Sky Arts Master of Photography TV prog

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I first saw this mentioned last year and have been keeping my eyes peeled for further info. Looks like Great British Bake Off type affair, but with photography as the subject.

DOCUMENTARY: Master of Photography
On: Sky Arts HD (121)
Date: Thursday 21st July 2016
Time: 20:00 to 21:00 (1 hour long)

The Great Beauty - Rome.
Actress Isabella Rossellini hosts as Sky Arts launches a life-changing competition to find Europe's best photographer.
(Stereo, New Episode, Widescreen, High Definition, Subtitles, Series 1, Episode 1)
Excerpt taken from DigiGuide - the world's best TV guide available from

Copyright (c) GipsyMedia Limited.
I hope we get a reminder about this nearer the time? I'll leave that respoxibility to you Nige. :ty:

No, on Sky TV itself actually. I wasn't a member of the forum back then.

I did search for Master of Photography before starting this thread, but it didn't bring anything up unfortunately (at least not near the top of the search results), although I've searched again today and now it does. Maybe a typo on my part or something. Anyway, happy for this thread to be closed or merged by one of the admins if necessary.
no, not really needed - the other thread goes more into the "why entering it would quite likely be a bad idea" rather than acting as a heads up that the thing's actually going to be shown...
I have been looking forward to this programme but I was disappointed. I have seen much better pictures at the local camera club. Nobody seemed to take any notice of the brief and some of the photographers did not have a clue. Coupled with the main presenter doing her best mini-mouse impersonation the whole thing seemed to be a waste of a lot of money. Why handicap the competitor by making them use strange kit?, apart from some free product placement for Leica. The only person who seemed to make any sense was the guy from Magnum. The rest of the judges had to pick the best three images from a bad bunch. Or is it just me being a grouch
I decided not to even attempt to watch it as i feared a cringe fest... So I didn't :)
Must admit I was looking forward to the programme, and never thought about a Leica beforehand.
Not bad product placement though. Let's see how it progresses perhaps some discount codes for a new Leica ?
Well I didn't even know this was on until I saw this thread, but I just watched it and enjoyed it, I didn't even notice it was an hour long, what's more for the first time in a long while I fancied having a go at street.
I don't get Sky!!! :(
I quite enjoyed it. The woman booted off should have used the 'other' pic as that was quite good. Liked the german girls self portrait too.
I did generally enjoy it - though part of that was due to having visited Rome (where this weeks task was set) a few months ago and seeing their take on some of the locations.

What I did notice was that for a number of shots the contestants took places became mysteriously devoid of the tourist hoards (this was particularly evident of the self portrait at the Trevi Fountain, which had lots of people about while they were filming generally, then no-one else when she took her shot).

I'm also a little dubious of the 'elimination' format.

I would have preferred some form of 'points' system, so each assignment they get scored on, and the winner is the one who overall did best - with elimination, you might lose the contestants who woudl have been best at the later tasks before they get a chance to try them.
I would have preferred some form of 'points' system, so each assignment they get scored on, and the winner is the one who overall did best - with elimination, you might lose the contestants who woudl have been best at the later tasks before they get a chance to try them.

Agree on the points system - thought the same when watching it.

I then realised that is would rob them of the chance of doing the now reality TV standard of looooooonnnnnnngggggggggg pause before announcing the evicted contestant :(
I'm watching it now!!!!! :D
I liked the judging, not quite as harsh as Bake off professionals but harsher than Masterchef.

Didn't agree with the result, but that's art.
My favourite was the girl who placed herself in the Trevi Fountain but can't see why they slagged the woman who placed her legs in that monument, I'm glad she said "if given the opportunity I would do it the same again"...that's conviction.
My favourite was the girl who placed herself in the Trevi Fountain but can't see why they slagged the woman who placed her legs in that monument, I'm glad she said "if given the opportunity I would do it the same again"...that's conviction.
She didn't understand the critique - that's not conviction it's single mindedness.

The critique was valid. if all she is showing is her legs in the scape, they have to be absolutely perfect, but you could see a slither of her leggings or skirt (think Masterchef - lamb chops and she didn't render the fat)
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Agreed, I also thought the shot off angle with the top of the door cut off, if precise angles was the point and the shot spoilt then perhaps a heavy crop might have worked
Bit disappointed with it, although I did like the nun shot. But how does a photographer stand on copyright law when another image is clearly in shot?

I've quite a good shot myself of some nuns sat outside a cafe just outside the Vatican City.
Bit disappointed with it, although I did like the nun shot. But how does a photographer stand on copyright law when another image is clearly in shot?

I've quite a good shot myself of some nuns sat outside a cafe just outside the Vatican City.
The advertising photo but not the Trevi fountain?

Not an issue at all, at worst it could be seen as a derivative work, but even that would be pushing it a bit.
You don't need sky, I get it through youview

Looks like you only get Sky Arts on Youview if you have a Talk Talk connection, as you get different extra channels than if you had a BT connection (it looks like) and no extra channels above and beyond the free to air Freeview channels without being connected to those providers. Afaik.

Pity it was/is on Sky, as it looks interesting. Having been to Rome a few times, and that episode in particular would have been good to see. :( :rolleyes:
I've tried to download this from Sky On Demand a few times over the weekend but it just kept failing. Tried both HD and SD.

Other On demand programmes download just fine. Anybody else having the same issue?
Sorry, no probs for me with On Demand, one question to everyone else though...

Well it seems I'm sort of photography Luddite, as I saw an image form a master at the beginning, involving a few parked cars and a car in the road... I just don't get it...

I know its art and all and different people have varying opinions, but....
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Sorry, no probs for me with On Demand, one question to everyone else though...

Well it seems I'm sort of photography Luddite, as I saw an image form a master at teh beginning, involving a few parked cars and a car in the road... I just don't get it...

I know its art and all and different people have varying opinions, but....
Try watching the Landscape Artist of the year program - you will be totally lost ;)
Enjoyed the Berlin one (although now a, lusting after Leica digital!!!)

Thought the Brit with the beard (did one of someone in a Photo Booth) looks good, and do like the short haired German girl. Some of the images though were pretty naff, especially the one that went out. Thought the guest tog was a bit of a tool.

Why is so much of Berlin covered in Graffitti???
I was looking forward to this as I lived in Berlin (88-90) apart from the Brandenburg Gate at the start I didn't recognise any of Berlin :( I think it was the old East Berlin

I'm with John N I didn't get parked cars and a car in the road

I've seen some better photos on this site
I LOVEEEEEEE this series and find it completely besotting while watching. I love listening to the critique's and how they see the photo's and how the photographers struggle with what they are saying sometimes and the complete confidence in what is being said and how they feel about what they see. I have to admit that I agreed with both of the winning photo's so far and can't wait to see what happens as things progress.

I do think that the lady who got kicked out the first round left because she didn't pick the photo she was told to. I don't think I would cross a judges positive thoughts again after that. Yes Sir!!! Whatever you say sir!!! They are definitely there to learn from the best and not debate the pro's and con's of their work. That is for sure.
I sort of liked it. Good to see a few Brits on there.

It's very pretentious though. Surely photography is subjective...or am I so far off the mark there? The pros/critics are very "up their own arses" for my liking.

I loved the nun shot.
I'm finding it a bit wtf? in that as has been said, I've seen a lot of better images on not only here but elsewhere by enthusiasts.
I do like Laura and Neals ? outlook and images, the German lass and Scottish laddie.
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