Show us yer film shots then!


I prefer them in a hot oven. :).

I preferred the chickens in b/w!

This should be entered into the current blurry challenge.
Fantastic shot, Andy, and an amazing result for your second go at home dev. And Kevin, that Abbey shot is also excellent, wonderful contrasts of angles, textures and light.
Kevin, that is a beautiful shot. The exposure and composition are spot on.

Thanks all, I suspect an element of beginners luck with the development has played a part and the light was perfect for the shot. I may load another roll and dev that later.
Good to see you're getting the hang of this photography malarkey, very nicely done Andy.
Thanks Nick, I'm not sure about 'getting the hang of it' but I am finding that the more I practice the luckier I get. Off to Llangollen tomorrow for a couple of days so hopefully I can get a few clichéd Welsh waterfall, Spring bluebell, craggy mountain shots.

Well, just for fun and to lower the tone a bit, saw this near Hailes Abbey in the Cotswolds, all I had was the mju II:

Can't be too many of them about!
Stop in now Richard, not fair..... That's a beautiful shot. Need to get a Fuji...again.
Thanks Andy,I really did enjoy using the camera and I bought a Sekonic L-208 Twinmate to compliment the camera,they worked very well together and yes you should buy another one your photographs from Canada were brilliant. :)

I fired of five rolls of various film so lots more to come including B&W,yes me and B&W.
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Top shot Mart, a bit different to the usual loco shots.
Hi Mart great shot....lucky you having the 40mm as I've been waiting for at least 6 months for a 40 or 50mm ETRs at a reasonable price.:(
Three from Pistyll Rhaeadr waterfall in Wales. Mamiya C330f, 55mm lens and Fuji Acros 100, devved in Ilfotech LC29.

Messed about with this one a bit, just because I can.
PR1-sepia by andysnapper1, on Flickr

PR2 by andysnapper1, on Flickr

PR3 by andysnapper1, on Flickr

The last one could probably do with a bit more contrast.

Three from Pistyll Rhaeadr waterfall in Wales. Mamiya C330f, 55mm lens and Fuji Acros 100, devved in Ilfotech LC29.

Messed about with this one a bit, just because I can.
PR1-sepia by andysnapper1, on Flickr

PR2 by andysnapper1, on Flickr

PR3 by andysnapper1, on Flickr

The last one could probably do with a bit more contrast.


Good shots Andy. #1 seems to have coloured the water brown, not for me. Let's see the Black and White.
#2. Super, 'nuff said.
#3, yep needs more contrast.
I really like #2 Andy,I think that #1 and#3 produced that way would be equally as good.

Congrats on your developing,you seem to be like a duck to water.(y)
#2 is great Andy, the pick of the three.
Wow - what a great pic! I'd love to try a MF camera and someone suggested the Yashicamat 124G - how in blazes could you take that pic at only 100 ASA? :eek:

Generally speaking a lot of medium format is shot on a tripod and with a remote realease cord but the thing with TLR cameras is that it gives a much steadier platform to shoot with as you are not holding them up to the eye. I often shoot at 1/15th of a second and get nice sharp shots.

My first thought was handheld since here in London if they see you with anything that resembles a tripod you won't be allowed in the South Kensington museums like the Natural History. Looking back on my post I see that I sounded like someone who did know what a long exposure was :LOL:

Actually, I managed to sneak a tripod into Greenwich Maritime Museum and took some long exposures in a room with stained glass windows...that was until Deputy Dawg came in and told me that this wasn't allowed.

Generally speaking a lot of medium format is shot on a tripod and with a remote realease cord but the thing with TLR cameras is that it gives a much steadier platform to shoot with as you are not holding them up to the eye. I often shoot at 1/15th of a second and get nice sharp shots.

I don't mind at all Trev, its always good to see other takes on the same shot. I like it, it's kind of the sort of thing I was after with the first shot.
