Peter-Ts Photo52 Week 20 Stop + 21 Isolation. Pg 6

Oohh... I like that... amazing bridge, the sky works too, nice but of PP
I'm insanely jealous, what a beautiful place to live.
Next time I throw myself off it, I'll pm you ;)

Brilliant, shoud be good to watch!

Oohh... I like that... amazing bridge, the sky works too, nice but of PP

thank you. Original pic is 19867x4478px and 52.6mb so i could zoom in plenty to edit nicely :) and any dodgy clones dont look dodgy when reduced that much (y)
A really interesting shot -what an amazing place. Well done on your PP, too - I wouldn't have guessed that the sky was an 'extra'!
Well done Pete.

This is a cracking panoramic. The sky has been done really well.

The only thing I may have done differently is to have the aquaduct starting at the bottom right corner instead of part way into the frame. I guess that may not have been possible though.

Nice 'shoot'. Good set of lead in lines and a really interesting subject make this a good picture. You only notice the PP sky if you look closely, (the tops of the trees don't look quite natural), but well done as you could pass this image off as one all day long (y)
:LOL: I know this aquaduct well Peter, I don't live all that far away from it either! Love this shot very nice perspective and I like the subtle colours too! So does that mean you have to go and shoot the Froncysllte Aquaduct as well? World heritage site an' all......
:LOL: I know this aquaduct well Peter, I don't live all that far away from it either! Love this shot very nice perspective and I like the subtle colours too! So does that mean you have to go and shoot the Froncysllte Aquaduct as well? World heritage site an' all......

Thanks for your comment.
Yeah, i would like to, maybe the next week end we have some sun that can be a task for me! :)
So I was pretty stumped with this theme. It was so open, I was struggling to think of something out of the ordinary. I asked my mum if she had any ideas and she said: "Well when we [my parents] go to the Dominican Republic, we always take one dollar notes to tip, and the Americans call them singles". There was my shot right there.

This is my week 15 shot.

I took another shot, which I quite liked which I will include as my other option.

Thanks for looking.
That's a beautiful shot for "shoot" Peter and a really good job of PPing the sky too - there are a couple of areas where I can see that you've worked on the sky (around the trees on the horizon and the bit of sky visible through the closest arch in the viaduct), but with the white fluffy clouds it blends in well and I had to look hard to spot anything.

It's definitely got that dreamy water colour feel to it, but I like that in this image. It really adds something to the feel of the shot. It's a very strong composition too.

I'm deliberately not commenting at your shot for single, because I try to avoid looking at everyone else's until mine is in ;)
(you'll find that a lot of others do the same, so don't be disheartened if you don't get many comments until Sunday night on that one)

Your thread title is still showing "shoot" BTW.
That's a beautiful shot for "shoot" Peter and a really good job of PPing the sky too - there are a couple of areas where I can see that you've worked on the sky (around the trees on the horizon and the bit of sky visible through the closest arch in the viaduct), but with the white fluffy clouds it blends in well and I had to look hard to spot anything.

It's definitely got that dreamy water colour feel to it, but I like that in this image. It really adds something to the feel of the shot. It's a very strong composition too.

I'm deliberately not commenting at your shot for single, because I try to avoid looking at everyone else's until mine is in ;)
(you'll find that a lot of others do the same, so don't be disheartened if you don't get many comments until Sunday night on that one)

Your thread title is still showing "shoot" BTW.

Thanks for your comment Sarah. I've, this evening, been trying to clone out the black sign post just right of the centre, but to no avail :(. I think that would the final tidy up before I may have it printed (which is rare accolade for my photos)

Haha yeah, I guessed that might be the case! I'll patiently await your comments :)
More catching up...!

Produce: #2 is the shot for me. Nice "action" shot of the carrots going into the pan.

Quad: The pop-art quadtych works well and is much better than the passport style original series.

Shoot: THis is a very nice panorama. Was it a stitch up or a crop of a single wideangle? Either way, I wish I'd not seen the comment about the PP'd in sky. My OCD tendencies keep dragging my eyes to the arch where the sky is white (rh side)

Single: The second works better for me Pete. I think it's the thought that's gone into single pounds and dollars rather than just a shot of some notes.

Nice border & unobtrusive sig on shot 1 btw.

More catching up...!

Produce: #2 is the shot for me. Nice "action" shot of the carrots going into the pan. Thanks, i think the more i look at them, the more i like that one too

Quad: The pop-art quadtych works well and is much better than the passport style original series. Yeah, it was deffo worth the extra PP

Shoot: THis is a very nice panorama. Was it a stitch up or a crop of a single wideangle? Either way, I wish I'd not seen the comment about the PP'd in sky. My OCD tendencies keep dragging my eyes to the arch where the sky is white (rh side) Thank you. The bridge is made of 13 portrait shots and one shot for the sky. Original pic is 19,000px wide. Yeah, I had a go at getting rid of the black sign on the right and changing the sky, but I didnt do very well

Single: The second works better for me Pete. I think it's the thought that's gone into single pounds and dollars rather than just a shot of some notes. Thanks. I did toy with the idea of just a single pound coin, but having used the dollars i think it works better. The only thing about #2 single is the position of the coins, i didnt mean for them to be in a V shape

Nice border & unobtrusive sig on shot 1 btw. I try to keep them as simple as possible as it can really detract from the picture.

Thank you. The bridge is made of 13 portrait shots and one shot for the sky. Original pic is 19,000px wide. Yeah, I had a go at getting rid of the black sign on the right and changing the sky, but I didnt do very well

Then that's an impressive series of photographs. Well done.

Then that's an impressive series of photographs. Well done.


:clap: :clap: :clap: Completely agree.
I really liked the bridge shot, but now I know what's gone into it I'm even more impressed - absolutely seamless too.

I'm also agree with Ian on your single shot.
It's the second one that gets my vote too.

I'm not sure about the composition in the first, with the notes standing up from the table. The flatter arrangement and the addition of the £1 coins for some extra interest makes the second a far stronger image for me.
I like the colour and contrast of the first shot, but prefer the composition of the second. In fact maybe all it needs is the same black border to make it stand out. Good thinking - and one up to your parents!
Single: #1 gets my vote! Why? Just on the theme of 'single'. The first shot is single(s) but the second one is money, imo, and has lost its 'singleness' and therefore some of its relevance.

It's a good take on the theme, and although the notes might have looked better flat on the surface, it still works. (y)

hmm tough... opinion appears to be split on single... but I'm gonna go with Jean, and vote for #1.
Ooh, so this is completely split. I chose #1 as my entry as Jeas says that the second shot is money as opposed to singles in my eyes. But at the same time, a pound coin is a single coin so I dont know.
Anyhow, thanks for your comments people. All very much appriciated! Keep em coming! I'm working on week 16!
I'm going to be really awkward and say I prefer the shot without the pound coins but would like one of the dollar bills turning over to show the word "one " as in the second shot. A bit more space at the bottom of the frame would give a little more balance as well.

Andy, I see where your coming from yeah. Thanks for your comment
So for most of this week, I have not had a clue what I was going to shoot for the theme. It was only this afternoon after I got back from my trip along the canal, when I was lazily sat in the back garden staring into space that I got my idea. I hope this works. Do tell me what you like/don't like or what I could improve on.


Now then, lets hope Simon gives us a nice theme this coming week. And maybe he will break the trend of S themes (Shoot, Single, Stare) lol
Nice idea, good pose and stare but the background is a little distracting. If you could blur the background a touch more I would be focused on you and your stare rather than the daffs and the trellis...

If theres one thing I've learnt during the 52 its that it's not always about what is in focus in the shot but also what is out of focus or in the background that is as important
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You've got some good shots here Peter, but I agree with Gary on Stare - the background is a little too in focus.
Okay, unfortunately its not sunny here today which has made the photo look a little cold. Im not sure how to overcome this in PP. But anyway i've had another go:
That's better Peter. The focus is definitely on the stare now. You could always bump up the temperature in PP to mare it look warmer.
:plus1: I also find the stripe of the chair back just to the right of your neck a bit distracting, and would be tempted to tone it down a little. Well done on getting the focus right in a SP!
First off, congratulations on getting two such well focused SPs :clap:
Both are posed brilliantly, great expression and beautifully sharp where they need to be.

Secondly, something that you'll have noticed after last week is that we don't all always agree on the 52 :LOL:

So just to be awkward, I prefer the first shot that you posted.
IMO the sun has given far more warmth to it, particularly in your skin tone.
And I like most of the background too.
For me the green running through the chair cushion, grass and fence is pretty unobtrusive. Even though the detail is still there the tone helps it merge into the background.
I also like the fact that I can see the daffodils. It gives the image a bit of context about the time of year and tells a story.

What I don't like about the background is the white sky - and that's the bit that's distracting me.
Personally I'd crop this one just above your head to lose the sky. I think it would give it far more impact as a portrait and lose that distraction. The panoramic crop that you'd end up with is a bit more interesting than the norm too.
Thanks for your kind words Sarah. I think i'll cap it at two options per theme but i'll make sure I try different crops before I choose my final entry. I did a quick crop and it certainly looks better so thank you for that.
Okay, so I checked out the theme about half an hour ago, and here is my photo for the theme of Peace. This is certainly a record for me, getting my picture done this quickly, but the idea just came to me!

Now, before anyone says my WB is off, its not, the atlas paper is far from white!
So, the picture. This country is one which, for along time now, hos not been at peace.


Again, Please tell me what you like/do not like or what I could improve on. Thats why i'm doing this 52!
Thanks, Pete
STRANGE!?!? I have seen your shots and could swear I left feedback in one block job?? Oh well, try again.
The shots which stood out for me -
Chopped - Like your take on the theme, got axed myself, sucks :(
Candid - Nice men at work is a good subject to shoot, nice job
Shoot - IMO, best shot to date
Stare - Second shot is spot on, nice ;)
Peace - Nice idea for the theme, very strong subject matter.

Small detail give balance to the countries as Pakistan is out of focus much more. Sure you can make out the name but a little more balance so as not to make one MORE important than the other (I know this was not the intent) just saying.
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I've skipped over Peace because I haven't done mine yet.

Stare: Both versions are strong on composition and sharp where sharpness is needed. You pose and expression work really well in both. There are minor (and I do mean 'minor') niggles in both of them, but I rally can't chose between them. A good take on the theme - and sps aren't easy! Well done. (y)

I think I prefer the second shot for Stare. Better background.

I also quite like Peace. Nice DoF, and I really like the Widescreen crop, although I'm going through a phase of those at the moment. A good illustrative photograph.

Hi Peter :)

I think I prefer the composition in the 2nd shot for Single....great idea a bit different from most!

Just had a quick look at your canal trip pics......some really nice shots....just watch the tow path in places along there.... wandering along taking pics and....splash! :LOL:

Nice take on Stare too.....excellent idea of Sarah's to crop them I think it would make them both more interesting. Very nice DOF in shot 2!
I'm gonna sit on the fence... ow!!...

Well done on getting 2 spot on focus SP's. Both are good and well thought out. I prefer the first for the reasons stated by the others, warmer etc... but just a little less DOF to get the background a bit more blurred.
A powerful choice of subject matter for peace - and an inventive way of depicting it.

The DoF is not quite right for me though sorry.
I'm not sure whether it's too narrow or if it's just the focal point and angle that you've chosen . . . can't quite put my finger on it.
I think Dade might have it when he mentioned the top line all being in focus. Taking away the notion of focusing in on just one of the countries, I think it would have worked better aesthetically too.

Apart from that, there is lots to like.
The panoramic crop works really well.
I'm assuming that it's an Atlas or encyclopedia page (or something similar). Whatever it is, the coloured map on the left adds a good bit of impact to it and makes it more interesting than just a page in a book. It's a good clean, crisp shot too.
A unique take on Peace and I like the idea. For me the DOF is not right. For me the whole title needs to be in focus.
I like your Peace shot and have two opposing comments! Well, I am female. :LOL:

I love the shallow dof and the curve in the page. (y)

The shallow dof niggles a bit because I can't read all the words. :thumbsdown:


These are both equally valid comments (I think!) but it's a poignant take on the theme and a reminder that peace often comes at a high price. :)
