weekly SevernBore's 52 for 2015

Hi Andrew. Very nice Silhouette - clear and crisp but Wow! I like Animal for it's detail and vibrant colours.:clap:
Hi Carl
Many thanks for your comments on Silhouette and Animal. I was pleased with both,but was especially glad to have got the caterpillar in focus as it was in an awkward spot in the garden. I had to risk my wife's wrath while taking the shot in case I caused further damage to her treasured garden!;)

Spiral - what a great idea for the theme, and very well shot too
Silhouette - good shot and fitting for the theme. I might have cropped a bit of the branch on the RHS, just to remove the part where it splits into two
Animal - that's a lovely macro shot, and a great idea for the theme - even if you don't have any flowers left :oops: :$
love your silhouette and animal shots. I agree with Lorraine about the branches although I think I'd clone out quite a few of them as they make it a lil bit 'busy' :)
Nicely themed and well taken Andrew. Like the slightly off kilter "take".:clap:
This is really nice, My only (and it's a small thing) negative is that I think the image would have worked better if you put the flowers at the back of the bowl around to one side or even squashed down in the pestle - as in ready to be ground down - Lovely lighting and processing though, bravo!
Pretty picture, well-taken. I like the composition.
Hi Andrew. What a fabulous set of images - faultless. Love 'em all. Bravo:clap:
Hi Andrew ...catch up on here for me ...love your choice for Medical, a really super shot.

The ones from your holiday are all smashers for the themes, I bet that chap wasn't too happy about his drum for Tear, what a great shot for the theme. I would have liked more of a close up of the rocks for Geometric but that's just a personal choice.
Thanks for kind comments Carl and Susie. I think the guy with the broken drum skin would have been quite pleased as from what I observed among the several bands marching that evening the aim of the big drummer was to whack as much noise as possible out of the drum. His was not the only broken one and others showed huge dents in the (as yet) unbroken skins. Incidentally, it was pouring with rain that evening, but the bands played on.......!
HI Andrew. Well done on catching up. Love the tree and the textures in the bark as well as the vibrant green of the foliage. Great take on the theme
Hi, Andrew :)

Support, looks a little green, like a slight overall green hue.

I like the angle, nice details and textures on the bark and you've handled a difficult exposure situation to maintain a good overall exposure.

Religious ... reminds me of old places in north Portugal we viewed [with estate agents] ten years ago ... catholic style. (y) ... nicely done with raw colour, mirror & all.

Proverb & Geometric ... have wow factor. The latter like some 70s album cover trickery.