Royal Wedding

On my way back home now for a few cold ones, must say I now know what it's like to be on the other side of the camera. I have never seen so many being pointed at once when we where marching on horse guards.
kevin obrian said:
On my way back home now for a few cold ones, must say I now know what it's like to be on the other side of the camera. I have never seen so many being pointed at once when we where marching on horse guards.

Well done you, it's been a great day. You should feel proud..

I've really enjoyed watching the coverage and the only real losers are all the haters....
On my way back home now for a few cold ones, must say I now know what it's like to be on the other side of the camera. I have never seen so many being pointed at once when we where marching on horse guards.

You deserve it. well done to all of you.

I was at work this morning but recorded it all and loved watching it. she looked stunning. they all looked so happy.(y)
I watched it along with an estimated 1 million on the streets of London and 2 Billion on TV.

Yes nearly a third of the world wanted to watch, why because Britain is the only place than can do this sort of thing, we have a 1000 years of history that no other country can compete with (maybe china) The pomp and ceremony are what people love, it brings £ billions in to Britain and an event like this shows Britain off to it's best.

The relationship between the couple is obviously very genuine, and she will bring a new spark and lift to the the royal family.

Congratulation Will and Kate.

Nigel I total agree, why the hell are the media so intrested with a has been footballer and a 10th rate ex pop puppet.
Michaela's looking good, oops other channel, I thought the big match was on the snooker.
I was working...but saw the kisses....thought they were a bit limp tbh :p
If he's like that tonight, then she's gonna be glad he's loaded :LOL:

I agree entirely with what whiteflyer says though. I'm no Royalist by any means, and wasn't bothered about the wedding at all, but seeing so many people join in the celebrations today actually made me feel quite proud to be British (which is a rare thing).
Like was said, no one can do pomp and ceremony like us. I think it's because it's reminded me that there's something this country is actually good at. What use that is I don't know, but at least we're good at something still :p
I must say though, it was a rather nice peek of Kate's Middletons :D
I was working...but saw the kisses....thought they were a bit limp tbh :p
If he's like that tonight, then she's gonna be glad he's loaded :LOL:

I agree entirely with what whiteflyer says though. I'm no Royalist by any means, and wasn't bothered about the wedding at all, but seeing so many people join in the celebrations today actually made me feel quite proud to be British (which is a rare thing).
Like was said, no one can do pomp and ceremony like us. I think it's because it's reminded me that there's something this country is actually good at. What use that is I don't know, but at least we're good at something still :p

If there was an event for it at the Olympics - it would definitely be a home gold(y)

That - and the one we'd get for bitching about things:naughty:
Well that's me back in Shrewsbury for the night after travelling up from London, that was a crazy couple of days preparing for today two 03:00hrs starts in 3 days, however it was worth it, I have been in the British Army 14yrs now and that was one of my proudest days today that I've had, thousands cheering when we marched down the Mall, i was so proud to be British today!

Staying in bed tomorrow morning and i bet i miss out on a classic sunrise.
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I was working down there today and I have to say it was something special. I've done several dozen royal type events in central London over the years and this was easily the most enjoyable of events for the public and those of us working there:)

I never really had much of an opinion on the royal family until I started doing these events and it is very easy to see how much tourism they bring into the country, and also into London from around the UK.

Good luck to the happy couple....especially as they have greatly assisted my D7000 piggy bank:D
Well that's me back in Shrewsbury for the night after travelling up from London, that was a crazy couple of days preparing for today two 03:00hrs starts in 3 days, however it was worth it, I have been in the British Army 14yrs now and that was one of my proudest days today that I've had, thousands cheering when we marched down the Mall, i was so proud to be British today!

Staying in bed tomorrow morning and i bet i miss out on a classic sunrise.

Something to tell the grand kids... i take my hat of to you. don't worry about the sunrise tomorrow just think of today. sleep well after the beers.. again well done.. and thank you for sharing your day sort of makes is a little bit more spiecal for us me
er minons..
Something to tell the grand kids... i take my hat of to you. don't worry about the sunrise tomorrow just think of today. sleep well after the beers.. again well done.. and thank you for sharing your day sort of makes is a little bit more spiecal for us me
er minons..

Lol thanks Terri (y) funny you mentioned that about the grand kids, that was quoted a lot today by my fellow Welsh Guardsmen too, great day thank you. oh and i can confirm that this world is digital i have never seen so many devices cameras etc etc i even seen people holding up those Ipads i take it they now have cameras installed too :LOL:
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Nigel I total agree, why the hell are the media so intrested with a has been footballer and a 10th rate ex pop puppet.

Because whether you like it or not ..they are are brilliant at what they do........... sell Britain.
Did y'all see that shot from the ceiling of the abbey looking down on the wedding party.....stunning photography.....that is one reason alone to watch it.

Agreed x2.
No one can better Great Britain when it comes to pomp and pageant.
When do we get to see the youtube vid of the reception? the pair of them breaking into the Micheal Jackson Thriller routine would be worth watching :)
went out yesterday morning, was back for the kiss, and then watched the highlights last night, best moment for me them leaving buck house in the Aston !! nice touch who ever thought that one up.

Amazing how many people around the world were interested, it does make you proud to be british
"NO NO NO - Kiss on the lips on the balcony"

Well that's me back in Shrewsbury for the night after travelling up from London, that was a crazy couple of days preparing for today two 03:00hrs starts in 3 days, however it was worth it, I have been in the British Army 14yrs now and that was one of my proudest days today that I've had, thousands cheering when we marched down the Mall, i was so proud to be British today!

Staying in bed tomorrow morning and i bet i miss out on a classic sunrise.

You guys in the guards the cavalry etc all looked magnificent,thanks to all of you for helping make it such a special day
Why is it news that an unofficial wedding party in Glasgow had 21 arrests? I am sure that there is an unofficial party in Glasgow (and every other town/city) with 21 arrests on most Friday nights!

Blooming press can't let a story be positive all the way through can they, and it makes Glasgow look bad.
Did y'all see that shot from the ceiling of the abbey looking down on the wedding party.....stunning photography.....that is one reason alone to watch it.

It looked like a remote camera on a cable system (something like Skycam or Spydercam). Cracking shot though.
I loved the whole event. It was well organised, spectacular and made me proud to be British.

I don't think anyone can fault any part of it. And I don't think anywhere in the world could compete to put on a better show for a wedding.

I thought that all the police involved did a great job managing the crowds.

I thought all of the members of the armed forces involved also were amazing.

Can we do it all again next year?
I was one of those that was determined not to watch the wedding as far from being a royalist, but, what an event, what a dress and what a sister.

Loved the news video of the police officer encouraging the crowd.

Finished it off by christening the BBQ with friends, what a superb day all round :)
Zara's wedding is this year.

Isn't she getting married in scotland?

It should be another great event, but lets face it, we won't see a wedding on this scale again for many many years. There will be a good un for Harry, but it won't quite be the same.

The next time I would expect to be the wedding of the first born of Wills and Kate.
I was one of those that was determined not to watch the wedding as far from being a royalist, but, what an event, what a dress and what a sister.

Loved the news video of the police officer encouraging the crowd.

Finished it off by christening the BBQ with friends, what a superb day all round :)
Which video was that?
Well I am very much a royalist, but even I could not believe what an amazing day it was. To see all those people travel to London, with no hint of trouble, was brilliant. The pomp and pageantry was breathtaking and like many others am so proud to be British. Every single element was perfect.

Kate and Pippa looked stunning too!