Single adults banned from falconry displays in case they're paedophiles...

Thank you everyone for your feedback regarding our entrance policy. Please find the latest statement issued to the media this morning. We listen to our customers and would welcome all feedback.This is a family attraction and would ask all comments are made in the appropriate polite manner.

Alistair Mead Managing Director of Puxton Park, said: We have not set out to discriminate against single adults but we take child protection extremely seriously.
“We would rather be over zealous when unaccompanied adults visit us armed with cameras than put children at any potential risk. Even schools follow similar policies with regards to the photography of children.
“Our members fully support our decisions and we have received nothing but praise for our policy including positive feedback from a Child Protection Specialist, who commended us for our child protection principals.
"Within seven years we have only had one complaint about this policy from the gentlemen last week.
"At the time of setting the policy the other parks within the area had a similar stance to us. I have spoken to two or three similar client based parks this morning and they still have the same policy as we do. I’m not going to name names as it’s unprofessional of me to do so.
"In light of this coverage we will look at what other parks are doing with their admissions policy, speak to our customers and review."

This may have already been mentioned, but it appears that Alistair Mead is a convicted drunk driver. Interesting to hear his judgement of others, particularly with respect to safety.
As I can view them yes of course you can... If not directly can just screen print etc.

It was a "tongue in cheek" question …….. maybe we should suggest that he makes his site save so that the child images that they display cannot be downloaded
For those who haven't seen their Facebook page, there are some choice entries:

View attachment 24796
In the name of segregation (no kids for the delinquent adults to prey upon). So much for their statement about the place being strictly for children and unsuitable for adults.

Thursday 18th December
Festive buffet Night Over 18s Something different for the office Christmas Party!

We are giving the adults a chance to come and have a play in our fantastic indoor play area, with buffet supper, alcoholic drinks will be available to purchase. Something different for the office party this year! Tickets are priced at £9.99 each tickets in advance only. 6pm - 830pm.
Please call 01934 523500 to get your tickets today so you don't miss out.
Wow, we used Tesco club card vouchers and went there as a family day out with friends, think I'll be bypassing the place now with future days out. So, lets see, I work in a school and I hold a full enhanced CRB check. I work day in day out with children on a 1:1 basis both in a classroom and as an after school club but if I went there on my own to view the birds of prey (which I can say are nicely 'laid out' for photography, glass barrier waist high with birds a few metres back, birds are outside on a perch) they'd say 'Nope, you're on your own so clearly a p****, now clear off with that rather large and conspicuous camera'

That's just mental!

Saw a comment on their FB page where someone had said about just banning cameras!

How do they define a single adult? Technically if I was a schizophrenic I would be with my alter ego?

PS - schizophrenia was a bad joke, I do not claim to understand it or mock people who suffer from it. Just making light of this daft situation and if offence was taken with that line then I apologise to anyone whom it may have offended.
They're even advertising `16:00 - 16:30: Petting Time` :eek:

Also advertising;
Morning facebookers.Just to let you guys know, we have a couple of part time vacancies in our catering Department. If you think you would like to join the team Please contact Kay Payne on 01934 523505.
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Thank you everyone for your feedback regarding our entrance policy. Please find the latest statement issued to the media this morning. We listen to our customers and would welcome all feedback.This is a family attraction and would ask all comments are made in the appropriate polite manner.

Alistair Mead Managing Director of Puxton Park, said: "The main aspect not being reported is that Puxton Park is predominantly an attraction for children aged 0 years to 7 years with 90% of the park dedicated fully to child’s play, which is not suitable for lone adults.
“Some adults may be interested in our falconry department and we offer falconry experience days which are open to all. We have not set out to discriminate against single adults but we take child protection extremely seriously.
“We would rather be over zealous when unaccompanied adults visit us armed with cameras than put children at any potential risk.
“Our members fully support our decisions and we have received nothing but praise for our policy including positive feedback from a Child Protection Specialist, who commended us for our child protection principals.

Then why on earth does their marketing harp on about the attraction having "something for everyone". It even has a proper butchery and shop - so presumably if you are a lone adult, you can't stop off to buy some sausages or a hamper for your family?

This numpty is insisting they have received nothing but praise for their "child protection policy" - perhaps he can't read.
They're even advertising `16:00 - 16:30: Petting Time` :eek:

Also advertising;
Morning facebookers.Just to let you guys know, we have a couple of part time vacancies in our catering Department. If you think you would like to join the team Please contact Kay Payne on 01934 523505.
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To be fair, it does say 'A couple of part time vancancies' :)
Then why on earth does their marketing harp on about the attraction having "something for everyone". It even has a proper butchery and shop - so presumably if you are a lone adult, you can't stop off to buy some sausages or a hamper for your family?

This numpty is insisting they have received nothing but praise for their "child protection policy" - perhaps he can't read.
The shop and restaurant are open to the public from what i've read, the actual park and BoP display is entry only so the restriction applies.
Isn't that picture copyright of Coca-Cola? wonder if they have permission to use it?

TBH I'd not connected it to Coca-cola, but I see what you mean.
Fair point (y)
`From a state of the art giant indoor play barn to the delightful Pets' Village, adults and children alike can experience the joys of getting up close and personal with the many animals we home`
Thank you everyone for your feedback regarding our entrance policy. Please find the latest statement issued to the media this morning. We listen to our customers and would welcome all feedback.This is a family attraction and would ask all comments are made in the appropriate polite manner.

Alistair Mead Managing Director of Puxton Park, said:
"At the time of setting the policy the other parks within the area had a similar stance to us. I have spoken to two or three similar client based parks this morning and they still have the same policy as we do. I’m not going to name names as it’s unprofessional of me to do so.
"In light of this coverage we will look at what other parks are doing with their admissions policy, speak to our customers and review."

A cursory search suggests to me that other parks in the area do not have " a similar stance". No wonder the guy isn't going to name them - and if there were any with a similar policy, it certainly would not be unprofessional to name them. This guy sounds like a complete a**hat - and not a particularly honest (or intelligent) one at that.

They are still removing comments from their Facebook page, but there are plenty more getting posted at the same time.
For the video lovers CLICK NSFW

If you watch the video right through to the end, there are plenty more suggestions of other videos. Some of them are absolutely hysterical. Edit: I'm eagerly waiting for somebody to produce a Puxton-type video documenting the enforcement of some of these absurd policies. For example, if you turned up at the park dressed as a priest, would they wave their normal policies?
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If establishments are going to perpetuate these disgusting and thoroughly irrational policies, then surely it would be only fair and democratic to hold a few 'adults only' days, so there are no children in the vicinity waiting to be molested. Speaking personally (and for many of my friends, parents and otherwise) I would love that - a peaceful outing free from screaming unruly minors and their chavvy parents. But no - it's so much more politically correct to be prejudiced against single adults instead.

Well said!! I've had several experiences of minding my own business and children coming close to the point of physical contact - and just ask them to go away politely and the parents hurl abuse at me. I didn't ask them to interfere

Your comment re single adults spot on

A few years ago there was "You musn't take pictures of the school nativity play because the pictures might be posted online and might be downloaded by paedos" Not to me personally but a news item

I might encounter a flying pig....
Your comment re single adults spot on

Puxton aside, I think there's quite a lot of prejudice against single people in this country (I've no idea what Europe is like but I would be interested to know). In the UK at least, I think you can be regarded as slightly odd if you do things on your own - I've sometimes felt uncomfortable or unwelcome if I've entered a restaurant alone to eat, and I would be reluctant to even make small talk with strangers (particularly males) when I'm out and about in case they think I'm chatting them up! Interestingly, when I lived in California there was absolutely no stigma attached to being single, one could go out and enjoy life with ease - chatting to other people was considered normal and going out alone was viewed as a sign of confidence. We seem to be very backward in the UK.
Well said!! I've had several experiences of minding my own business and children coming close to the point of physical contact - and just ask them to go away politely and the parents hurl abuse at me. I didn't ask them to interfere
Its totally crazy the situation that we are in isn't it?
I don't know if "they" have changed also,
but many years ago, while in Crete, as a family,
with a daughter about 3 years old.
When we used to go into shops, Taverna's etc.
"Strange" men and women would always be giving her sweets and "pop"
And pick her up without a by-your-leave to either me or the then Mrs.

But it wasn't a problem, as we saw it, they just love kids.
That's the way they are (Well were anyway)

A few years ago there was "You musn't take pictures of the school nativity play because the pictures might be posted online and might be downloaded by paedos" Not to me personally but a news item
I might encounter a flying pig....
Many years ago, I was a school governor for a "first school"
That must be 20 odd years ago,
this subject came up in a meeting,
and the schools official stance was there maybe a child with a court order
against one or both parents, in the play.

If they saw the images they would know where that child was and could abduct it.

It will soon get to the stage were I will have to be careful walking down the street with my son - I am an "old git" and he is a good looking young guy

f…ked up place we live in …….

Re kids and adults …… it is certainly not as bad in Spain and not as bad in France
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They are still removing comments from their Facebook page, but there are plenty more getting posted at the same time.

Note they are only deleting posts that disagree with their policy and keeping all the retarded ones. ;)
Its totally crazy the situation that we are in isn't it?
I don't know if "they" have changed also,
but many years ago, while in Crete, as a family,
with a daughter about 3 years old.
When we used to go into shops, Taverna's etc.
"Strange" men and women would always be giving her sweets and "pop"
And pick her up without a by-your-leave to either me or the then Mrs.

But it wasn't a problem, as we saw it, they just love kids.
That's the way they are (Well were anyway)

You'll be pleased to hear that they still are, Chris. The Cretans are very child friendly and the local kids are also very trusting (and well behaved in general but that's a different discussion!). I'm not much of a people or street photographer but do take plenty of snaps over there and getting kids (of assorted nationalities) in the frame is fairly inevitable! Never had any problems from any parents (then again, never had any problems here, either.)
few years ago there was "You musn't take pictures of the school nativity play because the pictures might be posted online and might be downloaded by paedos"

Even if they are... so what?

Pictures are a third rate, two dimensional representation of the real thing and guess what... paedophiles can actually look at children out in the street.

I think we need to build a network of tunnels so children can get where they want to go away from their prying eyes!

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Even if they are... so what?

Pictures are a third rate, two dimensional representation of the real thing and guess what... paedophiles can actually look at children out in the street.

I think we need to build a network of tunnels so children can get where they want to go away from their prying eyes!


Exactly. There are children, and images of children, everywhere. In the news, in every lifestyle magazine. You'll find children on buses, walking down the street, in the supermarket, in the doctor's surgery ..... go to any local event and the pictures you take during your outing will probably contain plenty of people and their kids. I mean, all you have to do is follow them home and hide in the bushes - how simple as that.

What is so extraordinary about the subject is the complete lack of rational thought behind the actions and directives of this Park and the many parents who apparently wholeheartedly agree with their so-called "child protection policy" which has absolutely no basis in reality.
which has absolutely no basis in reality.

But we are talking Facebook reality here, not real life reality.

In my experience when questioning this attitude with parents that take the view that children must be protected at all costs, i came to the conclusion that it is simply the fact that the media supports this view and it seems to be a small amount of control that they feel they can inflict on anyone with a large camera, yet they choose to ignore the fact that everyone has a mobile phone with a camera and wouldn't look twice at someone with a phone.
My wife has single adult membership, so she can take our 3 year old.
Can't see why an adult would want to go without a child, it's a children's adventure park.

Falconry display maybe?
Can you point out where on their website (prior to all the statements etc) it stated the place was a childrens adventure park?
The images on the homepage are misleading if it is purely for children.

And that is before we get onto how ridiculous the policy is.

Only if you have visited...

It seems that Trip advisor are now taking down the comments perceived as negative - no doubt at the behest of Puxton Park. One reason given is that you must have visited the attraction in order to leave a review about the facilities - but if you can't get through the door in the first place, then surely your opinion is equally valid and prospective visitors deserved to be warned? This kind of hypocrisy makes my blood boil - the park can of course say and do whatever they wish as site holders, but they don't particularly like people having an opinion about it.

Not at the behest on anyone, simply because tripadvisor reviews should be made by people who have actually visited an attraction. I am pleased tripadvisor are not publishing opinions, not because I like the park but because I value the general integrity of the tripadvisor system. Naturally it can be abused, but generally it is true opinions of people who have visited a place.
Not at the behest on anyone, simply because tripadvisor reviews should be made by people who have actually visited an attraction. I am pleased tripadvisor are not publishing opinions, not because I like the park but because I value the general integrity of the tripadvisor system. Naturally it can be abused, but generally it is true opinions of people who have visited a place.

I don't have any children at home anymore, how do I visit?
Surely it is appropriate that I comment that this place excludes people like me?
I don't have any children at home anymore, how do I visit?
Surely it is appropriate that I comment that this place excludes people like me?

If you attempt to visit and are turned away, that is valid :)
Not sure if its been mentioned yet, skim reading, but they have disabled comments on their facebook page due to some being rude and abusive. :rolleyes:

although when i checked last night they had said they'd disabled comments, but had actually totally failed to actually disable them, enabling me to politely point out that their policy is ill concieved and badly implemented and prevents me from buying their haggis
Not at the behest on anyone, simply because tripadvisor reviews should be made by people who have actually visited an attraction. I am pleased tripadvisor are not publishing opinions, not because I like the park but because I value the general integrity of the tripadvisor system. Naturally it can be abused, but generally it is true opinions of people who have visited a place.

No - the reviews which were taken down could quite easily have been left by people who had visited the park but been turned around due to the policy - Trip Adviser could not have known otherwise. It's clear to me that the comments must have been taken down at the request of the park. Those comments were valid since they are warning people about the admissions policy - it's the kind of thing I would want to know about if I were planning a trip somewhere to see the birds. As for the integrity of the trip advisor system - it has plummeted in my estimation.
Hmmm, let me see if I understand this.

If I wanted to go to this place by myself I would be refused addmitance. But if I were to turn up with a friend, of either gender, or a group of friends then I'd be allowed in?

Anybody fancy a TP trip to this place? We could all try to gain entry alone - then en masse!
Anybody fancy a TP trip to this place? We could all try to gain entry alone - then en masse!

How about a large group of TP'ers turning up with 1 pram/pushchair (Mum, Dad Aunts, Uncles etc) with a sleeping baby (doll) inside? .........then split up & randomly take pics of everyone! :D
No - the reviews which were taken down could quite easily have been left by people who had visited the park but been turned around due to the policy - Trip Adviser could not have known otherwise. It's clear to me that the comments must have been taken down at the request of the park. Those comments were valid since they are warning people about the admissions policy - it's the kind of thing I would want to know about if I were planning a trip somewhere to see the birds. As for the integrity of the trip advisor system - it has plummeted in my estimation.

Were the reviews by any chance a sudden increase in negative opinions shortly after the news story broke?

Do you believe the reviews which were removed were all 100% genuine?

Reviews by people who have never visited, planned or attempted to visit the park are simply not valid.
This reminds me of a biker who visited a nice little restaurant for a drink and meal but was turned away as "We don't serve bikers here" A week or two later he caalled the restaurant and booked a meal for 10 on a Saturday night.

The group turned up suitably attired and proceeded to their table after giving their order for wine and food. As the starters were placed on the table and the wine poured he said "Damn I forgot! you don't serve bikers like us" got up and the party left.

As an aside Amazon Local are offering a deal at Rutland Falconry and Owl Centre where there is no mention singletons are not refused entry. Acyually I think it might be a good deal personally (not advertising it) and might take the camera down.