Daily Sonriendo's 365 - Finished and thank flickerty for that :D

Look at the expression on his little face,
you didn't suggest that you might "have them off" did you?
He does look somewhat peeved in that image :D
The water is a great abstract & that is a lovely dog portrait, although he could have crossed his legs!

Mmmm, I was somewhat pleased with the water for some strange reason - he could learn to sit a bit more elegantly couldn't he :LOL:

Look at the expression on his little face,
you didn't suggest that you might "have them off" did you?
He does look somewhat peeved in that image :D

I ought to - they're not very photogenic :D
The canal at the top of my road - very important source of all water to the agricultors in the neighbourhood.

212 by Sonriendo, on Flickr
210 is beautiful Sarah....as for 211 ... Yes.... ..yes............. Y...es........ 212... Beautiful sky and a change from the road leading off into the distance... Jelly beans... Like marmite ... But a sweet shot..!!
Love the jelly beans photo!

And the kiwi! How did you set up that shot?


Chopped kiwi in half placed on piece of A4 paper that and set in window, with paper going up behind took photo :D

Thanks for the comments peeps will try and get caught up today - have been a bit busy of late and am struggling to be enthused about this project at the moment :crying:
Really losing the will to live with this now :(

Sorry, huge catch up here

New mobile phone - too much sun on the screen and couldn't see what was going on :LOL:

216 by Sonriendo, on Flickr

Girlies came home with plaited hair - yuk don't like it at all - but hey ho

217 by Sonriendo, on Flickr

Another phone pic - not much better :LOL:

218 by Sonriendo, on Flickr

Dates growing in my garden

219 by Sonriendo, on Flickr

Nattie in the pool - pretty sure I can better this

220 by Sonriendo, on Flickr

And a quick OMG I've got to shoot something shot of some Guindillas - possibly dried chillies :D

221 by Sonriendo, on Flickr
Sorry I've not been around for a while, but I've been keeping my eye on you through flickr ;)

3 of the standout ones for me are the lovely blue water, the canal and the hair flick. Those dates look really good too! Which reminds me I need to get some. Gonna make a sticky toffee pudding this week I think!
Great catch up....
Those jelly beans do look good :D

Thanks Jeff - they were yummy too ;)

Sorry I've not been around for a while, but I've been keeping my eye on you through flickr ;)

3 of the standout ones for me are the lovely blue water, the canal and the hair flick. Those dates look really good too! Which reminds me I need to get some. Gonna make a sticky toffee pudding this week I think!

Thanks Tim - dates are the devils foodstuff :puke:
So, another catch up not doing very well with this am I *rollseyes*

Two flowers from the garden for a change

222 by Sonriendo, on Flickr

223 by Sonriendo, on Flickr

Very ho hummy :LOL:

BUt, this evening I went to a lovely place and have a load of pics I'm really quite pleased with - it's called Carmen del Campillo Casa Morisca and is an arabic tea house - just beautiful - should have taken a tripod as it started to get dark they lit candles, here's the entrance and I'll be putting more pics on my Flickr and Facebook - it was a veritable oasis in the middle of nowhere

224 by Sonriendo, on Flickr
OMG I'm so behind - had a very busy few days :D

Will try and get uploaded as soon as :)
Here we go

Went to a wedding - bloody excellent fun - too some pics too:D

227 by Sonriendo, on Flickr

At work the next day, had to go to the supermarket and the girlies came home - so rushed this one

228 by Sonriendo, on Flickr