Show us yer film shots then!

I like these a lot; interested in the colour of the reds on the poles inside the train; they've come out a lot darker, maybe more maroon (?) in your shots. It kibd of fits the mood, and I wondered if it was deliberate.

THanks, ive noticed in the past that Agfa seems to do odd things with reds. There was quite a large yellow cast on these due to the lights, so it might of been the resetting of that which affected the reds more.

Sunset bristlecone pine_PHOTOBOX_1000
by david.williams221162, on Flickr

South rim Grand Canyon, shot on Fuji slide film but the camera?, well I was using a T90 and a Olympus Muji2 I'd just bought in San Francisco, I could not say which one I shot it on as the slides have got mixed up over the years. I was very impressed with the little Olympus - I see they make good money on eBay.


Sunset bristlecone pine_PHOTOBOX_1000
by david.williams221162, on Flickr

South rim Grand Canyon, shot on Fuji slide film but the camera?, well I was using a T90 and a Olympus Muji2 I'd just bought in San Francisco, I could not say which one I shot it on as the slides have got mixed up over the years. I was very impressed with the little Olympus - I see they make good money on eBay.


Lovely, I really like this.
I like that, presumably the negative only not inverted?

Yep, just a bit of a mess about really, the neg looked interesting so I scanned it in and just moved the black point up a bit.

got two rolls of 35mm processed today so thought id share a few images
first lot on kodak ektapress 400 wth a om10 and 35-70f4 lens that more i use the more i love.




second are from a cosina Cx1 with some fuji 800 asa was long expired so i shot it at 200asa as i forgot what film was in there and presumed it was a 400 speed


train window shoot of port talbot


^^^ WHAT....I don't understand.....:thinking:

Excellent shot Mark, but I'm flummoxed, is it a bit of modern art?

It is a piece of art by Alex Chinneck. Google him for more info but I think there is an upside down house somewhere and also a factory in the East End where he swapped all the window panes for broken ones but identically broken. I rather liked it but my shot would have been better if I could have got a bit higher up as you cannot really see the front door - which is horizontal!

Good fun and better in the flesh. Or in the brick.....

I went out this weekend and shot a mix of digital and fillum, i loaned a new to me EOS 10D to my dad and he loved it so went out and got a 1000D with a kit lens, then i went with a friend the next day to a ruin of a houseView attachment 8366 and lent her the same camera while i snapped away on Poundland special, i took this and love how her jacket matches the barn door.
A bit of Acadia National Park on Mount Desert Island, Maine. It only takes me a little over an hour to get there from home.

In case anyone is interested in Acadia.

When John D. Rockefeller, Jr. built Acadia out of his own money and gave it to the US government for a National Park. This is the house he built for his architect for the park and family to live in during the construction.

Canon 1V HS - EF 28-135 IS Arista premium 400/TRI X in Xtol 3/21/14.

Thanks Bill Ruyle for putting me on to the AP400.

Can't believe how tight the grain is in these for a 400 film, certainly a testimonial to Xtol, too. Excellent series, Ron
Lovely shots Ron and interesting looking area.

A couple from my trip to Spain in December,a little late,but,saving for AG's costs for Velvia 50 takes time. :). The CAC in Valencia.

These were taken at 5pm with the sun just about to fall behind the buildings,but,I think some of the low light looks interesting.

Nikon F100,Sigma 24mm super macro and of course Velvia 50. These are from small scans as I have not had time to scan myself,but,I will.



A couple from my trip to Spain in December,a little late,but,saving for AG's costs for Velvia 50 takes time. :). The CAC in Valencia.

These were taken at 5pm with the sun just about to fall behind the buildings,but,I think some of the low light looks interesting.

Nikon F100,Sigma 24mm super macro and of course Velvia 50. These are from small scans as I have not had time to scan myself,but,I will.



Those are nice and interesting. It looks like the city of the arts and science is trying to grow palms in a tunnel of sorts.

Some Agfa Vista goodness, shot a test roll to check the rangefinder alignment on my Summicron and had these in there too.

I seem to take LOADS of photos of doors/fronts of buildings, I can see a project being put together on that front.
finally got the 5x4's back from a set i took around the steelworks in Port Talbot anybody thats seen my website will know i have a fetish for man altered landscape and the New topographic movement so port talbot would be a logical choice to shoot sadly the rental cops there got very over stimulated when they saw a camera and all sorts of fun happened

First image is Kodak E100G 50th f32


Fuji Pro 160s for the last two images of the set ive lost the notes but will be around the F32 mark and 50th-100th second



shortly after this security got out of hand so i had to vanish before things got stupid
finally got the 5x4's back from a set i took around the steelworks in Port Talbot anybody thats seen my website will know i have a fetish for man altered landscape and the New topographic movement so port talbot would be a logical choice to shoot sadly the rental cops there got very over stimulated when they saw a camera and all sorts of fun happened

First image is Kodak E100G 50th f32


Fuji Pro 160s for the last two images of the set ive lost the notes but will be around the F32 mark and 50th-100th second



shortly after this security got out of hand so i had to vanish before things got stupid

#1 is a fantastic shot and just shouts 4x5 quality. The colours are wonderful and if it was not for those silo's it could be from another planet,I like it very much.
A couple from my trip to Spain in December,a little late,but,saving for AG's costs for Velvia 50 takes time. :). The CAC in Valencia.

These were taken at 5pm with the sun just about to fall behind the buildings,but,I think some of the low light looks interesting.

Nikon F100,Sigma 24mm super macro and of course Velvia 50. These are from small scans as I have not had time to scan myself,but,I will.



The frame work covers a huge garden area of which the palms are part of,beautiful place to go and see.
Some Agfa Vista goodness, shot a test roll to check the rangefinder alignment on my Summicron and had these in there too.

I love the colours here and the grain makes it appear like a crop from an impressionist sunset. Well, it does to me, anyway :oops: :$
finally got the 5x4's back from a set i took around the steelworks in Port Talbot anybody thats seen my website will know i have a fetish for man altered landscape and the New topographic movement so port talbot would be a logical choice to shoot sadly the rental cops there got very over stimulated when they saw a camera and all sorts of fun happened

First image is Kodak E100G 50th f32


Fuji Pro 160s for the last two images of the set ive lost the notes but will be around the F32 mark and 50th-100th second



shortly after this security got out of hand so i had to vanish before things got stupid

Great shots, Dave. I'll go along with the crowd and say that the first is my favourite too.
I've decided to have a go at 4x5, or is it 5x4, I'm never quite sure which way round it should be - if indeed there is a 'right' way. So I bought a Crown Graphic on Ebay, some film holders and a couple of packs of film. It's all been quite a steep learning curve, figuring out how to load the film holders, how the camera works, getting exposed film from holders into a Mod54.

Anyway, this is one of my first attempts with the Crown Graphic with Rodenstock 127mm, red filter, Fomopan 100 developed in Rodinal 1:50, 8 mins @ 20C
Scanned with an Epson V500 (scanned two halves of the negative and stitched them together in Elements)

I've decided to have a go at 4x5, or is it 5x4, I'm never quite sure which way round it should be - if indeed there is a 'right' way. So I bought a Crown Graphic on Ebay, some film holders and a couple of packs of film. It's all been quite a steep learning curve, figuring out how to load the film holders, how the camera works, getting exposed film from holders into a Mod54.

Anyway, this is one of my first attempts with the Crown Graphic with Rodenstock 127mm, red filter, Fomopan 100 developed in Rodinal 1:50, 8 mins @ 20C
Scanned with an Epson V500 (scanned two halves of the negative and stitched them together in Elements)

I like that.

I never thought of stitching two halves of 4x5 together, much hassle?
I like that Steve, very nice monochrome tree study, it has quite an oriental look about it, but I am guessing you didn't shoot it in Japan?
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I like that Steve, very nice monochrome tree study, it has quite an oriental look about it, but I am guessing you didn't shoot it in Japan?

Cheers Adrian. Yeah not Japan! Somewhere in the Pentland hills at the convergence of about 4 wind tunnels, after I was nearly blown over I gained a little sympathy for that tree.
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Been a while....finally moved from HK to Germany! Had a batch of films from last minute trip to Japan processed here and the scans were atrocious which finally spurred me on to buy a V550 and scan my own....much happier! All Acros 100 on the M6.


1. Vendor at Snow Festival in Sapporo


2. Snowplough in Otaru


3. Painter in Otaru
Been a while....finally moved from HK to Germany! Had a batch of films from last minute trip to Japan processed here and the scans were atrocious which finally spurred me on to buy a V550 and scan my own....much happier! All Acros 100 on the M6.


1. Vendor at Snow Festival in Sapporo


2. Snowplough in Otaru


3. Painter in Otaru

Chris they're great, the first really stands out though.