The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

That’s for the Fuji filter adaptor and the Fuji hood.
You can then buy a B+W filter instead of the over-priced Fuji protector lol ;)
I’ve not been able to buy a new official Fuji hood on its own so if you bought the WR kit and wanted a hood, you’d most likely end up with a extra adaptor ring.
I got a hood for my WCL too :D

B+W filters are amazing.
Ah, I thought you had one as you've chatted about it. Looks decent.

I used a Canon 85 1.8 adapted via a fringer pro for a bit, did think about the Viltrox, as it does look decent [esp with the latest FW] but I don't think I'd use it enough. Only used the Canon a handful of times. At the time I went for the 50mm F2 instead after selling the adapter and Canon lenses
I came close to getting the XF80mm tonight, but stopped myself :D
I might find it hard though when the T4 comes out though :p

I'd love that lens, but like I say, for any kind of serious macro I would use it fully manual anyway. It would double as a cracking portrait lens though, and from what I hear it's possibly Fuji's sharpest lens to date [for APSC at least] - but I could get about 7-8 very decent old MF macro lenses for that money
I'd love that lens, but like I say, for any kind of serious macro I would use it fully manual anyway. It would double as a cracking portrait lens though, and from what I hear it's possibly Fuji's sharpest lens to date [for APSC at least] - but I could get about 7-8 very decent old MF macro lenses for that money

I had the 80, and whilst it is sharp, the 90mm with a set of tubes is a much better all round option in my opinion. The 80 isn't anywhere near as good in the portrait arena, and it's quite heavy.
Treated my Fuji to a printer today. I’ve always thought that you’ve not really made a photo until you’ve printed it so I bought a cheap-ish A4 printer. I’m going to set myself some little projects, making some handmade photo books and stuff. Might give me a bit of inspiration and should be fun. Done a couple of quick prints and am pretty pleased with how it’s working out.

Will still use an online service for my favourite photos at larger sizes but being able to print smaller pics straight away will be neat.
I have decided not to get the Xpro3 as love my Xpro 2 too much to get rid of. The weather in April could be nice though a Silver Lining you could say :D
56mm ordered, blaming @Mr Perceptive and also @addicknchips. Thanks Gents.

Thought about the 90, gonna be to long for my style. 56mm is pushing it a little but its very cheap.

Also, ordered the 35mm 1.4 elsewhere last night, will pick up the 18-55 for video and wider as its so cheap. Dont want to go to mad and also get a 23!
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Some great prices there, and even the 18-135 is in stock... First time I think I've ever seen them have any!
56mm ordered, blaming @Mr Perceptive and also @addicknchips. Thanks Gents.

Thought about the 90, gonna be to long for my style. 85mm is pushing it a little but its very cheap.

Also, ordered the 35mm 1.4 elsewhere last night, will pick up the 18-55 for video and wider as its so cheap. Dont want to go to mad and also get a 23!

Sorry :)

I just wish someone else would buy that Zeiss 50mm at Park that I found last night, otherwise I'll be investing as well, this forum is definitely bad for your wallet!!