Peter-Ts Photo52 Week 20 Stop + 21 Isolation. Pg 6

The Peace shot is a great idea and nearly works... I like it, but again, feel a little more DOF for the title would be good.
STRANGE!?!? I have seen your shots and could swear I left feedback in one block job?? Oh well, try again.
The shots which stood out for me -
Chopped - Like your take on the theme, got axed myself, sucks :(
Candid - Nice men at work is a good subject to shoot, nice job
Shoot - IMO, best shot to date
Stare - Second shot is spot on, nice
Peace - Nice idea for the theme, very strong subject matter.

Small detail give balance to the countries as Pakistan is out of focus much more. Sure you can make out the name but a little more balance so as not to make one MORE important than the other (I know this was not the intent) just saying.
Thanks for your comments. I see what you mean about Peace. I'll have another crack at that this afternoon i think.

I've skipped over Peace because I haven't done mine yet.

Stare: Both versions are strong on composition and sharp where sharpness is needed. You pose and expression work really well in both. There are minor (and I do mean 'minor') niggles in both of them, but I rally can't chose between them. A good take on the theme - and sps aren't easy! Well done. (y)

Thank you. I was quite lucky, with the first 1 and got the focus straight off. Must have been beginners luck because the 2nd took me a few shots!

I think I prefer the second shot for Stare. Better background.

I also quite like Peace. Nice DoF, and I really like the Widescreen crop, although I'm going through a phase of those at the moment. A good illustrative photograph.

The 2nd stare is my favourite, the light in the trees i think gives a nice bokeh.
This is tricky as you have said you like the DOF for Peace but i think your in the minority for that. I'll give it a go with more DOF and see how it turns out.
Thanks for your comments

Hi Peter

I think I prefer the composition in the 2nd shot for Single....great idea a bit different from most!

Just had a quick look at your canal trip pics......some really nice shots....just watch the tow path in places along there.... wandering along taking pics and....splash! :LOL:

Nice take on Stare too.....excellent idea of Sarah's to crop them I think it would make them both more interesting. Very nice DOF in shot 2!
I'm torn with single. I agree i think the comp works better in #2 but i prefer the lack of coins in #1.
Thanks for taking the time to look at the rest of my shots, means alot to me! :) Yeah there was a couple of time I should have been paying more attention to the path, no splashes though

I'm gonna sit on the fence... ow!!...

Well done on getting 2 spot on focus SP's. Both are good and well thought out. I prefer the first for the reasons stated by the others, warmer etc... but just a little less DOF to get the background a bit more blurred.
Thanks you very much. It was a tricky theme for me, took me all week just to come up with the idea. Maybe I could have done it better first time, but thats why im doing the 52. Thanks for your comments

A powerful choice of subject matter for peace - and an inventive way of depicting it.

The DoF is not quite right for me though sorry.
I'm not sure whether it's too narrow or if it's just the focal point and angle that you've chosen . . . can't quite put my finger on it.
I think Dade might have it when he mentioned the top line all being in focus. Taking away the notion of focusing in on just one of the countries, I think it would have worked better aesthetically too.

Apart from that, there is lots to like.
The panoramic crop works really well.
I'm assuming that it's an Atlas or encyclopedia page (or something similar). Whatever it is, the coloured map on the left adds a good bit of impact to it and makes it more interesting than just a page in a book. It's a good clean, crisp shot too.
I think your right with Peace, and i'm going to have another go later on. I do hope you can come back and give your thoughts to my re-try
Yeah, its an old atlas that has been in the house for years and never really been used. I used the angle i did to try and get the narrow DOF to cover the map as i thought it would add to just the title. I'm glad you picked up on that!

A unique take on Peace and I like the idea. For me the DOF is not right. For me the whole title needs to be in focus.
Thank you for the comment. Taken on board!

I like your Peace shot and have two opposing comments! Well, I am female. :LOL:

I love the shallow dof and the curve in the page. (y)

The shallow dof niggles a bit because I can't read all the words. :thumbsdown:


These are both equally valid comments (I think!) but it's a poignant take on the theme and a reminder that peace often comes at a high price. :)

I see where your coming from, and i hope you will cast your thoughts over my re-try later on. :) Thank you

The Peace shot is a great idea and nearly works... I like it, but again, feel a little more DOF for the title would be good.
And last but not least, As above really, thanks for looking and taking the time to comment.

Re-try on Peace and my shot to take into account the two week 18 themes, Close and Indulgence to come later today.
So I tried to combine the themes this week from Briony and Simon. This was my 2nd or 3rd idea for the shot, but this one I liked best. Its not my strongest shot this year and I know that but I would appriciate your thoughts on it. :)


Only PP was a quick change in levels as it was a tad dark from camera and a crop. I'm not sure on the crop but as my framing wasnt the best pre-pp i didnt have much to work with. I'd like to know how you think I could improve.

Re-shoot of Peace will come after the formula one
Thanks. Pete
A cracking take on the theme Peter.

It does look a bit dark on my monitor though. More light on the right hand side is needed I think. Would have seemed more indulgent if your eyes were wide open perhaps?

Really like your peace shot. Very simple, but good use of dof. Not keen on indulgence though. The lighting doesn't sem right for the shot.
Here is option 2 for week 17 Peace.


Tell me what you think!
(y) for the peace reshoot - that works much better.

Indulgence : Great idea and another strong SP.
I agree with the comments about lighting though - could do with being a bit brighter on the right and a reduction in shadows beneath on your chin and chest.

The thing I notice about this (and what makes it work for me) is that you have the focus on the Magnum rather than on your eyes. In the context of this shot it really works to pull my eye to where it needs to be.
The peace reshoot, :agree: much better.

The indulgence shot is very good, but as has been said needs more light on the right hand side. You know what would also work, rather than eyes wide open... eyes closed and relaxed whilst biting into it... sort of an "mmmmmm" thing going on (if you get what I mean...).
I quite like this shot. I have used the PT-04 flash triggers from FITP that I got this week.

I tried to think of something out of the box, but my head was firmly inside it, so here at the ingredients i could find in the fridge. I chose the Peppers for their colours and the mushrooms as a contrast with their lack of colours. I hope that is apparent.

Canon EOS 500D
EF50mm @ f6.3
ISO 400

Canon 580EX mkii left of camera
1/64 power
80mm zoom


As ever, please tell me what you like, dont like and what you would change!

Thanks, Pete
Nice and sharp Peter. You've done well to keep the reflections on the peppers under control.

However, it does look a bit rushed. Seems like you've just plonked the props on the kitchen worktop and fired away. Perhaps a chopping board and knife with a more blurred background? A window-lit shot with these props would have been nice.

I think Andy is spot on. It does look a bit rushed in terms of setting the scene. Techincally, it's fine. The lighting has worked well, and the subject is nicely framed.

Even just a plain background would have improved it with that line between the counter top and the tiles being quite a distraction.

Those remote triggers are brilliant.

I'm afraid to say, I'm gonna have to agree, the colours in the peppers work, and they contrast nicely with the shrooms... it's well lit and well controlled on the reflections... but the background doesn't really work
Thanks for your comments guys. I know i'm quite behind, i'll try and get that sorted this week!
So I had said I was going to use a joker for the Stop theme, and I may still do so. But here is a shot for the theme.

I'm not keen on it, and will probably re-do it (with a joker).

Anyway, good and bad comments please!!


Thanks. Pete
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So here is my shot for Isolation. I quite like it, i'd love to hear what you think, good or bad!


Thanks. Pete
Not sure about Stop Peter... it's just a bit.. perhaps from a lower angle, across the pedals and single out the brake with the DOF ...

Isolation, this is much better, it clearly says isolation. It's probably just my eyes, but it looks like there's something odd going on in the background... perhaps it's a bit misty...
Thanks for your comment John. I know, stop is just a bit bleh...

Yeah, this was early Sunday morning and it was hazy so i think thats what that is.
Sorry you have to see my lily white legs (they dont like the sun).
An interesting isolation shot - it could almost be the cover for a Pink Floyd album!

Your shot for Isolation is really good, it looks the sort of shot that would have some inspirational words underneath