Show us yer film shots then!

Nice. Love the composition and of course the Neopan gives it that little extra something special (y)

Thanks - I was really liking the TriX but the shop only had Neopan this time round so I put some in - the current film is TriX again but I think I might go back to Neopan again after that. Really like the tones it's produced - I'm hardly doing anything to the scan to get it how I like it.
I actually just spat my tea out laughing :D


Couple more Neopan efforts from Waterloo


Large n black


Large n black
Hey fellas have not checked in for a while, some stunning stuff as always in here.......

Right, these are all taken by my 14 year old son, Canon EOS400, Fuji Neopan 400CN, 18-55 kit lens.........all taken in manual and metered by hand as the in built meter does not work, I think he done good ;).

Clicky for bigger
Speaking of colour, I just got 5 rolls of Velvia back, so yawl gonna get colour blitzed till you throw up....

Velvia 100F & 50


Just kidding - those shots are seriously good. It's like those colours don't exist in the human colour spectrum, but Velvia allows us a glimpse of what colour really should be :shrug:

edit - damn these computer screens - I wanna see the slide :(
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Right, these are all taken by my 14 year old son, Canon EOS400, Fuji Neopan 400CN, 18-55 kit lens.........all taken in manual and metered by hand as the in built meter does not work, I think he done good ;)

Blimey m8... :eek: ... like father like son or what... :cautious: ... if he's that good now what is he gonna be like in a few years... :shrug:

Some really excellent images there and the more amazing for both the fact he is just 14 and using fillum gear... ;)

Wish I had his eye for sure... (y)

Just trying out a new piece of software, (AutoPano Giga), and got this result.

A pano of a view of my village from 2 images taken handheld.

Taken with Canon EOS30 using Ilford HP5+ 400 and dev in ID11.
vm...your son has indeed done well....

Blimey m8... :eek: ... like father like son or what... :cautious: ... if he's that good now what is he gonna be like in a few years... :shrug:

Some really excellent images there and the more amazing for both the fact he is just 14 and using fillum gear... ;)

Wish I had his eye for sure... (y)


Thanks fellas I will pass on the kind words, the good thing is that he picked up the film camera over his digital bridge camera :)
I don't think I've posted this before. Originally shot on Velvia but it was way too much, however I quite like the mono equivalent:


Shot with my Deardorff on the massive Scotland trip earlier in the year :D
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Wowsa... :eek:

That was my immediate reaction when I saw that Chris... (y)

A quite stunning shot imhgo and serves the mono treatment much more than adequately... :D

Another one from me. :D

Practika Mtl3 with XP2.


Bigger Here I have to admit to pushing the blacks somewhat in Lightroom, XP2 is just a bit grey for my liking, but I'm not set up for home developing yet, so Tesco's have been nice to me!! :)

EDIT: It doesn't look better in colour...:p
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Wowsa... :eek:

That was my immediate reaction when I saw that Chris... (y)

A quite stunning shot imhgo and serves the mono treatment much more than adequately... :D

mikeyt said:
chris, that's amazing. Beautiful work!

Thanks chaps. I said when I was on the trip that if I came away with a couple of shots I'm happy with then that's all I can ask for. This is one of the ones I'm happy with :D

Still trawling through the mono negs to process though, Adox quality control has let me down big style :bang: so looks like I'm going to have to go for more expensive film from now on. A bummer but I only shot 40ish frames of mono on a week long trip and of the 12 I've processed 3 have emulsion faults, not a happy bunny :bat:
Chris, that one is stunning. Epic actually. Love to see the other ones you were happy with.

ta mate. Here's another one, not entirely satisfied with this one, need to buy some coloured filters :thumbsdown:


Not really finished any of the others, apart from my elgol and hushinish views which are also getting the B&W treatment for my new website. Thought it was about time, everyone else seems to have one :rules:
Some more of my black and white film only stuff here:


See, everyone's got a website, even technophobes like Steve :p

btw steve, I like the mooring posts pic, and the front of the boat one, thats quite graphic artsy type (don't have proper words to describe, damn my limited vacabulary)

mine will be here when it's finished. Slowly adding things as I remember them and playing with the layout

Need to sort a better logo etc
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Well this is my third film (2nd with the gorgeous FM). There were some problems with the last film in the FM but after seeing the negs it would appear that they were probably developer mistakes!!!

Anyway here goes, these are my favourites. All taken with the FM and a AIS 50mm f/1.8 e (I think that's what it's called :))




First time ever using a film camera a couple of weeks ago...can't remember what make. I had a photography workshop at University as part of my course, and we just used the cameras that got given to us. Had an hour to go and take about 15 shots, so here are a few of the best. They aren't brilliant due to being my first attempt, but using film cameras and the dark room was something I loved, so I'm definitely out to improve. Still feel a bit inadequate compared to everyone else though!







these were underexposed but tweaked them in lightroom-if film has been developed can i still get prints that are darker? ie can i tweak them non digitally, sorry if its a stupid question
Took a few shots with a 'remembrance' theme this year which I might group into a set later today. For now this is a poppy seller not really catching the crowds outside Sloane Square tube.

TriX, Canonet QL19

.....For now this is a poppy seller not really catching the crowds outside Sloane Square tube.


Went to school, in the 80s, near there. Love that place; and love that shot ... brought back all sort of flash-backs (y)
I have just spent ages looking at these photos and I must say I had forgotten how great film was/is. The warmth of the photos are wonderful. The shadows are more consistent. The highlights are far more natural. Most of all I absolutely love the colours. Even ones taken from cheap cameras still make me smile to see.
these were underexposed but tweaked them in lightroom-if film has been developed can i still get prints that are darker? ie can i tweak them non digitally, sorry if its a stupid question

fontmoss, those portraits are looking good, especially where you've got the focus correct (no. 3). Exposure looks spot on too ;)