Sophie - 52 for 2023 - Week 52 - Showcase

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First time having a go. I've never really been one to take lots of pictures, but after watching (and in some cases helping ;)) SimonB with his weekly pictures its given me the 'bug'!

Please critique and advise where needed, I am very much a novice so anything is helpful.:giggle:

Good start to your 52 really bright vibrant colour, I liked the fact about it being taken from the swings, a good day out.
Good start to your 52 really bright vibrant colour, I liked the fact about it being taken from the swings, a good day out.
Thanks Allan. It was a nice and peaceful moment during my day.
Nice light. A nice bit of humour with the inclusion of your feet (I assume they are your feet). Certainly ticks the theme.
Great start. Vibrant colours. I still remember going on the swings and roundabouts when I was very young.
As others have said lovely bright colours in this shot, fits the theme spot on and I like the inclusion of your feet.
Fab colours, and I'm envious of the sunshine. Did you consider trying a slow shutterspeed so your feet are in focus but the ground underneath becomes a blur? That might be a fun effect to try.
Fab colours, and I'm envious of the sunshine. Did you consider trying a slow shutterspeed so your feet are in focus but the ground underneath becomes a blur? That might be a fun effect to try.
Thanks for the idea. I am very new to photography so I’m borrowing SimonB’s camera, so I’ll get him to show me how to do that, might be useful for a future theme!;)
Looks like a summers day... Not like the grey that seems common this time of year.
Good start to the 52. Hope you enjoyed being a kid again. Last time I tried a roundabout I felt decidedly queasy!
Just looked like a playground in my monitor, then I scrolled down a little bit and saw the feet which gave much more interest to the shot. (y)
Thank you everyone for your feedback on my first 52 picture. This week I thought was an interesting theme, and I couldn't initially think of an interesting subject to photograph. However, on a recent walk in my local woodland area I came across this 'incomplete' tree whom must have suffered during the recent high winds. I needed to do a little bit of editing in Lightroom as it was much darker initially.

by Sophie Brown
Lightroom edit has worked well. Looks well exposed now. The sharp detail and the blurred bg is quite impressive for a 'phone camera'.
Certainly fits the theme too.
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Lightroom edit has worked well. Looks well exposed now. The sharp detail and the blurred bg is quite impressive for a 'phone camera'.
Certainly fits the theme too.
I wondered if I would get found out.

This picture was taken on my phone. It was too good of an opportunity to miss, so I improvised.

There are a few functions on my phone which allow me to adjust the focal point, which is how I was able to get the background to blur. I can also make some changes to the picture on my phone, before transferring to lightroom for finishing touches.
Like the detail of the tree stump and the “edited blur” of the back ground.
I wondered if I would get found out.


Not at all... They say the best camera is the one you have with you. I've taken plenty on my phone recently, it's interesting to see what the choices of camera are these days.
Perfectly on theme and nicely edited too. Simplicity is also a winner.
Thank you everyone for your feedback, it was interesting to receive such good comments on a picture taken on a phone, it just shows how far these cameras have progressed over the years.

My first mobile was a Nokia 3310, with the amazing games of Snake and Space Invaders! My teenage nephew took the mickey out of it when I showed him, his words were: "That's not a mobile, because it has buttons!" aka not touch screen.

I must admit, I initially struggled with this theme, there is so much out there that could be classed as artificial as its 'not natural, or manmade' but it was working out how to make the subjects interesting. I finally went with my husbands 'Artificial Ice Cubes' or Whiskey Stones. For anyone who isn't sure, you're meant to use these instead of ice cubes to keep your whiskey cold without diluting it.

I eventually submitted the first picture because I liked how the added blue filter on the light made the picture feel cold. I have also uploaded the other version without the blue filter.

Artificial 1
by Sophie Brown

Artificial 2
by Sophie Brown