The Cloud Appreciation Thread ...

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Thanks Donna :)

It's actually in Brighton. I had this mad idea of going down there one evening with the specific intention of getting some sunset shots. Half way there I realised what a gamble I was taking, bearing in mind how rarely we get decent sunsets in the UK. But as you can see, the gamble paid off - for a good hour the sky was full of the most wonderful colours that were changing by the minute :D
Thanks Donna :)

It's actually in Brighton. I had this mad idea of going down there one evening with the specific intention of getting some sunset shots. Half way there I realised what a gamble I was taking, bearing in mind how rarely we get decent sunsets in the UK. But as you can see, the gamble paid off It certainly did! :D - for a good hour the sky was full of the most wonderful colours that were changing by the minute :D

Natures got a knack of putting colours together which shouldn't really work! :D But that is one fantastic sky :clap: We do get some spectacular skies, but as you said they don't happen that often!!! :D
The Approaching Menace! this afternoon and yes, you've guessed it was taken from the loft! :LOL:

Mark - Love the sunset streaks, beautiful colours and light and great perspective :clap::clap: and another one - perfect cloud (y)

V6GTO - amazing shot, I've never seen a sky like that. It does look like the aliens are coming :D:clap:

Busby - great panorama and you've caught those rays superbly (y) Looks very biblical ;)





I LOVE clouds. Some gorgeous shots in this thread!!
Nice collection!


Oh my. I actually nearly cried seeing this photo. It's one of the most gorgeous photographs I have ever seen. Absolutely stunning.
Latie - they all look pretty good, have you got larger versions?

Unfortunately, I do not have larger images as I have to scan them into the computer as, I don't work with digital and I do not have a negative scanner yet!
Thank you for the comments; I like your images!
May be you should another thread to do with images from the loft and windows, lol! ;)

Thought Noobie could contribute :D

Always been really fond of this photo.

"Straight Out Of The Oven" in other words, unedited as well.
I think I have posted these before but maybe this is a better thread to put it in!!



I think with maybe a little PP they could be quite good!!
Love this thread, some stunning shots and cloud formations.
Heres A few of mine taken over last 12mths. Hope you like.





My first try at anything like this


Is a crop from another photo but i liked the clouds (y)
Some cracking shots in this thread! There have been really nice clouds this week with the warmer weather and I would have liked to have been bale to take some to put up here but i've been at work driving about with no camera :(
Couple from me,not too the high standard of most on here.



Norway above the circle


And one from the fjords.


Great thread and some simply stunning photos in here
Couple more from Norway.


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