Peter-Ts Photo52 Week 20 Stop + 21 Isolation. Pg 6

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So i've decided to have a go at this.
Would like to say good luck to everyone else doing a 365/52 etc!


Link to week one
Link to week two
Link to week three
Link to week four
Link to week five
Link to week six
Link to week seven
Link to week eight
Link to week nine
Link to week ten
Link to week eleven
Link to week twelve
Link to week thirteen
Link to week fourteen
Link to week fifteen
Link to week sixteen
Link to week seventeen
Link to week eighteen
Link to week nineteen
Link to week twenty
Link to week twentyone

So now im starting this properly, i'll list the rules for myself.
  1. I will take a new picture for every theme,
  2. I will try to post my picture up in the week that the theme is pulled (If i am late in posting, I will do my best to catch up asap),
  3. I will not look at other peoples shots untill I have posted my own (unless i 100% know what shot im doing),
  4. I will try to think out of the box as much as possible,
  5. I will give myself THREE jokers, only to be used as a last resort,
  6. I will comment on at least THREE other peoples 52 thread each week.
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Right, my camera has been sent off for repair today. I know the shot I want, but i wont bother with trying to get the pic on my compact, so i'll do "Curved" when i get my camera back, that'll be next week but i'll catch up!
EDITED out as new picture added :)
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Sorry to hear you're still waiting for your camera to be repaired - what a pain. :(

I like the idea - crown tops fill the 'Curved' bill - especially when they've been opened. I like the green and silver - they work well together, and I'm sure it was harder with your p&S - but a good idea is a good idea. :)

I normally like negative space, but I wonder in this case, if it would have more impact cropped on the left and bottom to give the bottle tops more impact? :shrug:

Well done for getting the shot in, though. I hope your camera's back soon. :)

thanks for your comment Jean. Yeah this was alot more difficult with the P+S. I did a few different crops on this but this was the only one I liked.
Next week i'm on holiday but when i'm back i'll have my camera back and i'll get weeks 1,2,3 and 4 done. I have all my ideas for 1, 2 and 3 so far so i just need a camera! :)
Hi Peter,

:clap: First off a big well done for persevering with this even without your camera. I really hope that it’s back from repair soon.
In terms of concept and composition this is spot on for me. I like the way that they’re bundled together in a heap, but the individual curves can still be seen.
I also really like the colours coming through in this.
Considering the limitations that you had it’s a really good shot. :clap:

Looking forward to the next 51 – hopefully with camera safely returned.
Thanks for your comments Sarah. This was the very first idea I had for the theme and after taking shots for many other ideas, none seemed to quite match up :)
thanks for your comment Jean. Yeah this was alot more difficult with the P+S. I did a few different crops on this but this was the only one I liked. :LOL: I know that feeling - trying loads of different crops - and finding the first is the one that works best. :)
Next week i'm on holiday but when i'm back i'll have my camera back and i'll get weeks 1,2,3 and 4 done. I have all my ideas for 1, 2 and 3 so far so i just need a camera! :)

Have a good holiday - and I well done for keeping on top of this despite the slight :) handicap of not having your camera. :)

Well im back from my holiday, and i've got my camera back all fully working!! I've also got my new nifty fifty, so here is my week one shot:

Right, onto WEEK TWO, Theme - Poem
Now most people as I saw had taken a photo to fit a poem, but i've gone for this at a completely different angle.


Of those of you who don't know who he is, click here.
This is a plaque up in the town near where he was born.

I also noticed after I uploaded it that i've cut off the top of the plaque which im not too happy about, but I can live with it and i'll make sure that doesnt happen again! :)
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Miss a couple, and onto WEEK FIVE, Theme - Speed


i've been looking all week for another shot for this theme, but so far nothing has materialised! :( i know its a rubbish shot but it will have to stick! Bring on week 6 now! And I will be doing week 4s photo today, but choppped will have to wait (Sorry)
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So i thought long and hard about what I could shoot for this theme, but couldn#t think of anything out of the box. Eventually I gave up and asked my mum for some help. Her first thought of Street was from where her and I were born; near Whitstable in Kent. There is a section of beach where two opposing tides, when on the way out, leave a long stretch of sand known as The Street. Now i've never been there as my family moved up to Shropshire when I was just 3. However all my life my Nan has had a photo she took framed on her wall which turned out to be The Street.


So this is my dodgy photo of a photo and my entry for Street.


This is a shot of how my Nan has the photo on her wall.


As suggested by Sarah.
Thanks Pete.
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Thanks for your comment Martin. Yeah, it was quite tricky taking those photos. The camera was mounted on my Manfrotto car suction mount on the drivers window. I couldnt quite get the camera far enough out to see the whole speedo without the steering wheel getting in the way.
Week Six - Present
Here's my entry for week 6.

I got this idea as soon as the theme was pulled. My interpretation was a board room all ready for a meeting with nobody present. Hope you like! C+C welcomed!
Hi Peter,
Have missed your 52 thread so far, im trying to get round as many peeps as possible so here goes....
Week 1: a good excuse for a drink i suppose? very good
Week 2: a good example of a poet and their poem, well thought
Week 3: you could use your week 2 photo as you've chopped the top off like you pointed out. :)
Week 4: not one of my favourites but good idea:)
Week 5: Love this one and the colours, i tried this but wanted a bit more delay on the shutter speed to get the movement of the needle but didn't work out for me. :) :)
Week 6: Very well thought of and the person in the image looks deep in thought too, well done:)
I really like Present. It makes you wonder what's going on in his head.

Mind you - if I was in that meeting I'd take one look at the flipchart and do a runner. The only thing I might change (and your mileage may very well vary) would be to move the projector/PC from the centre of the frame, or try another angle. It's OOF (which it should be) but it's in the middle of the frame.

Would probably work just as well without the table adornments, as the look on his face is classic.

Nice shot!

Thanks for your comments, the person in the the shot for present is actually me, in the confrence room at work. yeah I tried to move the PC but the cables were already really stretched and i was soon to be in the way of a partner meeting so i had to rush. This way I got the shot in on time, but possibly not to the best I could have. Lessons from this week: Get the shot done as soon as I can, and don't wait till Friday.
I really like Present. It makes you wonder what's going on in his head.

Mind you - if I was in that meeting I'd take one look at the flipchart and do a runner. The only thing I might change (and your mileage may very well vary) would be to move the projector/PC from the centre of the frame, or try another angle. It's OOF (which it should be) but it's in the middle of the frame.

Would probably work just as well without the table adornments, as the look on his face is classic.

Nice shot!


I agree with Ian. It's a great idea, but the composition could use a little work. Trying a different angle might be the answer. (y)
I also think the composition could do with some work, perhaps have something more relevant on the flip chart like a meeting agenda and maybe something on the table to give the impression that people haven't turned up, as it stand it looks like you're wondering why the projector isn't working.
I also think the composition could do with some work, perhaps have something more relevant on the flip chart like a meeting agenda and maybe something on the table to give the impression that people haven't turned up, as it stand it looks like you're wondering why the projector isn't working.

lol comment taken, i see what you mean
I also think the composition could do with some work, perhaps have something more relevant on the flip chart like a meeting agenda and maybe something on the table to give the impression that people haven't turned up, as it stand it looks like you're wondering why the projector isn't working.

I agree with this, but I love the expression on the guy's face :LOL:
:eek: Loads of catching up to do here, so a big well done to you for getting up to date :clap:

Wk2 Poetry : Nice to see a different take on the theme.
The lighting in this, especially the glow on the LHS is just superb. I love the angle and sense of perspective and the contrast between the craggy old wall and the smooth plaque is beautiful. Shame about losing a bit off the top, but as you said you've learnt from it for next time.

Wk3 Chopped : Don't blame you at all for skipping this. A horrible theme, but maybe you'll revisit it one week.

Wk4 Street : Thank you for the explanation behind this - it's a great story and absolutely bang on theme. The picture of the photo on the wall gives it some nice context too.

Conceptually, I think it's a fantastic idea. In terms of execution, photos of photos rarely come out very well so it's lacking a bit of sharpness and definition. I wonder if actually framing it in its picture frame would have worked better. The sharp frame around the outside would have put it in context without the need to read the explanation / see the other shot.
You might be able to bring some detail back to it in PP too.

Wk5 Speed : Nice shot, well composed and on theme. I might have tried for a smaller aperture to keep the digital read out in focus too . . . and that could have gioven you a longer exposure to get some movement in the needles.

Wk6 Present : Another brilliant idea and a great expression on your face. SPs with the timer aren't easy - and even less so when you only have a few minutes to grab them.
Composition isn't quite there for me though. The window behind you is a bit distracting and there seem to be a lot of random chairs dotted around.

I think I would have preferred a shot from the other end of the table - towards the screen that the projector is pointing at. I'd also like to have more of the length of the table in shot with neatly arranged chairs either side of it.
Thanks for your comment Sarah.
I think Poem is my best shot so far. the one im most proud of anyway!
I do keep meaning to do Chopped but i keep getting distracted and forgeting! :bonk:
I have got a few shots of the photo in the frame, but i though it detracted from the subject slightly, i'll post up that shot in a sec
For speed I may well have another go at that just to get a shot i'm happy with as opposed to re-shooting for the theme
Yeah, I doubt i'll get a chance to re-do Present but I though it was interpretation that not many other people would go with so I had to go with it! lol
Peter, that's a great idea. The expression on your face is excellent. I think maybe pushing the camera into the corner opposite the flip chart would have helped, and might have reduced the in focus window somewhat too, as it would put it to the edge of the frame. Well done though,
Okay. This week I spent most of the week trying to think of a photo to represent this theme. I wanted to get something slightly out of the box, but I couldnt think of anything!
To date, I haven't really done any photography in public. For week two i did, but it was late at night. This morning however I decided I would have to ite the bullet and go and get a photo of people. This took me out of my comfort zone somewhat shooting in public, and of people. At first I was very nervous. I decided to go for a walk arround the local mere where I could also try and get some shots of the ducks, geese and swans.
Anyway, less talking. This is an edit but I quite like it, I hope you do too.
C+C welcomed!!


It's not on my Flickr as I used my monthly allowance :( I'll probably upgrade when I get paid.
That's a nice people picture. Needs brightening up a little and a touch of contrast and maybe crop out the bush on the right. When I have the time I find it hard to do it in public too, so well done for trying something out of your comfort zone.
Sorry for missing your 52, I like your take on 'present' a unique idea.
Your shot for 'people' is your best yet...I think. The only slight thing I'd change is the bush on the right hand side it just puts me off slightly. Otherwise keep up the good work
like 'present' great interpretation of the theme, like the expression!

I'm not confident taking street shots either so that would have been something I would have gone for.. works well, nice line of the path, agree that less of the bush would have been better..
Okay, comments taken, here is another edit. This is the first image ive ever played with brightness/contrast so I hope ive done it right. Re-done the crop also:

Your edit is much improved.

I like this shot, and the B&W treatment. Quite a lot of this week's themed shots have been "happy" ones, and this is quite a heartwarming shot.

It looks a tiny bit blurred to me though. Is it my eyesight? It is late... Looks like you were shooting at 70mm 1/13sec which might explain it. Either that or my eyes are old...

Your edit is much improved.

I like this shot, and the B&W treatment. Quite a lot of this week's themed shots have been "happy" ones, and this is quite a heartwarming shot.

It looks a tiny bit blurred to me though. Is it my eyesight? It is late... Looks like you were shooting at 70mm 1/13sec which might explain it. Either that or my eyes are old...


Thanks for your comment!
No thats right, especially their feet are slightly blurred. I didnt want to bump the ISO up too much as the 500d is not great at hadling it.
Okay, i've got this done quite quickly, and i personally think its my best shot so far! I would appriciate your feedback!

Its the first time ive used my 580ex off camera, and ive been reading the manual and used a rear sync flash so im quite pleased with the outcome!


Again, c+c please!!