Spartacus my 52...Week 26 Night...Sorry I’m late...:(

Yet another fantastic shot from you Marcus :clap::clap:

I love the detail in the coin set against the weave of the background, brilliantly thought out and well lit (y)

As for the year, well 1955 was better IMHO :LOL::LOL:

(OMG, that means I'm older than both you and DS :eek::eek:)
I did do other crowds photos but this was more fun for me.

Well I’ve had a great time playing around this week...and some of you will think what a cheat...

But what was a simply idea turned out a bit more than I thought, but I hung in there.

First you need a bag of Jelly has I’ve not eaten them for quite some time I realise now that they come with a white coating of dust over them.:eek:

So first wash your Jelly Babies with a small brush and water, at this stage they are stickier that glue.

Leave to dry overnight on a cooling rack. The next day they are still sticky but workable. Try to teach them to stand on their own.:razz:

Not easy, and like in real life you do get some that are taller, so make sure they are at the back.

Also try not to leave finger prints on their heads when moving. :LOL:


Things I’ve learnt this week
1. It’s true never work with children and animals
2. If you get a good idea and stick with it, you will be glad you did.
3. You can get great enjoyment eating your props.
This idea is sweeet! And the photo is good too :) Love the DOF - shame the black one is so dark that no detail comes out (could be my screen though!) as it acts as a bit of a black hole and draws attention away from the nice detail on the others. How did you light it?
I think its my monitor - if I tweak my settings I can see the detail in the black jelly baby :)

Like Shorty - I now want some jelly babies and am going to be sadly disappointed to find my cupboards bare...
Ohh, wish I'd thought of that.

Great idea well executed, difficult theme too, you've made it look easy.

Well done Sir.
This idea is sweeet! And the photo is good too :) Love the DOF - shame the black one is so dark that no detail comes out (could be my screen though!) as it acts as a bit of a black hole and draws attention away from the nice detail on the others. How did you light it?

The lighting was a skylight in the loft...
As for the black one it looks fine on my monitor, with just enough detail.
but I think my calibration could be off a bit..

Thanks for the good feed back...(y)
What a great idea :)

Love it - well composed and lit and certainly outside of the box (the box of jellybabies :))

Really, really good :D
Oh this is a superb idea, I am now really hating my lack of inspiration for this weeks shot!!!

I love your comments re setting up the shot and would love to have been a fly on the wall whilst all those babies were washed and placed on racks to dry overnight!:LOL:

This picture just works on every level for me including the frame!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
yum yum yum! Nice arrangement and well composed. I wonder if they'd benefit from some light shone on the front row. You could use a desk lamp or something silver/white to reflect the natural light,
Lovely idea! And that's coming from someone who hates Jellybabies with a passion... I think the reflector on to the front row would have really helped to lift the detail, but that's just nit picking. Another great shot!!
Great idea for "Crowds" - always good to see something a bit different and the trials and tribulations of what at first seems like a good idea are very familiar to me! I used smarties for my crowd shot... they melt and leak colour over your nice white background if you're not careful :bang:

The black one also looks too dark / no detail to me but I'm pretty sure that will be my monitor.
Excellent Idea, and a good image too....wish I had your imagination!!!

Oh I do like that - great crowd. Only thing is that black sweet not showing up the face detail, if only it had been a bit more translucent.(y)
Lovely idea! And that's coming from someone who hates Jellybabies with a passion...

Me too! At least we wouldn't have been tempted to eat our crowd, dizzy. :)

It's a fabulous idea and made me smile at the end of a long tiring day at the end of a long tiring week. Thank you, Marcus!

Even though I couldn't eat one - I think they have great character and have made a brilliant shot. They remind me a little of the Terracottta Warriors (not sure if that's what they're called) or little puppets waiting for someone to pull their strings. :)

Top shot for creativity and execution. :clap::clap:

Hmmm... Yum.... Great idea and well implemented...
Very good shot there, on my calibrated monitor I'm not seeing any detail in the black JB either but it is complaining that it's time for a recal. For some reason I want to throw a ball at them (yes I know it's the wrong way round) :LOL:

This shot has given me an idea (think Easter Island).
I love this Marcus - fantastic composition and creativity. :clap::clap:

And to me they look a little threatening as though they are about to march on the humans who've been eating their friends :eek::eek:
This week I have been very busy, so like a fool I've left things a bit late.:eek:

This shot was taken today at the mouth of the River Tamar it has mostly brand new Motor Yachts in the photo.:love:

They are manufactured here in Plymouth at Stonehouse by Princess Yachts and the boat yard is just out of view.

The ones you can see are ready to under go sea trails before going out to customers. I'm not sure of the starting price of the Yachts but they go up to and over £2,000, from my point of view that real Wealth...:LOL:


Things I've Learnt this Week
1. Don't let work interfere with your hobby...:LOL:
2. Remember plan A+B+C will let you down...
3. Use what you have around's better than you think...
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love the jelly babies shot.. very well done indeed:clap::clap:. and like what has already been said the black one has lost a bit of detail.

as for wealth ...... well what can i say fantastic image. even if you were not trying to show wealth you are right on with that(y)

on another level the photo itself, the composition and light are really something. i love the way the line of yachts makes you follow it all the way to the building in the background and then along to the open sea.....

you actually do see the whole picture instead of just what you need to.

Another vote for the jelly babies shot excellent.

I like wealth too, definately portrays wealth(y)
Superb shot for Wealth, love the composition, details, sharpness and light. It fits in with the theme very well too.
Superb shot for Wealth, love the composition, details, sharpness and light. It fits in with the theme very well too.

Lovely image and I echo John's comments above! (y)

Nothing oozes wealth like a posh yacht :D

Now one of those would take a lot of Monopoly money to buy :LOL:
Love your Wealth shot Marcus (y)

Crisp, clear and a great composition. It might have last minute but it certainly hits the spot. Well done :clap::clap:
Superb shot for Wealth, love the composition, details, sharpness and light. It fits in with the theme very well too.

What he said ;)

Particularly like the composition - and the subject screams wealth to me. Thats A LOT of cash bobbing around in the sea!
I really like this one, Marcus. I love your part of the world! Great concept for this weeks theme, well done you!!
I was struggling to come up with something genuinely original for the Identity subject.

I went through lots of ideas, but as we all know by now getting them to work is a different story.

I always wanted to use my passport, but needed a twist on a very old joke...

So the caption is...

Told you my passport photo was shocking...



Now this was only for fun...and it was great working with Jackson again (neighbours cat)

We came up with a plan if I bought him some food, he would support the brand...

I believe he is saying...

Coshida it’s the only one for me...


Things I’ve learnt this week

1.Don’t worry ideas that work will come good in the end.

2. I’m starting to see more photo opportunities around the home, that’s something I was never good at before.

3.It’s taken me about a year to start to get to grips with PSE6...I know I’ve just started to scrape the surface, but it’s doing this challenge each week that make me want to push this part of my photography skills.
That identity shot is priceless :clap: You have positioned the passport perfectly to match the expression of horror :)

Great idea :D well executed too- I like the lighting you've achieved

If I had to be really picky I'd like to have seen a bit more thumb, looks a little cropped

Love the reshoot too :D! Should have gone to petsavers :)
The wealth shot is very good. Great interpretation (y)

The identity shot is great. Lovely creative out of the box thinking. I like it a lot :clap:
Fun reshoot. Like those specs ;)
I love the identity shot! Great idea!!
Your identity is exceptional, really like that, funny, clever and well shot.
Excellent interpretation, I like it a lot!
:clap: very clever, funny and well shot (y)

Good reshoot as well.
That identity shot is priceless :clap: You have positioned the passport perfectly to match the expression of horror :)

Great idea :D well executed too- I like the lighting you've achieved

If I had to be really picky I'd like to have seen a bit more thumb, looks a little cropped

Love the reshoot too :D! Should have gone to petsavers :)

says it all for me, Great stuff (y)