The GAS confessional - all who suffer are welcome. :)

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Well, I am on the sofa at the moment rather too much as I have just had an ACL reconstruction done many years after the original injury. Of course, this means I am meandering around photographic websites in between doing my physio prescribed exercises. No driving for another month... I run two systems and love them both. Canon FF and Olympus. Anyway, I heard today that my images did well in a club competition with subjects that are not my usual so I thought it would be a good thing to get a prime lens for my Oly - to the victor the spoils, I thought. So I am hankering after the Oly 17mm f1.2.:D Then I start watching videos about the Canon 24mm f1.4 mk 2 [I found one used on a forum]:oops: :$ and then watch one about the 11mm-24mm :exit:and then I tell myself to get a grip. I think the latter is a big, heavy, expensive beast [I decided not to look] so it is easy to walk away from that. Wish me luck. Further confessions from other sufferers would be welcome.
It won't be 3! I have resisted all afternoon and am feeling quite pleased with myself! :)
currently debating upgrading to an XT-3 from a Nikon D3400. Or an XT-2 and use the saving to fund a second lens.
Been there, had a whole host of systems, masses of lenses and in addition a whole host of old kit ( folders, plate cameras, slide projectors, film developing outfits( old and modern), tripods, subminiatures name It, I most probably had it at some point athough I am talking more of film kit here as against digital.

Several years ago I experienced a sudden and unexpected change in my personal life which set me on a roll to rid myself of most of my gear.

Initially this was easy ( with having soooo much stuff) but then it started to become increasingly difficult what to hold onto and what to let go.

Ill health arrived and although not great news, like with most things in life, there was a positive side.;....It made me reduce my camera equipment further.

I still have some gear to move on but I'm almost down to what I really do wish to keep and more importantly get use out of!!

Without a doubt GAS still tries to tempt me and indeed i have recently purchased a couple of bags and a film developing processor, however I have much more control over my purchases now and always sit back and allow the dust to settle as it where before purchasing ....In the same way as I now do with all my purchases in life.
Thus the recent purchases where required and are presently being put to regular use.

Bargains may be missed but there will always be another bargain at a later date so I don't let that aspect make me purchase out of panic.

My advice,

Do plenty of homework on a potential purchase.

More importantly, asses wether it really is a necessary purchase and if so then why.

Then and only then consider taking the plunge and with a serious consideration to selling some existing kit.....One item in through the door, one item out!

It's a method that works for me now and one that I wish I had had in place many moons ago but hey, it's never too late!!
Well today I bought (all on ebay) a softbox and grid, a speedlight, a lightstand clamp, AA batteries and charger, some colour gels (just because they were cheap, but i can't think of time I'm going to use them) and a mini softbox for use when out in the field doing macro work.
The other day I got the urge for a small camera with a touch screen. I remembered the Panasonics I'd owned had them. Went shopping, put a body and lens in the basket at MPB then thought I'd check my Lightroom catalog to see which lens I used to use most in case I'd made a bad choice.

Looking through the pictures I soon realised why I had sold the Panasonics BOTH times I'd tried them.

Back to MPB and empty the basket. Phew!
Now there's a thread title - "Baskets that I've emptied before check-out".

Tell me about it!

So I'm in the middle of changing camera systems, which is a damn stupid thing to do because my output really sucks right now while I'm learning what the new system does. But also because my budget is limited I can't just go & blow 3 grand on lenses, so I agonise over what to get, what not to get, and having tried something, whether to return it while I still can. At the moment I'm slightly wishing I'd stayed with Nikon for the smaller files sizes and (I suspect) slightly higher image quality from a similar sensor.

Let me tell you though, eye-AF is astonishing. ;)
I've never been a latest & greatest must-have person. My everyday car up until 10 years ago was from 1971...!!

I've had the A7 since 2014/15 & I'm now more than happy with the Voigtlander 40/1.2, 21/3.5 & the FE85 as my main lenses. Tripod from 2010 [I think] & a few filters & I'm all good :)
That is part of the problem! I sold a few lenses last year and have a credit note burning away. Not enough for the full lens of course:D:D:):clap:

Ah credit notes can be a pita cos often they end up being spent on something that isn't really needed or wanted.

There is a way around it if you know someone who wants to purchase from the credit note company and can make use of the credit note and give you cash in exchange.

Perhaps that's an option?
That’s an interesting thought. I will also take it with me to the Photo show as they will have a stand there. Only a week to hold out. Or not - it’s very boring on the sofa. :LOL:
That is part of the problem! I sold a few lenses last year and have a credit note burning away. Not enough for the full lens of course:D:D:):clap:

Yep....excellent way of explaining to the other half how you've afforded to purchase yet more recent 'credit note' afforded me a fluid head and a leveller.
I'm currently in remission from the dreaded GAS. Pretty happy with what I have but could be tempted to change 2 of the bodies I use for the same as the other I use most - X-Pro1 and X-T1 for a pair of X-T2s. Pretty sure I don't need the extra oomph that a trio of X-T3s would give me and can certainly use the cash to better advantage!

Good luck with the ACL recovery.
Tell me about it!

So I'm in the middle of changing camera systems, which is a damn stupid thing to do because my output really sucks right now while I'm learning what the new system does. But also because my budget is limited I can't just go & blow 3 grand on lenses, so I agonise over what to get, what not to get, and having tried something, whether to return it while I still can. At the moment I'm slightly wishing I'd stayed with Nikon for the smaller files sizes and (I suspect) slightly higher image quality from a similar sensor.

Let me tell you though, eye-AF is astonishing. ;)
I feel your pain Toni :)
I'm cured, I have everything I need and no need for anything else.
I've never been able to get away from the desire for more camera gear.
Everytime I think I have the best of everything I spot something else I really have to have.

I'm too scared to calculate how much I have spent on gear over the past 40 years but if I did, I'd probably find I could have retired at 50.
In the space of the last 12 months I have spent £12,499 on new toys.
:wideyed::wideyed: Perhaps we could do to have our very own GAS Therapist on TP!!:LOL:

It never ends.
I anticipate spending another £5,000 before the end of April.
What makes it worse is, my wife positively encourages me to buy more stuff.
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I was only thinking a few days ago about the fact that I've spent more on camera gear than I did on my first house. :eek:
Tell me about it. And I'm not even a professional.
Well, professional money waster.
It's tragic and irritating with those in denial of their GAS not least to us who don't have it.
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Yep....excellent way of explaining to the other half how you've afforded to purchase yet more recent 'credit note' afforded me a fluid head and a leveller.

More like "My credit note was going out of date so I HAD to use it" :p:p
It's tragic and irritating with those in denial of their GAS not least to us who don't have it.
Are you on the "us" team or the "don't have it" team?
Desperate to know.
Offcource I don't have gas, I have 5 new lenses and a X-T3 curing it :D

Like me. you're in remission rather than being completely cured! There'll be an X-T4 along soon (a Fuji CSC body for Tony's benefit!) and you'll be as GASsy as everyone else again!
After being at the doc's, physio and the pharmacy for most of the day, I am back on the sofa, with my leg perched in a new position designed to help it straighten, I am, once again, resisting....
After being at the doc's, physio and the pharmacy for most of the day, I am back on the sofa, with my leg perched in a new position designed to help it straighten, I am, once again, resisting....
Noooo, don't resist, just press the buy it button.
Your leg will fell better for it, you know it's true.


And I really hope you get better soon.