whole thread, because after reading the recent coments 'zzzzzzzzzz' etc... i wondered what people were on about.

After looking through them all i agree, the odd SP is good if processing/places/poses are different but tghe same thing everyday gets repetitive. you started listening to people and got out there taking different types of pictures and they were loads better.

Just keep at it and look around for differnt things you can take pictures of.
so tony, what is lying around in your room to snap today???
*goes and edits day 23*

I was enjoying the landscapes :crying:

Quite a few people have suggested things you can photograph outside of your room; why not have a read through for some inspiration?
some not bad shots in there Tony but they don't really hold the viewers interest get back out side you were doing really well.

Not got a picture today, as i was out all day looking after my cousin.
Go back & read your first post for inspiration or take note of the other comments on here- get out & do it-please or this could be a long lingering death of a thread!!!!

Not got a picture today, as i was out all day looking after my cousin.

Call me fussy, call me picky Tony but it's a 365. That means a photo every day! Was there really absolutely nothing you could have taken a photo of (apart from you or your monitor) today? As Liss said, why not a photo of your cousin?