weekly pjm1's 52 in 2014 week 52 (Support) added... FINISHED!

Hi Paul
Natural - my kind of shot. I find nothing wrong in not having eye contact - I often think that this brings out the character of the subject better to those who know him. good b/g but the missing lathe to the left of the head is a bit distracting for me. Looks good on Flickr as you say. Like the proportion and the cropped off head - which is not always to everyone's taste. Nose and area under the eyes a bit bright losing some detail.
Half - unusually the apple is not cut and the front 'half' and the half light works well. I am not sure about the reflected red of the apple but the b/g I find to my taste with the graduation of the shadows.
Half #2 - imaginative and well handled - altho in this instance I find the b/g a little grey and dull:D
Skill - on theme and i cannot see where you have cloned out the interference. good pov, nice curve of the men and interesting main b/g but the houses to the right are a bit off and the exposure of the two chaps to the right is accordingly a bit bright
Architecture - good idea and very well handled. Good choice of main image and props.(y)

Thanks Alan for the detailed comments :)

Natural suffered from overprocessing (by me) but this is all part of the learning curve and the best way of improving is to study one's mistakes. Thanks for the positive crit.
Half 1 - you echo my own thoughts completely, so thanks for confirming my own "critical eye" isn't too far off!
Half 2 - I agree, the shot is a little flat despite the odd subject... makes me suspect it's the background at least in part too.
Skill - very good point re: exposure and direction of sun (which is obvious from the shadows) - I could and should have fixed this with a carefully applied grad in post (since I don't own any "real" filters I can only do this in post)
Architecture - thanks... funnily enough I wasn't sure about the choice of main shot, being a night time long exposure.

Cheers to you and everyone else for the massively helpful feedback. I think I need to post a shot or two without much/any PP just to make sure I can still take real photos!
Week 13 catch up time...

Edited STEP on it!

STEP on it!
by pjm1 (Paul), on Flickr

(shot taken at the Commonwealth Games men's road race on Sunday)... sadly he didn't step on it enough to take second from the NZer (who appears to think he's doing a Haka!)

Thanks to Graham for highlighting a very distracting orange jacket at the left of frame... which is now not orange ;)
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That step with the bikes is a cracker... The effort captured and the speed from the motion blur is great. I'd do summat about the orange jacket though. ;)

Architure looks a great base photo, and a really good idea of what to do with it. My only crit would be that its not the way I might have done it with the spiral being half way through the shot rather than to the top.

Also think that the effort to replicate dof both on the pencil drawing and also the pencil over complicate things. I guess ideally the photo would to have front to back sharp, as I can't see a drawing using a narrow dof, as the eye does not see like that. :thinking:
Good action photo and taken at just the right time to get the down motion of the pedal for the theme. Good comp with the slope, the blurred b/g and enough space to the right. Captured a lot of effort in the muscles (and the tongue!)

Thanks Alan... You don't want to know how many shots I took before I finally got one I was happy with ;) Even a broken clock is right twice a day...

That step with the bikes is a cracker... The effort captured and the speed from the motion blur is great. I'd do summat about the orange jacket though. ;)

Architure looks a great base photo, and a really good idea of what to do with it. My only crit would be that its not the way I might have done it with the spiral being half way through the shot rather than to the top.

Also think that the effort to replicate dof both on the pencil drawing and also the pencil over complicate things. I guess ideally the photo would to have front to back sharp, as I can't see a drawing using a narrow dof, as the eye does not see like that. :thinking:

Aargh... I missed the marshall's jacket and now I can't stop looking at it. Very annoying! But thank you for reminding me to check the edges of my frames next time... (Now edited photo to correct this)

As mentioned, I did have to take a fair few shots - I think I must have taken 20+ in total during the race and 4 of just those two racers battling up the hill before I was happy with the subject placement and expression.

Architecture is a bit of an experiment which seems to have worked in many respects but there's always room for improvement - and I agree with your points completely. Thanks as always!

Ooh... I've just realised I've done weeks 13 through 31... How palindromic :)
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Week 13 catch up time.. Edited STEP on it! .... (y) excellent panning, and that's the way to get them, on the uphill.
What a great photograph Paul, love the feeling of speed, good use of panning something I haven't done much of, well done.
Thanks Alan... You don't want to know how many shots I took before I finally got one I was happy with ;) Even a broken clock is right twice a day...
Were you shooting in burst mode Paul, or doing it the hard way? Either way, it's a fantastic shot with everything just right!
Week 13 catch up time.. Edited STEP on it! .... (y) excellent panning, and that's the way to get them, on the uphill.

Thanks David... I was lucky not to wait until the very end as only 12 of the riders from the starting 140 made it over the finish line!

What a great photograph Paul, love the feeling of speed, good use of panning something I haven't done much of, well done.

Thanks Carol - it was a good day out courtesy of some kind hospitality from a friend who has an office on the route... meaning we could keep dry (and drink beer!) when they weren't going past and then run out just before the leaders and peleton went past on each lap! My photos towards the end of the race might have been a bit shakier than at the start ;)

Were you shooting in burst mode Paul, or doing it the hard way? Either way, it's a fantastic shot with everything just right!

I do usually leave my camera on hi-speed burst and continuous focus (using the back AF button) but I was taking a single picture at a time. There was probably only a fraction of a second between each shot, but I was able to recompose in the viewfinder between shots. If I'd just held the shutter down I'd have filled up the buffer with about 15 shots of the same thing (and then missed the perfect opportunity as it was still busy saving!)

Thanks for the positive comments everyone.
Great great great cycling photo. Lovely panning shot, such wonderful clarity where it matters and I love the tongue! It was indeed a shame about the NZ 2nd place, but at least Mr. Thomas got a chance to win for a change, even with that nail biting moment.
Hi, Paul, missed a few. Step is a cracker, great motion bur with good focus on the cyclists. The chap on the left with his tongue out works well.

Sorry - I've been snowed with work and haven't had a chance to reply to the kind crit!

Hi Paul,
week 13 step on it... everything has been said, its a great shot, well caught:clap:

Thanks Judi - I always appreciate a clap ;)

Step - a stunning shot with a nicely blurred background, you have done well with capturing the action.

Thanks Mandy... I don't do much "action" photography but it was fun!

Great great great cycling photo. Lovely panning shot, such wonderful clarity where it matters and I love the tongue! It was indeed a shame about the NZ 2nd place, but at least Mr. Thomas got a chance to win for a change, even with that nail biting moment.

Indeed, Simon... we still did well overall though. The Games were great and thanks for the kind words. I did brush a touch of extra clarity on the cyclists' legs and arms to make them pop a bit more.

Hi, Paul, missed a few. Step is a cracker, great motion bur with good focus on the cyclists. The chap on the left with his tongue out works well.


Thanks Andy... definitely turned out to be one of my better shots. I thought the tongue made it and hadn't even spotted it in the viewfinder until I went back to look at the photos on the computer!
Ok... Week 32: Promise. Not an easy theme by any stretch, although there have been some cracking ideas and concepts already. That's the thing with "difficult" themes, it forces people to think differently and that's when we get some absolute crackers.

I'll concede that I've been a bit selfish this week. I've been wanting to try macro for a while so I decided to do one for this theme. WTF (lip) I hear you cry... well, I think it's on theme!

Promise: Forever
by pjm1 (Paul), on Flickr

It's not perfect by a very long way, but this is one of my first attempts at macro, so at least I've given it a shot. Please do critique away and tell me where I'm going wrong! I've tried to be a bit daring with an unconventional composition and although I do think it's technically "balanced" there is obviously a lot of negative space right across the middle of the frame... perhaps this doesn't work.

Thanks as always for looking.
Hi Paul, bang on theme for me not sure why anyone else hasn't thought of it. I like the composition up to a point but not to sure on the negative space, not saying it doesn't work just a little odd
it kind of distracts i find myself looking at the ring then looking at the lights it doesn't tend to blend in as one image.
if that makes any sense at all :thinking:
Hi Paul, bang on theme for me not sure why anyone else hasn't thought of it. I like the composition up to a point but not to sure on the negative space, not saying it doesn't work just a little odd
it kind of distracts i find myself looking at the ring then looking at the lights it doesn't tend to blend in as one image.
if that makes any sense at all :thinking:

Thanks Allan... I agree with you re: the space. It's almost like two photos have been stuck together (no photoshop in this image, I promise!)... worth a go, but I'll move things a bit closer together next time (perhaps even - shock horror - place things on the "thirds" lines!)
Hi Paul...I agree ...a difficult theme this week...I have had two failed attempts and I'm still thinking :(

I like the idea, and I love macro....the ring itself and the writing are I think just right, well done with picking out the wriitng so well. But the mauve and the colour of the bokeh (?) shiny bits :) just don't go together for me. I tried a quick edit and did it daguerreotype effect and I also did a self coloured soft mauve one and I think it looks better all one colour, but that may just be me :thinking:
Hi Paul...I agree ...a difficult theme this week...I have had two failed attempts and I'm still thinking :(

I like the idea, and I love macro....the ring itself and the writing are I think just right, well done with picking out the writing so well. But the mauve and the colour of the bokeh (?) shiny bits :) just don't go together for me. I tried a quick edit and did it daguerreotype effect and I also did a self coloured soft mauve one and I think it looks better all a similar colour, but that may just be me:thinking:
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Hi Paul...I agree ...a difficult theme this week...I have had two failed attempts and I'm still thinking :(

I like the idea, and I love macro....the ring itself and the writing are I think just right, well done with picking out the writing so well. But the mauve and the colour of the bokeh (?) shiny bits :) just don't go together for me. I tried a quick edit and did it daguerreotype effect and I also did a self coloured soft mauve one and I think it looks better all a similar colour, but that may just be me:thinking:

Super feedback, thank you Susie... I'm not great with colours as you can tell (ok, I'm a guy but I'm bad even for a guy!) I suspect you're right that tweaking the colour of the bokeh to something more complementary would work... might have a play!

Thank you (as always).
Doh! I accidentally posted this onto Greengo's thread (sorry!)

Ok... deep breath, it's catch-up time (aargh! you all cry)

By now it shouldn't surprise anyone that I'm going to try to do something a bit different here - not photographically but in terms of the meaning of the theme. Nothing too way out, but it's hopefully not exactly an obvious play on the theme.

Week 12: Linked?

by pjm1 (Paul), on Flickr

I deliberately made the scene very "grey" (and black) because... well, that's what computers are, aren't they? I've then gone and done something I said I probably wouldn't... SC! I have enhanced the "pop" of the blue cable a bit but otherwise it's pretty close to camera. I'll confess it's not the most exciting image, but I'm trying different things each time and here I want to really isolate a part of the image.

C&C always welcome (look on the bright side... I'll soon be caught up;))

Hi Paul. Ive finally made it round for some comments. sorry its taken so long...

Promise: A commendable idea. I really like the bokeh and the fine fuzzy texture in the material foreground. I like the contrast between the purple and the gold....and then I look again and I dont...lol....so I would say its a success because it keeps me coming back for another look. The large space between ring and bokeh doesnt bother me, though perhaps the bokeh is just a tad close to the frame at the top? My only suggestion for a slightly different take would be to add some gradient in PS which is dark at the top moving lighter towards the ring...there is this effect going on already though the gradient would emphasise this and bridge the gap without compromising your composition. Finally top marks for getting the bokeh just right.....its a satisfying feeling when you aim to cature bokeh and it comes out as your envisage....rather than just relying on luck.....

Step: Lovely action shot. The motion blur is perfect. What I really like though is how the two riders are so neatly placed together on the left with the open space on the right to ride into....instant appeal as a result of the good composition. (y)

Half - egg version: Now that is a bloody brilliant idea!!!!!!! Forget hybrid fruits, this is a much more creative appoach and it really made me smile....As discussed before, there could be more improved detail on the lemon section to bring out the white segment lines and pulp bits....probably the lighting that has let this down (perhaps some sort of snooted torch or similiar requird to light this from the top). Really good work though overall, and if you ever do a re-shoot, would love to see you try to rework this suject.

Action: Sensationally sublime. The edited version is a cracker....top marks for reworking this to make the most of the concept.....Love the rich blue tones and constrast with stark black silhouette....Simply Smashing - Full Stop. my only niggle is the moons reflection along the water - I find this kind of distracting and thinking :thinking: this composition doesnt need it???
Hi Paul. Ive finally made it round for some comments. sorry its taken so long...

Promise: A commendable idea. I really like the bokeh and the fine fuzzy texture in the material foreground. I like the contrast between the purple and the gold....and then I look again and I dont...lol....so I would say its a success because it keeps me coming back for another look. The large space between ring and bokeh doesnt bother me, though perhaps the bokeh is just a tad close to the frame at the top? My only suggestion for a slightly different take would be to add some gradient in PS which is dark at the top moving lighter towards the ring...there is this effect going on already though the gradient would emphasise this and bridge the gap without compromising your composition. Finally top marks for getting the bokeh just right.....its a satisfying feeling when you aim to cature bokeh and it comes out as your envisage....rather than just relying on luck.....

Step: Lovely action shot. The motion blur is perfect. What I really like though is how the two riders are so neatly placed together on the left with the open space on the right to ride into....instant appeal as a result of the good composition. (y)

Half - egg version: Now that is a bloody brilliant idea!!!!!!! Forget hybrid fruits, this is a much more creative appoach and it really made me smile....As discussed before, there could be more improved detail on the lemon section to bring out the white segment lines and pulp bits....probably the lighting that has let this down (perhaps some sort of snooted torch or similiar requird to light this from the top). Really good work though overall, and if you ever do a re-shoot, would love to see you try to rework this suject.

Action: Sensationally sublime. The edited version is a cracker....top marks for reworking this to make the most of the concept.....Love the rich blue tones and constrast with stark black silhouette....Simply Smashing - Full Stop. my only niggle is the moons reflection along the water - I find this kind of distracting and thinking :thinking: this composition doesnt need it???

Jason thank you so much for the detailed comments and crit... really appreciated.

Promise - thank you... it's a bit of a marmite shot in some ways and certainly not conventional but you've absolutely nailed one of the things I was really playing with - the bokeh. I had some fairy lights which I wanted to get in. Unfortunately, I had to compromise my choice of lens - I ended up using a 35mm f/2.4 with a Raynox instead of a different one with more aperture blades. The latter should have given me nice round bokeh rather than shaped but never mind. The 35mm is a much sharper lens so probably worked better in picking out the writing anyway...

Step - seems to have been a hit, thank you! It's obviously important I remember what I did that worked on this one... :)

Eggy-lemon - thanks! I definitely think it needs more work (as you say, a reshoot could be worthwhile) but I'm delighted it made someone smile.

Action - wow, your praise on this one has shocked me a bit! Given it was a silhoutte I pasted on top in Photoshop, I'm "over the moon" that it's hit such a high note for someone!

Cheers :ty:
Promise - I like the idea and the focus on the engraving is spot on, but I'm not too keen on the amount of purple between the ring and the lights and think it might have looked a little better if the ring were slightly higher in the frame.

Linked - love the contrast between the bright colour and sharp focus on the cable and the grey fuzziness behind it and also the way the cable catches the light. Good shot!
Promise - I like the idea and the focus on the engraving is spot on, but I'm not too keen on the amount of purple between the ring and the lights and think it might have looked a little better if the ring were slightly higher in the frame.

Linked - love the contrast between the bright colour and sharp focus on the cable and the grey fuzziness behind it and also the way the cable catches the light. Good shot!

Thanks Elaine... you're spot on with your comments on Promise. Worth a go, but more work required!

I wasn't sure if Linked? would just be a bit too boring (in terms of subject). I had a flash positioned just below and to the right of the cable, mainly to prevent shadows being cast on the wall behind but it did throw some highlights onto the cable which was a nice bonus.

Thanks for the comments... looking forward to this week's theme now!
Hi Paul architectural is an excellent idea very well executed
Promise - I was thinking of the same thing but you beat me to it :( think I would have preferred a much tighter crop to put more focus on the ring

Thanks Craig... Architecture and Step are definitely up there in terms of my more popular photos (and ideas). Promise hasn't quite hit the same heights so there's plenty of opportunity for you to do it better... go on, you know you can!! Thanks for the comment - I'd like to reshoot that one I think.
Week 11 catch-up time (part 1 of 2): Reshoot of "Nature"

I just snapped this tonight and decided it fitted the bill. A slight case of PABD but I'm wanting to improve my macro so this as good a way as any! I also posted this on the general Macro section - more for ID than anything. Turns out it's a "bug".

by pjm1 (Paul), on Flickr

It's not as sharp as I'd like but, honestly, it was a rapid little bugger and I'm a bit new to this malarkey.

Part 2 of this catch-up still to come (Swirl), of course.

Thanks for looking.
Morning Paul, some great images added again since my last visit (y)

Step- excellent panning shot, detail is great (y)

Promise- :thinking: I'm undecided, detail in the ring is spot on and I like the bokeh(y)........now I could be wrong but was some of the dof done in PP? It could be all that space that just makes it look not quite right for me :confused:

Linked- as you say, not a very exciting image, but trying something new is good (y) I've never tried SC, maybe I might get one in before the end of the year :D

Re-shoot, Nature - The bug just sits a little high in frame for me, possibly crop some of the f/g? I looked at the exif and did wonder why the setting :thinking:

Wider aperture, faster shutter speed and slightly higher ISO would have helped to make it sharper :)
Thanks @Phil-D for the comments - appreciated as always.

Promise was tweaked in post but only exposure/contrast. The DOF was genuine - it was taken with a Raynox so "macro" with the wafer thin DOF that comes with it. I think the composition simply doesn't quite work... these rules are there for good reason!

Re: Nature reshoot, I deliberately placed it there but, again, it's just experimentation which may not quite have worked. Perhaps putting the bug on the lower third rather than the upper third would have worked better (I have enough leeway to reposition so might try it)? As for the settings, well I'm completely new to this macro photography lark but needed tiny aperture to get DOF in any way useable. I probably should have pushed it a touch higher still. Definitely faster shutter speed though, you're right, so nudging up ISO to 400 would have been sensible. Obviously using the flash "freezes" the action but camera shake is still an issue, especially for me :)

Well I'm no expert in macro, my advice above is maybe why :D I hadn't noticed in the exif that the flash had fired, looking at the pov was it off camera? I'm just a little confused by the shadow right to left of the pov :confused:
Ha ha... yes, WAY off camera (just to keep everyone guessing) :) I had it lying down behind the bug (i.e. right of camera out of frame) with settings controlled via wireless TTL. I think I actually prefer the texture in the paper I managed to highlight rather than the weevil itself!

Edited to add latest submission...

I see from DK's master spreadsheet I'm missing a reshoot. I've had a bit of a play in setting up a macro rig (basically just a whopping great diffuser and a reflector). It turns out that this setup is actually ok for product shots as well.

So here is a Rich reshoot:

Rich: but smooth
by pjm1 (Paul), on Flickr

It's not necessarily the most exciting composition (or perfect) but I'm really quite pleased with the lighting setup. There is still very obvious directional light but the reflector is certainly doing its job re: shadows.

Here is my Heath Robinson rig, inspired by the collective geniuses on the Macro subforum! Yes, that is a lampshade covered with baby muslin. Who said photography has to be expensive?? :)

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Hi Paul, you have done well with the bug (looks like some kind of weevil, I am no expert) faster shutter speed might have helped as you say speedy little sods.
the shadow under the bug is great just the shadow in front is a little too much.
reshoot for rich is a nice product shot, nicely placed in the frame, good work and just goes to show you don't have to spend a fortune to get good results
Hi Paul, you have done well with the bug (looks like some kind of weevil, I am no expert) faster shutter speed might have helped as you say speedy little sods.
the shadow under the bug is great just the shadow in front is a little too much.
reshoot for rich is a nice product shot, nicely placed in the frame, good work and just goes to show you don't have to spend a fortune to get good results

Thanks Allan! I'm building up to getting something a bit different done for Sharp. May not be today but we'll see... Cheers!
Hi Paul...it's such a pleasure to look at your thread ...your enthusiasm is very inspiring :)

The bright blue wire on your linked image really stands out ...so you achieved your objective on that one....I haven't tried SC yet, so that's one to put on the list.

Well done with the little bug ... I just took a look on Flickr and you have some nice detail in there, it's so annoying when they don't stand still isn't it. They are a really nice bunch on the Macro thread and are very helpful, I 'm sure you will pick up a lot of hints by popping in there.

Re-shoot done as well ..... well done to you...I haven't done any yet ! Maybe the coffee in the cup could be darker ...but that's just a thought out loud ...not sure on that one. The white cup stands out nicely on the white background and I like the idea of adding the coffee beans,
Hi Paul...it's such a pleasure to look at your thread ...your enthusiasm is very inspiring :)

The bright blue wire on your linked image really stands out ...so you achieved your objective on that one....I haven't tried SC yet, so that's one to put on the list.

Well done with the little bug ... I just took a look on Flickr and you have some nice detail in there, it's so annoying when they don't stand still isn't it. They are a really nice bunch on the Macro thread and are very helpful, I 'm sure you will pick up a lot of hints by popping in there.

Re-shoot done as well ..... well done to you...I haven't done any yet ! Maybe the coffee in the cup could be darker ...but that's just a thought out loud ...not sure on that one. The white cup stands out nicely on the white background and I like the idea of adding the coffee beans,

Thanks Susie - I feel those of us who are "new" and late joiners have a bit of collective responsibility in keeping everyone else motivated - a bit of fresh blood and all that. Everyone has lulls over the year so we need to keep egging each other on.

I'm glad you liked the various images... it's all still very much experiment, experiment. I do sometimes feel it's a case of a couple of steps forward then a bit of a step back but as long as I'm seeing improvement periodically then I'm happy. I can also look at my photos from back in January when I first got my camera and see I've come a long way!

Thanks as always for the comments - that means you're keeping up with me so I'd better get moving... which brings me to my next photo:

Week 33: Sharp!

Sharp: a wee accident
by pjm1 (Paul), on Flickr

I have to say, I'm not happy with this shot. I'm not entirely sure why, but the idea I had in my mind just didn't quite translate. Not sure whether it's the lighting in the back of the scene (too much shadow?) or what, but I feel it's lacking something.
Paul apologies for not commenting before. Really like your images so far. Ill comment on your sharp image as it's your latest.
It's on theme but the distracting thing for me is the lines behind the brush where it's obviously been positioned near a corner of some sort. I like the simplicity of it with the touch of blood but for me the lines distract me a little too much.
Paul apologies for not commenting before. Really like your images so far. Ill comment on your sharp image as it's your latest.
It's on theme but the distracting thing for me is the lines behind the brush where it's obviously been positioned near a corner of some sort. I like the simplicity of it with the touch of blood but for me the lines distract me a little too much.

Thanks Colin... unfortunately I chose to shoot on tiles, which meant I was always going to be constrained by the size of the tile... if I'd pulled them further forward you'd have seen the edge of the tile (and mortar) at the front of the image instead of the back...

Basically, I think we're both suggesting shooting on something else other than fairly small tiles!

Thanks for taking the time to comment - it's appreciated :)
Hi Paul
Promise - on theme, good idea. Like the purple base and the lines - good position of ring - purple and silver work well together (royal colours). Not keen on lights at rear - would just crop them out.
Linked - on theme, SC not my favourite but this worked well cos the pc stuff is black anyway.
Nature - well handled
Rich - like the set up and good shot of the crema on the coffee. Quite like the beans but maybe too many:thinking:

Sharp - spot on theme.- excellent idea (y) Like the limited range of colour, the base ( partic the stripes) but those two lines at the rear are distracting. I would swap the positions of the handle and blade with the handle pointing away from the viewer to the blade.
Nice dof - may be clone out the 2 small bright spots of light on the brush handle - the larger more muted ones are ok cos they highlight the curve of the handle. Overall i really like it.
Hi Paul
Promise - on theme, good idea. Like the purple base and the lines - good position of ring - purple and silver work well together (royal colours). Not keen on lights at rear - would just crop them out.
Linked - on theme, SC not my favourite but this worked well cos the pc stuff is black anyway.
Nature - well handled
Rich - like the set up and good shot of the crema on the coffee. Quite like the beans but maybe too many:thinking:

Sharp - spot on theme.- excellent idea (y) Like the limited range of colour, the base ( partic the stripes) but those two lines at the rear are distracting. I would swap the positions of the handle and blade with the handle pointing away from the viewer to the blade.
Nice dof - may be clone out the 2 small bright spots of light on the brush handle - the larger more muted ones are ok cos they highlight the curve of the handle. Overall i really like it.

Alan thank you for the detailed crit... really appreciated. Thanks for the encouragement on Sharp especially - it hasn't quite worked out how I wanted so I think this is just one to file away as "not quite there". Your suggestions are good ones and I do think would have improved it. I almost did clone out the two highlights you mentioned but decided against it for "authenticity"... you're right though!

Everyone can have a setup like mine for Rich... although I did break the bank and use about £1 worth of sellotape fixing it all together :)