The Official TP Funnies thread ( Jokes Memes etc )

A touch rude.

Better than the decision to play at being a princess...Screenshot_20200330-174116_Chrome.jpg

This reminds me of a similar joke. A middle-aged lady called the police to complain about a man in the house behind who she said was exposing himself so the officer went to the window and said that her couldn't see how she was able to see him whereupon she said "You have to stand on that chair"..:D
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I swopped wing mirrors with a lady driver one night, she said "My mum said 'what was that noise'?"

I looked in the car to see if she was ok, I said "Where is she?"

"On my phone!" she answered...
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Very probably a repeat - but worth repeating!

With a HUUUUUGE grin!!!
Not really ‘funny’ but amazing and worth a watch...

Do you remember MICHAEL WINSLOW as the guy from the Police Academy movies right?

Just check him out here killing it with Led Zeppelin’s “Whole Lotta Love” on Norwegian TV.

It’ll blow your mind.

View: https://BANNED/mikewarburton/status/1371510636920836097?s=09