The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

Stunning photos folks........ makes me feel less guilty about giving up the Sony A7RII :D
I was discussing this with @mickledore last night, from my shots, I think that the X-T2 is sharper than the X-T1, I may be imagining it (or I'm getting better!!!!), but even in the EVF/Rear screen, the shots look to my untrained eye ... sharper.

Also you can push/pull them further in LR, to me there is a big difference with the X-Trans3
You can certainly pull more out of the shadows with the T2, and the T1 was no slouch in this. But sometimes, just sometimes, I wonder if I prefer the raw colours of the T1. Probably needs me to get used to it more.
What a fantastic camera/lens combo a T2 and 14mm are together !!

w O O w respect.

I know this is an equipment thread but fairly sure almost all of the credit here should go to the photographer rather than the camera!
Any good bag suggestions for Fuji gear? My old Kata bag isn't very well suited, it's meant more for a dslr + large lens attached plus a flash/lens or 2 more lenses. Great bag, but for the fuji I want something neater.

This is what i have currently:

I also have a Think tank roller bag and another Think tank case type over shoulder bag that's also way too big.

Check out here i got mine foe a crazy price at Jessops
I paid just over £12 for the last 3 i got for friends
You can certainly pull more out of the shadows with the T2, and the T1 was no slouch in this. But sometimes, just sometimes, I wonder if I prefer the raw colours of the T1. Probably needs me to get used to it more.

I'm finding the opposite. I used to shoot Shadow tone -2 on the T1 and in LR that equated to simply sliding the black slider up to 100 to get the Raw file to match the JPEG. Not possible on the T2, the shadows don't come up enough and the noise is much more aggressive in them too, to the point I've binned a lot of shots because of it. I'm finding myself having to leave the shadows setting at 0 in camera and faff about trying to get the exposure up to keep the shadows in. Why did they have to mess with the metering, the T1 was spot on!
One think I notice about Fuji they update firmware add things which is great compare to other cameras
Another for Desaturated London maybe...

One Blackfriars by Ash Smith, on Flickr
Ash, that for me is simply fantastic, love the Urban style building approach, awesome...! That 18-55mm is working fantastically well in combo with your X-T10, wOOw

Any ND filters used at all for this image ?

As already said, an extremely high standard of images displayed here recently, the bar has been both pushed and raised, really love it....!!

Respect to all concerned!
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These film modes you guys talking about.. Can they be use in Raw or just jpeg
Ash, that for me is simply fantastic, love the Urban style building approach, awesome...! That 18-55mm is working fantastically well in combo with your X-T10, wOOw

Any ND filters used at all for this image ?

Thanks Peter, I have to say what started out as a pretty random collection of shots grabbed on a walk between meetings has evolved into something I really want to make a proper series out of and maybe a photobook concept or at the very least a series of prints.

I am loving the 18-55 - it's plenty sharp, plenty quick and has a decent range for the kind of stuff i'm enjoying shooting right now. Will maybe add a 10-24 if I can find one at a decent price at some point, but no rush.

As for filters, nope, none used. I'm finding with the processing "style" I'm using for these images that having a slightly overexposed sky works in my favour as I can recover enough detail for interest but keep the overall gritty, contrasty feel i'm looking for. It's not to everyones taste I know, but I like it :)
Thanks Peter, I have to say what started out as a pretty random collection of shots grabbed on a walk between meetings has evolved into something I really want to make a proper series out of and maybe a photobook concept or at the very least a series of prints.

I am loving the 18-55 - it's plenty sharp, plenty quick and has a decent range for the kind of stuff i'm enjoying shooting right now. Will maybe add a 10-24 if I can find one at a decent price at some point, but no rush.

As for filters, nope, none used. I'm finding with the processing "style" I'm using for these images that having a slightly overexposed sky works in my favour as I can recover enough detail for interest but keep the overall gritty, contrasty feel i'm looking for. It's not to everyones taste I know, but I like it :)
I'd love to see a huge professional print made of that image, it'd look awesome I bet, it's right up my street/style alright.

More please........loving this. Very inspirational Ash. Cheers.