The Official Fuji X10/X20/X30/XF1/XQ1 Thread

A composite panorama. A 120’sweep plus a still.


a couple of this building that was being pulled down. They had pulled everything down but left the front wall standing for a couple of days for whatever reason. I went back this morning to try and get a better angle but it had all gone.

A bit of fiddling in silver fx pro

I've not taken my X10 out for a few months also not looked much on here either but after reading the last 3-4 months of this thread last night inspired me to get it out again, I love the ease to shoot macro with the X10, here's 1 from this morning taken in my back garden.

Good to see some images from the X10, must get out with mine later, hopefully it'll be a nice sunset..
Catching up with the thread after just having had a week away, I see others are in the holiday spirit with some stunning shots posted. In particular, Rhodese's Cornish photos are up to his usual high standard, the subjects (not the quality!) reminding me of one or two I took - except that nearly all record the family, and are of no interest here.

However, I liked this one, in which until posting, I'd not noticed another photographer, a family man, doing his stuff:

The Young Girl and the Sea by wylyeangler, on Flickr

Taken at Lynmouth with Countisbury Hill in the background, the litter bins are bit disappointing, but more importantly, I never did find out what my granddaughter was so earnestly trying to point out to her preoccupied Papa!

Well thanks for the mention Pete. Pete I love the way the child is embracing the whole scene. The X10 is probably what most owners use for family shots, I’m sure you have more to show.
A couple more from me, Just to keep the thread on the front page you understand.





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Taken at Lynmouth with Countisbury Hill in the background, the litter bins are bit disappointing, but more importantly, I never did find out what my granddaughter was so earnestly trying to point out to her preoccupied Papa!


She's spotted that submarine about to surface.

Up periscope! :)
Does anyone know if there's a way to do mutiple exposures with the X10?
Does anyone know if there's a way to do mutiple exposures with the X10?

Hi, Chris. I take it you mean exposing a single frame multiple times, and not a series of exposures (on separate frames). Well, as far as I know, that's simply impossible with a standard X10. Of course, with software the sky is the proverbial limit (just underexpose the separate frames before overlaying them). But I'm rather sure you wanted to avoid the ole craftsman way...
There's discussion in the X20 thread about merging the X10 and X20 threads into a Xxx thread.

To me it seems to make a lot of sense as the cameras are a logical progression and it probably won't be too long before we get an X30.
Quite a few posters from this X10 thread are now over in the X20 thread, and still posting the same sort of images; there are even thoughts being aired that some aspects the X20 is not as good as the X10.

So before it goes further...
Thoughts please :)
There's discussion in the X20 thread about merging the X10 and X20 threads into a Xxx thread.

To me it seems to make a lot of sense as the cameras are a logical progression and it probably won't be too long before we get an X30.
Quite a few posters from this X10 thread are now over in the X20 thread, and still posting the same sort of images; there are even thoughts being aired that some aspects the X20 is not as good as the X10.

So before it goes further...
Thoughts please :)

A yes from me & also perhaps include the other small Fuji - the XF-1.
That's a yes from me as well, and that's as a user of an XF-1, X-20 and an ex-user of an X-10. Hoping that the X-30 includes a few things I'd like to have seen in the X-20 too...
There's discussion in the X20 thread about merging the X10 and X20 threads into a Xxx thread.

To me it seems to make a lot of sense as the cameras are a logical progression and it probably won't be too long before we get an X30.
Quite a few posters from this X10 thread are now over in the X20 thread, and still posting the same sort of images; there are even thoughts being aired that some aspects the X20 is not as good as the X10.

So before it goes further...
Thoughts please :)

Yes from me as well. I've moved from the X10 to X20 but I love reading both threads. It would make sense to combine.
Is be up for a merge, including the xf-1. It's the same as an x10. My sister got one as its a little smaller and I had a fiddle with it. All the menus have the same things, although it has a 3d mode in the exr menu I think.
She's spotted that submarine about to surface.

Up periscope! :)

And there's me thinking it was just rough timber marking the safe passage into the harbour - quite common along this coast. Obviously it is the remains of one of the U-boats, that, towards the end of the war, encountered a mine laid in the Bristol Channel, and has taken seventy years and a seven year old to be noticed!

Excellent (y)
I'll just wait to hear from a few more of the other X10 regulars before forwarding to the mods.
It seems I have jumped the gun.....
I did not see your most recent posts on this subject, Or I would not have asked the Mods to think about doing just what you suggest, from the report button on the X20 thread.
I have seen nothing negative about the suggestion anywhere.
So perhaps you would like to add your weight to it with them from here.
Regards Terry
Do we really want all those faux-chrome plated arrivistes here? :p

Surely the only argument against combining the two threads is size. The X10 thread is already at 223 pages so it's almost impossible to search for anything specific. Newcomers, acquiring their "faux-chrome plated" X20s will surely find it much easier to obtain quick information from a smaller thread?
Guys - if it's REALLY what you want, a merge can be done - but before I do that there are a few things like posts from the X20 thread, being split across the last 'x' number of days worth of posts in this thread, and where people have not used the quote button to address a particular post, it could all get VERY messy and in places make no sense whatsoever, especially to someone 'tuning in' for the first time.

As already mentioned, making a huge thread even bigger....

Discuss it for a day or two longer.... but also another thought - Why not make this the X10-X20 thread, close the X20 thread, with a closing message about everything now being in this one and a message in this one about that one? Not ideal I know, but another option that would address the issues of some stuff becoming too non-sensical [and I dread to think the load it would put on the hamster merging this monster into anything :eek: :LOL: ]
Guys - if it's REALLY what you want, a merge can be done - but before I do that there are a few things like posts from the X20 thread, being split across the last 'x' number of days worth of posts in this thread, and where people have not used the quote button to address a particular post, it could all get VERY messy and in places make no sense whatsoever, especially to someone 'tuning in' for the first time.

As already mentioned, making a huge thread even bigger....

Discuss it for a day or two longer.... but also another thought - Why not make this the X10-X20 thread, close the X20 thread, with a closing message about everything now being in this one and a message in this one about that one? Not ideal I know, but another option that would address the issues of some stuff becoming too non-sensical [and I dread to think the load it would put on the hamster merging this monster into anything :eek: :LOL: ]

All valid points!
Perhaps you could please raise the subject over tea and Jaffa Cakes in the Staff Room.
At the end of the day it's what the mods want to do / are prepared to do and their decision will get my backing.
Guys - if it's REALLY what you want, a merge can be done - but before I do that there are a few things like posts from the X20 thread, being split across the last 'x' number of days worth of posts in this thread, and where people have not used the quote button to address a particular post, it could all get VERY messy and in places make no sense whatsoever, especially to someone 'tuning in' for the first time.

As already mentioned, making a huge thread even bigger....

Discuss it for a day or two longer.... but also another thought - ?Why not make this the X10-X20 thread, close the X20 thread, with a closing message about everything now being in this one and a message in this one about that one Not ideal I know, but another option that would address the issues of some stuff becoming too non-sensical [and I dread to think the load it would put on the hamster merging this monster into anything :eek: :LOL: ]

That is probably the best Idea
If people do not use the "quote" system it adds to confusion anyway in a popular thread like this one. you often have no Idea who or what they are aiming their reply at.

I would certainly like a single thread as I use both cameras, almost on a whim.
All valid points!
Perhaps you could please raise the subject over tea and Jaffa Cakes in the Staff Room.
At the end of the day it's what the mods want to do / are prepared to do and their decision will get my backing.

TBH, its more what you guys want - the subject has been raised, but with this kind of thing, we tend to go with what the concensus of those members using it want unless there is a very good reason [forum or technical] not to. However, if any issues are raised in the staffroom, I will update here too (y)
That's a yes from me for merging the X10 and X20 threads, despite the risk that X20 stuff might be harder for newbies to find amongst the 200+ pages...
Obviously I hadn't read far enough ahead. I think renaming this thread (which already contains quite a bit of X20 and XF-1 stuff) and "closing" the X20 thread would be the best idea. I didn't notice this idea on the X20 thread when I popped in just now (but wasn't specifically looking)...
Hi, Chris. I take it you mean exposing a single frame multiple times, and not a series of exposures (on separate frames). Well, as far as I know, that's simply impossible with a standard X10. Of course, with software the sky is the proverbial limit (just underexpose the separate frames before overlaying them). But I'm rather sure you wanted to avoid the ole craftsman way...

I rather suspected it wasn't possible in camera. I wanted to be able to do it in camera, as the X10 is my only digital camera, and some things I'm involved in don't allow post-processing. I'm often using film cameras, which do have multiple exposure capabilities (albeit rather clunky, hold down the rewind button while "winding on" to cock the shutter), but sometimes use my X10 like a polaroid to pre-visualise a scene. Obviously for multi-exposures I'm going to have to just wing it!
Some shots from this week end Yorkshire day in Uppermill.

I rather suspected it wasn't possible in camera. I wanted to be able to do it in camera, as the X10 is my only digital camera, and some things I'm involved in don't allow post-processing. I'm often using film cameras, which do have multiple exposure capabilities (albeit rather clunky, hold down the rewind button while "winding on" to cock the shutter), but sometimes use my X10 like a polaroid to pre-visualise a scene. Obviously for multi-exposures I'm going to have to just wing it!

OK, engage brain. Count me in as an eejit! Clearly what I'm imagining is physically not possible in a camera where the sensor is also being used to provide live view! I can just about imagine that it might be possible in a DSLR when Live View is off, that image 1 be somehow "retained" on the sensor before image 2 is taken. I don't own a DSLR; do any have such a capability?

I suppose also for a camera like the X10 where live view is happening all the time, there could be a mode where the raw of image is retained in memory until image 2 is captured, and the two combined in camera and written to the card...
Chris - the 5dIII (and most Nikon DSLRs) do double exposures).
Can't speak for the Nikon crowd, but I think it's a gimmick.
I experimented while thumbing through the manual when the 5DIII was new ,but have never done it in-camera since.

The easiest way is layers in Photoshop - this give you complete creative control.
IMHO doing it in-camera is a matter of pre-visualisation, persistence and a large dose of luck. :)
There's discussion in the X20 thread about merging the X10 and X20 threads into a Xxx thread.

To me it seems to make a lot of sense as the cameras are a logical progression and it probably won't be too long before we get an X30.
Quite a few posters from this X10 thread are now over in the X20 thread, and still posting the same sort of images; there are even thoughts being aired that some aspects the X20 is not as good as the X10.

So before it goes further...
Thoughts please :)

Same here, Duncan. Merging them makes sense.

OK, Wil post here too as more debate about it is taking place here

1 - merge the threads - very messy and even more posts won't make sense and making an already enormous thread even more enormous

2 - close this X20 thread, with the last post providing a link to the current X10 thread and rename the x10 thread to X10/X20 [and XF1 if wanted]

3 - close both threads [remember both will still exist, both will still be linked to via the camera listing sticky thread at top of forum and reviews section and in the opening post of a new thread] and start a shiny new thread for both/all three cameras.

Discuss :D

YV summed up our options in a post on the X20 thread - copied here for clarity
Right now option 3 is appealing to me...
Option #3 gets my vote too for the search reasons I mentioned above.
Option three - good suggestion Yvonne.