The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

As no one here seems to want my X100s battery and double USB charger they're now on offer in the freebie section together with a silver filter adapter.
Silver one does look so tempting.
Despite my earlier joking I’m definitely going to hold off until more ‘real world’ feedback starts coming in especially regarding AF compared to earlier models and preferably how close or not it really is compared to the XH-2S before I commit to staying in the XT line or swap to the XH line.

Will probably attempt to hire both or even both XH‘s and the 5 from Fuji UK next year and decide after that.

I am also not yet sold on the smaller size, although granted I have yet to see one yet alone hold one, but I am pretty much happy with the XT-4 size but just wish it had a slightly deeper grip (have a small rig grip but don’t like the look) so going smaller may just end up spoiling the experience for me, although grip admittedly looks about the same relative depth on the 5 vs 4 so may be no issue.

On the size front I’d also be interested in how the 5 feels (subjective of course) with the bigger/heavier lens such as the 16-55, 50-140 and such especially as someone who likes to handhold as much as possible.

At this point I think I’ll end up going XH just not sure if it’ll be the ‘S’ or not.

I will absolutely miss the XTs dials though!
Despite my earlier joking I’m definitely going to hold off until more ‘real world’ feedback starts coming in especially regarding AF compared to earlier models and preferably how close or not it really is compared to the XH-2S before I commit to staying in the XT line or swap to the XH line.

Will probably attempt to hire both or even both XH‘s and the 5 from Fuji UK next year and decide after that.

I am also not yet sold on the smaller size, although granted I have yet to see one yet alone hold one, but I am pretty much happy with the XT-4 size but just wish it had a slightly deeper grip (have a small rig grip but don’t like the look) so going smaller may just end up spoiling the experience for me, although grip admittedly looks about the same relative depth on the 5 vs 4 so may be no issue.

On the size front I’d also be interested in how the 5 feels (subjective of course) with the bigger/heavier lens such as the 16-55, 50-140 and such especially as someone who likes to handhold as much as possible.

At this point I think I’ll end up going XH just not sure if it’ll be the ‘S’ or not.

I will absolutely miss the XTs dials though!
I think the 2s is faster than the 2 & 5, but coming from an H1 and T2, all I can say, is the 5 is rapid. Even on the 35 1.4R. Grippage wise, I have my eye on, and am awaiting stock of the metal hand grip (which I had on my T2, and IMO is very good).

Oh and I did manage to get eye detect on a star wars postage stamp lol
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I let my little boy play with my X-T100 yesterday on the train to Scarbrough and he changed it form Raw to Jpeg so my first few photos of the day were in Jpeg format before I noticed, I've just ran them through lightroom and I'm shocked how much I've been able to do with them without any noticeable drop in quality.

Fair play to Fuji.
I think the 2s is faster than the 2 & 5, but coming from an H1 and T2, all I can say, is the 5 is rapid. Even on the 35 1.4R. Grippage wise, I have my eye on, and am awaiting stock of the metal hand grip (which I had on my T2, and IMO is very good).

Oh and I did manage to get eye detect on a star wars postage stamp lol
Yeah. I guess neither are going to match the 2s with it’s stacked sensor but in the real world and for keeping up with my kids and dog will the non stacked now be good enough? Sadly my XT-4 let’s me down more often than not but I will absolutely accept I might be the issue too!

Have seen videos showing the eye af and that certainly seems improved.

I’ll be keeping an eye on developments as we go forward. No decisions just yet!
Yeah. I guess neither are going to match the 2s with it’s stacked sensor but in the real world and for keeping up with my kids and dog will the non stacked now be good enough? Sadly my XT-4 let’s me down more often than not but I will absolutely accept I might be the issue too!

Have seen videos showing the eye af and that certainly seems improved.

I’ll be keeping an eye on developments as we go forward. No decisions just yet!
Sorry fella, thats a you issue not the camera. Nothing wrong with an XT4 for taking photos of kids or dog, far too many people have shot Birds in flight and motorsport with an XT camera for it to be the camera. Not saying the new software wont help but its an aid not the be all and end all
Sorry fella, thats a you issue not the camera. Nothing wrong with an XT4 for taking photos of kids or dog, far too many people have shot Birds in flight and motorsport with an XT camera for it to be the camera. Not saying the new software wont help but its an aid not the be all and end all
Most probably mainly me but it certainly misses more of the kids and dog screaming around than it hits.
Yeah. I guess neither are going to match the 2s with it’s stacked sensor but in the real world and for keeping up with my kids and dog will the non stacked now be good enough? Sadly my XT-4 let’s me down more often than not but I will absolutely accept I might be the issue too!

Have seen videos showing the eye af and that certainly seems improved.

I’ll be keeping an eye on developments as we go forward. No decisions just yet!
@trevorbray might be able to give you a better insight, ad he had both the H2 variants, and the T5 having the same guts as the 2, should be the same output :)
Went out early this morning looking for deer as I know there are lots there (I see them on the drive to work!). But alas I didn't even see one, so had to resort to the dog again...
XT3 70-300 (not so sharp on here as not on Flickr this time)
View attachment 374099

Very nice dog portrait style capture Donna, liking this pic very much.
Most probably mainly me but it certainly misses more of the kids and dog screaming around than it hits.
Trevor here. I’ve had the X-T4. The AF of the X-H2 and 2S is streets ahead. The H2 and 2S share the same algorithms. The eye AF and animal detection are game changers. But it reality the 2S is my choice for moving targets. This is because of the stacked sensor. Having access to super high speed burst shooting allows me to choose the exact moment I want to keep. I’ve got great shots with the X-H2 but always reach for the 2S when going out for action shots. Don’t get me wrong. There’s still plenty of room for Pilot Error. And of course, there’s no perfect camera.
Got to say that the XT5 with the 50mm f2.0 is everything that I hoped and more.
I find it much easier to use and shoot than my XH2.
Quick question, Jonathan. Do you use a soft shutter release add on button, or use it as is? I have heard that screwing them in too tight, can mess up the whole shebang.
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Quick question, Jonathan. Do you use a soft shutter release add on button, or use it as is? I have heard that screwing them in too tight, can mess up the whole shebang.
I tried the soft release button on my XPro1 and didnt like it that much, so I have never used then again.
My XT5 has no extras other than my menu customisations. I use the Fuji strap which is OK but not perfect. I might put the Peak Design attachment points on it as I like the easy removal of the strap feature.
Dave. Does that mean a T5 is on its way to you ?

Yes the Silver one, as the X-T3 and maybe two lenses will get sold soon. Have not been out for a while as chest infection still has not cleared off, so hope it arrives tomorrow as it's been dispatched.