Royal Wedding

What spoils it for me is all the pre hype pumped out by the media weeks before the actual day. If I get a chance yes I shall watch it even though by now we can all recite the service no thanks to the BBC/ITV and other channels, which takes away the unexpectedness of whats going to happen. You can bet that for the next few weeks the newspapers will keep on and on about the couple even down to who supplies their toilet paper.

dinners said:
Have a great Kevin (y)

Cheers will be getting ready soon we are only lining the street when the procession returns back to the palace and when it passes me by the sound of all them camera shutters going off will be like music to my ears lol lol
Cheers will be getting ready soon we are only lining the street when the procession returns back to the palace and when it passes me by the sound of all them camera shutters going off will be like music to my ears lol lol

Don't forget to wave :clap::clap:

Iam off down to B&Q to get some paint samples and then will be doing the walls very soon. Was meant to be working last night, so could have been sleeping so all plans went wrong yesterday when they said no work tonight.

If the painting doesn't work, think i may wax my balls (y)
I'm quite pleased to hear that William is getting 'Strathearn' as one of his titles.

My sister, who lives a haggis-chuck away from you, said that rumours were flying, due to the police activity.
why is everyone so anti? I know there is alot of hype, pomposity and show but you know what? I was listening to LBC yesterday and there was a piece on Nick Ferrari's show where they were interviewing reporters from around the world and asking why they had come to report on the wedding, they asked a Hungarian reporter why and he said 'because we love the Royal Family' ..not the United Kingdom Royal Family, just simply "the" Royal Family, plenty of other countries have royalty but when do we ever hear about their heirs to the throne getting married? I suspect many people don't give Hungary much thought but here they are, as well as hundreds of other nations, coming to our small island because they want to be part of this event, it was at that point for the first time in my life I have felt truely proud to be British, to know that other nations revere us and would make special effort to cover the marriage of our future king and queen.
Britain as a whole might be in a sorry state at the moment, but really...enjoy the day, for once we have something to smile and be happy about
It just got worse, announced they will be the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge as if they weren't already up their own backsides in that place
I love the pomp and pageantry. No-one can put a regal show on to match the UKs. We've got the most fabulous backdrops for this kinda stuff.
Just popped it on and watched them all filing into Church. Never seen such an elegant, but ugly, inbred bunch of guests :D
i'm doing some royal weeding in the garden. my girlfriend is interested to see the dress, but other than that we have no interest in the whole debacle at all
My tv will stay off for a couple of days and I will go to the bluebell woods with camera, I've no interest in it at all, loada rubbish if you ask me!
Will be spending the whole day at Warhammer world in Nottingham, birthday treat for the nope won't be watching. I hope they don't suffer the same fate as previous royal marriages, but other than that not interested really.
Apparently there was only one street party arranged in the whole of Glasgow - and that's been cancelled due to lack of interest.....
I'm sure they could update "Bugger Bognor" to refer to Glasgow...
Whatever your thoughts on the monarchy, nobody can pull off such an event like we can here, and what a stunning building, it blows me away everytime I see it. I'm only watching it for the architecture!
What if she changes her mind now....

"actually, no I don't wanna marry him, I was winding you all up...."
Just a thought, never heard or saw any of the Spencer family there, his other grandparents, uncles and aunts, are they there or not :thinking: I havent been watching it to closely though, been pping my pics from yesterday in the lakes
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Some miserable people on here.

I'm flitting in and out watching bits, but then I've made a note of where the local street parties are so will be out with my camera later
Just a thought, never heard or saw any of the Spencer family there, his other grandparents, uncles and aunts, are they there or not :thinking: I havent been watching it to closely though, been pping my pics from yesterday in the lakes

Earl Spenceer is there, but wouldn't know any of the others.

Have seen Posh+becks, TPT, Elton John and David cameron though....

Oh yeah, and the Queen.....
Did y'all see that shot from the ceiling of the abbey looking down on the wedding party.....stunning photography.....that is one reason alone to watch it.
Lol I'm taking part in wedding will be dressed in red wearing a bearskin hat, I have been up since 03:00hrs arrived at buck house at 5 and the streets where packed then.

Good luck Kevin

Just a thought, never heard or saw any of the Spencer family there, his other grandparents, uncles and aunts, are they there or not :thinking: I havent been watching it to closely though, been pping my pics from yesterday in the lakes

There's lots of them there. All the south african contingent of the family as well - they look very nice!!

Personally I think its a great thing for thos e that like the royal family - for the rest just ignore it. It's bringing joy and happiness to millions throughout the world.
Did y'all see that shot from the ceiling of the abbey looking down on the wedding party.....stunning photography.....that is one reason alone to watch it.

Do you mean photo or TV camera shots, from the ceiling if you mean TV camera shots, I know what you mean now, fab work (y)
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why is everyone so anti? I know there is alot of hype, pomposity and show but you know what? I was listening to LBC yesterday and there was a piece on Nick Ferrari's show where they were interviewing reporters from around the world and asking why they had come to report on the wedding, they asked a Hungarian reporter why and he said 'because we love the Royal Family' ..not the United Kingdom Royal Family, just simply "the" Royal Family, plenty of other countries have royalty but when do we ever hear about their heirs to the throne getting married? I suspect many people don't give Hungary much thought but here they are, as well as hundreds of other nations, coming to our small island because they want to be part of this event, it was at that point for the first time in my life I have felt truely proud to be British, to know that other nations revere us and would make special effort to cover the marriage of our future king and queen.
Britain as a whole might be in a sorry state at the moment, but really...enjoy the day, for once we have something to smile and be happy about

I am TOTALLY with you there. I have no problems with the Royal Family. Just having to switch off now sadly because I have to get my hair done. Going to my friend's wedding at 3pm. Get to try out my new Sony NEX-3 :)
Few bob's worth of glass pointed toward the Abbey entrance!
But what I want to know is...

Who was that in the Rudolph Antlers? :LOL:
Earl Spenceer is there, but wouldn't know any of the others.

Have seen Posh+becks, TPT, Elton John and David cameron though....

Oh yeah, and the Queen.....

Thought it most obscure that TPT had a hat on that sort of "pointed" at her coke nose :eek: