Sophie - 52 for 2023 - Week 52 - Showcase

Good take on the theme Sophie. The unfiltered one works best for me :)
Interesting take on the theme... the filtered version does have a colder ambience so works for me.
Good take on the theme Sophie. The unfiltered one works best for me :)
Thanks. It was difficult to choose between the two. What is it about the one without the blue you prefer? Just for my own interest :)
Thanks. It was difficult to choose between the two. What is it about the one without the blue you prefer? Just for my own interest :)
It looks cold enough as is :)
I like the blue; it's different.
There's only a slight difference in composition, but I think that of the first is more appealing. And I prefer the tint of blue to it too.
I think being straighter on to the glass, and more level is the difference, and the silver measure has a nicer shine on it too.
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We've tried some of those whiskey stones before, but I'm not convinced.

Out of your two pics, I think I prefer the one with the blue light.
Yes Simon has given up on the stones, they didn’t do much to cool the drink, even after being in the freezer.
Two good images Sophie, I, personally prefer the second. I do keep looking at the little strip of reflections above the shaker on the wall. Once I saw it, I couldn't unsee it... :D
cool shot and good idea for the theme.
I like the first, would have preferred a non patterned base (tablecloth?) but hey it's a good one.
Welcome to the group, just catching up.
Your area - Bright colours and I can just imagine sitting there watching the world go by. I would have tried a motion shot whilst on the swing just to see how it turned out.
Incomplete - The remains of the tree definitely conveys the theme, might have wanted to see more detail in a close up.
Artificial - Nice lighting, I don't anyone ever measures whisky, not at home anyway :)
Thank you again for all your wonderful feedback and tips.

This week provided me with many ideas for the theme, I however decided to be a little creative and take a picture from underneath a glass shelf. The fish came as a set of three from Swarovski crystal about 17 years ago, and have thankfully survived moving house and redecorating.

Glass Fish
by Sophie Brown
Very creative idea Sophie, I like it. I might have tried to arrange them so that they all fit in the frame or stuck with just one or two of them.
Had me confused at first as the fish are not very transparent. The shelf is though :)
Interesting subject - I'm sure they will feature again.. :)

I quite like the cropped outer two. We have all of the middle one so know what they look like.
An interesting take on the theme....well done. I find the composition okay but would have struggled on the subject without the explanation.
Like the artificial shot with the cool blue and the angles, we have some whisky stones somewhere- not impressed with them either

Transparent shot is certainly different - very inventive, could have used for juxtaposition with the transparent and non transparent glass?
Thank you again for all the feedback on my Transparent picture.

Snappers' choice for me was surprisingly hard, because I had no idea what I wanted to do o_O but one thing I did want to tick off was the Technique of Juxtaposition.

I found Lilly sitting on the windowsill watching the world go by, and on the side was my little black cat toy, and finally I had my light-bulb moment of: Little & Large.

I took a couple of pictures with Lilly and when she got bored she disappeared my male cat Titan decided to join in the fun.

I had a little difficulty choosing my favourite but decided to submit the first one as I felt the picture had more of a story to tell and was more natural, whilst the other two required a little help in positioning the cats. (Apologies for the dirty window, it had rained in night.)

Little & Large
by Sophie Brown

This second picture I liked as Lilly looked like she had the same expression as the toy. I am however not keen on how much the sun reflected in the toy cats eye making it look extra bright. I tried to dial it down but not as much as I would have liked.

by Sophie Brown

This is Titan getting in on the fun, he didn't want to look at the camera, so I think he was showing me his best side!

by Sophie Brown
You're not alone in finding the Snapper's Choice tricky! I prefer to be set a theme myself, but they do provide an opportunity for the tech challenges.

You nailed it! I think you chose the right image.
Fab kitty pix :love:
Yes, the first one is the choice, the sunlight on the eyes of the others is slightly distracting. NIcely captured with the backlight
You're not alone in finding the Snapper's Choice tricky! I prefer to be set a theme myself, but they do provide an opportunity for the tech challenges.

You nailed it! I think you chose the right image.

Lovely images of your cats, the snappers choice is a funny one as we can struggle because we don't know what to photograph.

Fab kitty pix :love:

I used to say to SimonB before I joined about how Snappers Choice must be the easiest week because you’ve got free reign, however, I’ve learnt now that once you’ve got used to being given a theme, when you don’t have one to follow your mind goes blank!!

Thanks! For the nice feedback.
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Yes, the first one is the choice, the sunlight on the eyes of the others is slightly distracting. NIcely captured with the backlight

The first one for me, looks good in black and white.

All three pics are great but the first and the last one stand out for me

Looks like I submitted the favourite. Thanks for the nice feedback!

I changed the pictures to black and white because I found in colour, the walls of the room reflected a lot in the window which I felt was distracting.
I think the first is the one. The similarity of their positions and pose, the fact they are both during surveying their street is lovely.

Particularly like the 'backlighting' on the little one
Great image Sophie, I think that you chose the right one. Enough DOF to keep Lilly in focus but give a pleasing softness to the houses in the background.
Thank you again everyone for your very informative feedback. I thoroughly enjoyed working with my two cats to get an interesting picture and I'm happy that they brightened a few of your days.

As soon as this theme was announced I quickly glanced through the dictionary and thesaurus and knew I wanted to do something that required a Knob of Butter. So after my shopping order arrived yesterday, I knew exactly what I wanted to do.

Knobs of Butter
by Sophie Brown
Could I please file an official complaint - please stop posting pictures of melting knobs of butter all of you, it keeps making me hungry!

Seriously though, simple, elegant and lovely. Well done!
Mmmmm.... nice! I do like a bit of crumpet! My prefered way is with melted cheese on and a splash of Worcestershire sauce!