Show us yer film shots then!

Some more from the same roll of Ektar as my shot above…

Mamiya 7ii, 43mm lens and Lee 0.6 Hard ND Grad filter (I'm sure I've previously posted a black and white picture of the same scene):

Idwal Stream
by osh rees, on Flickr

Two with the 80mm lens:

Forest Light 8
by osh rees, on Flickr

Forest Light 7
by osh rees, on Flickr

And one of Nant Ffrancon using Ilford Pan F 50 and an orange filter (again 80mm lens):

Nant Ffrancon
by osh rees, on Flickr
Some more from the same roll of Ektar as my shot above…

Mamiya 7ii, 43mm lens and Lee 0.6 Hard ND Grad filter (I'm sure I've previously posted a black and white picture of the same scene):

Idwal Stream
by osh rees, on Flickr

Two with the 80mm lens:

Forest Light 8
by osh rees, on Flickr

Forest Light 7
by osh rees, on Flickr

And one of Nant Ffrancon using Ilford Pan F 50 and an orange filter (again 80mm lens):

Nant Ffrancon
by osh rees, on Flickr
A super set Osh. It's interesting to see that the colour ones are shot on Ektar, if I hadn't known I would have guessed that they were on Portra. Do you scan your own film or are they lab scans?
A super set Osh. It's interesting to see that the colour ones are shot on Ektar, if I hadn't known I would have guessed that they were on Portra. Do you scan your own film or are they lab scans?

Thanks. Yes, I scanned them myself (Epson V500) I can see what you mean about them looking similar to Portra. The main difference I tend to see between the two films is that Ektar is a bit more saturated, and doesn't preserve anywhere near the same detail in the highlights - I'm sure that if I had been using Portra I wouldn't have needed the ND grad filter for the first one for example.
Osh that is a great shot (the leaping puppy one)! Like something Martin Parr would take.
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Andy, love that Winter Reflection! In fact, I can't believe I haven't looked at this thread before now. Some absolutely marvellous work here folks.
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Taken a few years back just after a storm, hence the dark sky. The film was Kodachrome64. The camera was a Nikon F3. The lens was a 200mm F4 AI Nikkor with a polarising filter to darken the sky a bit more.
I really like that, Matt. What's the process behind it?
Dead simple actually. Pick a digital or scanned image. Flip the it horizontally. Print out on to dirt cheap plain paper using an inkjet printer. Allow to dry. Get a piece of card and brush on some clear acrylic medium over an area slightly smaller then your printed image. Immediately stick your print face down to the acrylic and press it on firmly. After one to two minutes slowly peel your print away. The topmost layer containing the ink should stay behind on the card. Sometimes it'll take some of the white paper below the ink-soaked layer too, leaving detail obscured. You may need to gently rub areas to get more of the white paper off. This is easiest when the acrylic is still wet but you run the risk of rubbing through to the card underneath if you're too keen. When the acrylic is dry you may need to wet your finger very slightly to shift extra paper. Be prepared to do a few different ones before you get one you're happy with.
What a brilliant technique! Maybe we should start a thread for experiments like this?
Just catching up fare travelling to Malaysia, these are incredible. What was the technique?

thanks :) not much technique to talk about really, i set up on my ironing board in the living room right next to a large window. They're all natural light, no reflectors or anything so i try and wait for a decent sunny day. Then its just a case of spinning things round till i see some nice lines. Thyere shot on my 5x4 so the focus on the tulip was done by tilting the lens back enough to throw the background out while giving me full focus on the depth of the tulip head, they're all shot around f24 or f32 so quite long exposures. I think these were around 25 to 30 seconds as it wasn't that bright a day.

A lot of fiddling about and checking with a loupe to make sure its all there. I got several sheets of large coloured thick card from hobby craft to use as backdrops, black in this case :) Then meter off a point and adjust exposure to how i see things and away i go.

Not a lot of tweaking in lightroom, maybe lower the shadows and blacks a bit to give a little more contrast.
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A couple from me. My second film this year, I am on a roll! I've started a new job and my training is on the silly side of the river. The only thing it has going for it is looking over at the proper side! Taken on Lomo 100 using the F75:

This is something to do with the tunnel:

by rednorters, on Flickr

And here is the pilot boat with the good side of the river behind it:

by rednorters, on Flickr

Thanks for looking as always :)
A couple of test shots from my Rollei 35 with 40mm Zeiss Tessar. Both were taken at almost the closest focus for the lens and I was estimating the distance. Both a bit random, but I am pleased with how this little camera performs and just how sharp it's lens is. Images were taken on Kodak Tri-X, developed in LC29 and scanned on a Plustek 7600i. Had a devil of a time with drying marks on the negs though!

Beer in the Co-op!

Close up Pelican
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A couple of test shots from my Rollei 35 with 40mm Zeiss Tessar. Both were taken at almost the closest focus for the lens and I was estimating the distance. Both a bit random, but I am pleased with how this little camera performs and just how sharp it's lens is. Images were taken on Kodak Tri-X, developed in LC29 and scanned on a Plustek 7600i. Had a devil of a time with drying marks on the negs though!

Beer in the Co-op!

Close up Pelican
Adnams brewing lager, what is the World coming to. :beer:
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Loving that one Mart, superb detail and colour.
We visited the Isle of Skye for the first time a few weeks ago and we were blown away by the place! I'm not sure why it took so long for us to visit, but we hope to go back again soon. I'm still sorting through all of the photographs, but here are a few from the SQ-A to start:

Great stuff RJ, the structural presence of that first one is terrific! Like the last too, the coo looks like it's got a hat on!
They're cracking shots RJ, I've been to Skye twice; first time it was glorious but I was there with family the second time it rained solid for a week!!
RJ, you have made a mistake.......don't visit will keep wanting to go back. Very similar to the slippery slope of buying a film camera. :D

Excellent shots though mate.(y)
Great stuff RJ, the structural presence of that first one is terrific! Like the last too, the coo looks like it's got a hat on!

Thanks, Chris. It ended up being quite a trek to get that first photo—and we had to get up at an ungodly hour—but we had a lot of fun.

that first one is the dogs danglies. Lovely shot.

Many thanks! :)

They're cracking shots RJ, I've been to Skye twice; first time it was glorious but I was there with family the second time it rained solid for a week!!

Cheers, Steve. Yeah, Skye isn't somewhere I'd plan to visit for warm weather and bunches of sunshine, but the scenery is fantastic. I built my SQ-A a little wet weather hat/cover before we left as we were preparing for a very wet few days. Ultimately, we did encounter our fair share of the wet stuff, but there were periods of sunshine mixed in, thankfully.

RJ, you have made a mistake.......don't visit will keep wanting to go back. Very similar to the slippery slope of buying a film camera. :D

Excellent shots though mate.(y)

Thanks for the kind words, Andy!

Yeah, I really enjoyed myself there. Speaking of slippery slopes, I managed to whack my camera three times while we were there, but the camera continued to work, fortunately (although I did have to replace my cable release...).
We visited the Isle of Skye for the first time a few weeks ago and we were blown away by the place! I'm not sure why it took so long for us to visit, but we hope to go back again soon. I'm still sorting through all of the photographs, but here are a few from the SQ-A to start:

I love these. You're a great salesman for the SQ-A - I have 4 on my eBay watchlist.
It's already been said RJ but that shot is awesome. I've just looked through your other shots on Flickr and you've got a lot of really impressive results. Are you still using Ukfilmlab for your develop/scans?


Cheers, Steve. :)

Yeah, I've been using UK Film Lab for basically all of my colour negative photos since August last year. I still do my own development and scanning of B&W and I'll use either AG or Genie for my slide film and then scan it myself.

I love these. You're a great salesman for the SQ-A - I have 4 on my eBay watchlist.

Thanks, Keith. The SQ series is great; seemingly quite robust too given how much I've been knocking my own around lately.

I also was sold on the SQ-A with RJ's images. Heres one from my first roll through my SQ-A

Loch Arklet taken on Portra 160


Ohhhhh... very nice, indeed! I like the composition with the group of rocks up close.
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We visited the Isle of Skye for the first time a few weeks ago and we were blown away by the place! I'm not sure why it took so long for us to visit, but we hope to go back again soon. I'm still sorting through all of the photographs, but here are a few from the SQ-A to start:

Another very good set RJ, I especially like the first and third one....
We visited the Isle of Skye for the first time a few weeks ago and we were blown away by the place! I'm not sure why it took so long for us to visit, but we hope to go back again soon. I'm still sorting through all of the photographs, but here are a few from the SQ-A to start:

They are all really nice. The first is my favorite.
Some great shots there RJ. I really must go to Skye one day. Ive got friends that live there, so have the perfect opportunity, its just finding the time... :(