Smoothedit - Wall of Shame - Updated with a speshul pikchur

Apparently certain over 18s only adult shops will be stocking a 2011 calendar called S.I.N.

Apparently S.I.N. stands for...
Smoothedit In Nude!!!

I do worry about you sometimes Clive
you are the only bloke to have mentioned Matt In the nude
I do worry about you sometimes Clive
you are the only bloke to have mentioned Matt In the nude

You only worry about me sometimes?! I must be getting better then! Tablets must be working!
You only worry about me sometimes?! I must be getting better then! Tablets must be working!

I'm the one that worries about you all the time clive :D:p
Ahh 24 hours of pure bliss - I think EG has finally run dry of pictures...
No chance :D EG is just overworked :LOL: 14 viewings this week :sob: David is off, so fighting fires in all directions :D
ARGH, you sure?!

Where is David? The slacker? I hope there wasn't an *incident* with that massive softbox? If there was, I had nothing to do with it. Nothing at all. And that £20 he got was what I owed him. For the dog he sold me.

This is not good for my blood pressure. It rises every time I see EG pop up online!

Seriously - I am running out of people to send to EG as customers to keep him away from TP!...
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This is not good for my blood pressure. It rises every time I see EG pop up online!

Seriously - I am running out of people to send to EG as customers to keep him away from TP!...

An interesting angle on lead generation :D
How to restrain a spesh:


Processing - ran another of my actions, apologies! :D

This is not good for my blood pressure. It rises every time I see EG pop up online!

Seriously - I am running out of people to send to EG as customers to keep him away from TP!...

I'll get on the blower and send the boys round*

* I am only saying this because I have been wanting to say it all day, but it isn't office talk
BTW is it just me or is Imageshack now compressing JPEGS? Never used to, but these are not what I see in PS.
Here you go, a photo of K getting cuddles from her special man :)

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Oh FFS! Seriously! I dont look like THAT! He is picking these on purpose!!!!

Edit: s'ok Gary forum now resizes for you....
Whilst we appreciate K's good looks, lets be honest these photos would be funnier with Kathy Bates from Misery being PP onto K's body....

(sorry to K, nothing personal)
And again I have to ask, smooth, how did you manage it!!???
Oh FFS! Seriously! I dont look like THAT! He is picking these on purpose!!!!

Photography Basics, Rule 1:

The camera NEVER lies! :D


Gary - have you thought of putting the images in a subfolder of your own site and hosting them from there?

It might also be the browser if you are using IE.
And No thank you once again Mr Mark DemiLion.

Now. Gary. One Picture. To Showcase Inspire to all those lovely people here, of Kay looking awesome and not one of me. Please. Pretty please.

How do you say please in Scottish? I dont think he is understanding me :LOL:
This is the most normal of them all:

Intense! :D

LOL! I bloody love and hate that all at the same time!

Good quote EG!

So yeh. There you go guys. I may look *cool* in my own way with the rest of the shots, but I get to spend life with that simply awesome lady. :D

Now Gary. A picture with me looking my usual self please.
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Yes he is absolutely lovely, funny and sexy, ruggedly handsome with a really nice bum!

Thanks to all for the many ego boosts, but really I'm the lucky one, my girlfriends are all very jealous!

As for you Alan Carr enthusiasts, leave off or I will hunt you down :boxer:

Most of all, thank you Gary, sorry I've taken so long to say so! Matt and I had a great day and the pictures look amazing! I love how you've managed to capture Matt's personality and sense of fun! I can't wait to see what else you've come up with!

I just had a laugh at Smooths expense, the wife just asked who the woman was with Alan Carr. Did I laugh.:D
I DEMAND proof that they are not one and the same.

Has anybody on here ever seen Alan Carr and TP's Matt "Smooth" Cooper, in the same room at the same time?

No? :shrug:

That concludes the evidence for the prosecution (Kangaroo Court!)
Ohh FEEEEEEK! What am I going to do if Mr Russell (K's well built SCOTTISH DAD) sees that last one?!!!?!?!?!?!?!
