The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

Spent yesterday afternoon mooching around Suffolk and Cambs with the 50-140/2.8 (thanks, Graham!). OK, it is quite heavy, but so easy to use - everything is in the right place. Don't like the lens hood though, and took it off pretty quickly.

I handheld all day and into the night, but kept the lens' tripod foot on. It's actually a useful carrying handle, because the X-T1 + 50-140 is far too heavy to hang around my neck. It was a test day, so I'll pixel-peep the results after work today. Interested to see how well the OIS worked at night.

And I have just ordered the 16-80/f4 to use as my main lens. The reviews are less than stellar at the longer end, but as I want OIS and a fixed aperture ring, there's no alternative. And the 50-140 overlaps anyway.

(Meanwhile, the A7ii's in the cupboard feeling neglected!)
I handheld all day and into the night, but kept the lens' tripod foot on. It's actually a useful carrying handle, because the X-T1 + 50-140 is far too heavy to hang around my neck.

I'm using this combo quite a bit as well and one of the biggest tricks (if you want to use it regularly) is to get a strap that attaches to the tripod mount of the lens. I'm using one of those sun sniper ones (an old one they don't sell anymore I think) and this makes it feel really light. The tripod mount screw is also really close to the centre of gravity for the combo (makes sense for ball heads), so the camera doesn't move around a lot next to your hips.
I'm using this combo quite a bit as well and one of the biggest tricks (if you want to use it regularly) is to get a strap that attaches to the tripod mount of the lens. I'm using one of those sun sniper ones (an old one they don't sell anymore I think) and this makes it feel really light. The tripod mount screw is also really close to the centre of gravity for the combo (makes sense for ball heads), so the camera doesn't move around a lot next to your hips.

Thanks - will look that strap up. I've not looked at the hip-level straps at the moment, because I'm quite clumsy and worry that I'd bash the camera/lens into a table/chair/lamp-post as I walked past.
Spent yesterday afternoon mooching around Suffolk and Cambs with the 50-140/2.8 (thanks, Graham!). OK, it is quite heavy, but so easy to use - everything is in the right place. Don't like the lens hood though, and took it off pretty quickly.

I handheld all day and into the night, but kept the lens' tripod foot on. It's actually a useful carrying handle, because the X-T1 + 50-140 is far too heavy to hang around my neck. It was a test day, so I'll pixel-peep the results after work today. Interested to see how well the OIS worked at night.

And I have just ordered the 16-80/f4 to use as my main lens. The reviews are less than stellar at the longer end, but as I want OIS and a fixed aperture ring, there's no alternative. And the 50-140 overlaps anyway.

(Meanwhile, the A7ii's in the cupboard feeling neglected!)
Glad you like it, it's a stunning lens. Nice to see it being used.
Is Viltrox still releasing their new primes in X mount, seems Tokina rebadged the versions for Sony.
Just phoned Wex, the V in black is in but just have to wait for the WR kit :cool:

You could be waiting a long time for the WR kit (Fujifilm are getting very few UK deliveries in at the moment), personally I'd get them to cancel the WR kit and ship the X100V. I believe @Riz_Guru has the components to sell you a WR kit cheap, if not I'd happily lend the filter ring attachment to go on the camera, and if you sort out a filter it will be WR.
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You could be waiting a long time for the WR kit (Fujifilm are getting very few UK deliveries in at teh moment), personally I'd get them to cancel the WR kit and ship the X100V. I believe @Riz_Guru has the components to sell you a WR kit cheap, if not I'd happily lend the filter ring attachment to go on the camera, and if you sort out a filter it will be WR.

Think I will wait but only for a few days.
You could be waiting a long time for the WR kit (Fujifilm are getting very few UK deliveries in at the moment), personally I'd get them to cancel the WR kit and ship the X100V. I believe @Riz_Guru has the components to sell you a WR kit cheap, if not I'd happily lend the filter ring attachment to go on the camera, and if you sort out a filter it will be WR.
My AR-X100 Adaptor ring in Silver so will look funny on the Black X100V.
@Dave70D the problem with the WR kit is that you don't get the Fuji hood.... if you wanted the hood you can't buy it on its own officially.... you'd be better off getting the AH-X100 Adaptor and Hood set and then splashing out on a better B+W filter. :)
My AR-X100 Adaptor ring in Silver so will look funny on the Black X100V.
@Dave70D the problem with the WR kit is that you don't get the Fuji hood.... if you wanted the hood you can't buy it on its own officially.... you'd be better off getting the AH-X100 Adaptor and Hood set and then splashing out on a better B+W filter. :)

Can you point me in the right direction for those ?
Some quick OOC JPEG’s.




Had a trip down to the Mill at Sturminster Newton today. It was pleasurable for a number of reasons, the roads were twisty & empty :LOL:, I found a new place to go fishing (but the seasons just closing....) and it's a great place to take pictures!

Full set on Flickr, but here's a couple. Definitely needs another visit when the weather is better and I have more time.

Sturminster02 by Steve Jelly, on Flickr

Sturminster05 by Steve Jelly, on Flickr
@Dave70D personally I wouldn't wait, stocks are low, it took my local store a few weeks to get one in for me, and at the Touch'n'Try day, the Fuji rep said there was a shortage, and they didn't know when any more would arrive in the UK.

Now it`s on for maybe tomorrow getting it, I`m not fussed about waiting a long time.
Had a trip down to the Mill at Sturminster Newton today. It was pleasurable for a number of reasons, the roads were twisty & empty :LOL:, I found a new place to go fishing (but the seasons just closing....) and it's a great place to take pictures!

Full set on Flickr, but here's a couple. Definitely needs another visit when the weather is better and I have more time.

Sturminster02 by Steve Jelly, on Flickr

Sturminster05 by Steve Jelly, on Flickr

Long time since I've been there, In the mid eighties I lived in Poole, and my parents lived in Rimpton just outside Sherborne, early Sunday morning blats on twisty empty roads, no speed cameras,or :police: - a lot of fun, used to drive past the mill.
One more.....
OOC JPEG again, slight crop.

Riz, not sure if it's my eyesight, but looking at almost all the shots you have posted from the V, they all look a bit soft to me.

Have you got any 100% crops we can have a look at?
Perhaps or maybe my focusing ability is poor lol.....
how are you finding the Fooj? Missing the Jedi A9 yet?

Not got it yet, should be here tomorrow. Looking forward to it, havent used one since XT1 (which I loved). Havent managed to source a lens yet so that sucks, likely get an 18-55 for video and wide. I dont have much time but it will also replace an A5100 other half uses for video (long in tooth now).
Is that just the hood that will screw on ?
What about a filter ?

That’s for the Fuji filter adaptor and the Fuji hood.
You can then buy a B+W filter instead of the over-priced Fuji protector lol ;)
I’ve not been able to buy a new official Fuji hood on its own so if you bought the WR kit and wanted a hood, you’d most likely end up with a extra adaptor ring.
I got a hood for my WCL too :D