Show us yer film shots then!

I'm struggling with processing right now.
Anyhoo. here's one from trip up north.

Tech junk
Hasselblad 503cw + 80mm CFE and Kodak Ektar.
Souped in the sink using Cinestill C41,
Probably f8 at 1/250th.
Cinestill and Kodak film top tip. Push process by one stop.Scotland fudge sml.JPG
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*Can I ask you for dome details please
Film, Camera, developing?

The Camera is a Rolleiflex 6003 Pro, Zeiss 80mm f2.8 Plannar, Details are here:

s-l1600 (1) by Fraser White, on Flickr

Film is Kodak Porta 160

Developed at Home in Tetenall Chemistry and scanned on an Epson Flat Bed scanner.

Hope this helps.
The Camera is a Rolleiflex 6003 Pro, Zeiss 80mm f2.8 Plannar, Details are here:

s-l1600 (1) by Fraser White, on Flickr

Film is Kodak Porta 160

Developed at Home in Tetenall Chemistry and scanned on an Epson Flat Bed scanner.

Hope this helps.
Nice camera. I had the 6008 integral many years ago.
Sorry for the questions but, where are you getting Tetenal chemistry from?
Nice camera. I had the 6008 integral many years ago.
Sorry for the questions but, where are you getting Tetenal chemistry from?
They were done some years ago!

I also used to have a 503 but went to the Rollei! I absolutely love it after the Bronica, RB67 & 503.

What made you get rid of the 6008 Integral?
They were done some years ago!

I also used to have a 503 but went to the Rollei! I absolutely love it after the Bronica, RB67 & 503.

What made you get rid of the 6008 Integral?
In a word, batteries.
Anything from that era using batteries or electronics can be very difficult to repair.
I do miss the handling and moreover the Rollei PQS lens.

I also had a Bronica SQAi and a GS1. The slides from the GS1 were breathtaking as was the Zenzanon lens quality.
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In a word, batteries.
Anything from that era using batteries or electronics can be very difficult to repair.
I do miss the handling and moreover the PQS lens.

Yes, I make NiMH battery packs for them and the last 3-6 months (200 rolls+) without charging but I do accept the camera will be a door stop one day
Pole and May Tree
Zorki 4K / Jupiter 8 50mm f2.0
Fomapan 100
Caffenol C-M 15mins @ 20°C

The ideal angle for the light highlighting the hawthorn tree and someone puts a pole in the way!