Show us yer film shots then!

Another excellent shot you certainly have the Canon Sureshot Supreme singing at the moment.

I love these aviation studies, the Sureshot clearly sports some super glass too!

Thanks both. I was blessed with some nice light on the day which made the world of difference I think. But, yeah, the Sure Shot Supreme is a nice compact. The lens vignettes a bit, but I think that helps these shots.

Given my large format shots from the outing were less than satisfactory, the Supreme kinda saved the day somewhat.
Love this shot Nige!

Seconded. Apart from people wearing shorts... this is exactly how I remember and picture Venice in my mind.

Thanks both.

I'm slightly annoyed with myself for not panning a little to the left to get the whole streetlamp in frame. Although it doesn't look too busy, I took it from a bridge which had loads of people milling about on it, so that's my excuse. :)
Can I ask what camera/film combo you used here?
Hi, if you click on the picture it will go to Flickr which gives all details etc.

If you need more info let me know, I do all my own processing & scanning.

I love using the camera BTW - it's my favourite of all.