In my position of runner-up (by default) :LOL: in the last round, here's the next one. Seems since I got my D5100 there have been about 5 'good' days - most of them falling at times I'm at work or otherwise unable to get out.

But I'm sure you'll find something half decent in this one. I've not edited myself yet so will have to see what I can find too!


And there should be a RAW file >>>here<<<

Please be a little patient when letting it load up the download page - I might need to investigate other sharing sites. :thinking:

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heres my take
lens correction and reduce chromatic aberration
inc clarity to get textures from steelwork
2 copies, one for sky, and one for bridge, both hdr`d separately
high pass sharpened and vivid overlay
noise reduction

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View From the Bridge by PSPDan, on Flickr

Cropped slightly and straightened
Lens correction (Geometric Distortion, Chromatic Aberration and Vignette)
Messed around with Photoshop CS6's HDR toning for the whole image
Adjusted the saturation for the sky / river
Adjusted lightness on the clouds
Lens correction (just Chromatic Aberration this time, and custom setting)

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My first go at this. Could someone please let me know if there are any issues with uploading the photo? I uploaded to my Flickr and stated in the description that the photo was not my own but I'm not sure if that's ok or not?

Welcome in Dan, good start (y)

No problems from me - cheers for being aware of these things though. You can change the privacy settings when you upload to private, pretty sure you can link to the image, but no-one can see it from within flickr?

And Neil, your image is not showing (for me, although it did show last night)....
My first go at this. Could someone please let me know if there are any issues with uploading the photo? I uploaded to my Flickr and stated in the description that the photo was not my own but I'm not sure if that's ok or not?

I have created a set on my flickr just for the photo's I do for this game. I upload the photo's to it with the privacy set to only me. Then link it to here. The link works on here but no one can see it in my photostream through flickr except me. Hope that makes sense. I can't see how anyone on here could get shirty about who's name ends up on the flickr copy edited by someone else, we are all friends here.
(but not with Andrew it seems :LOL:)

Camera raw recovered highlights, upped shadows, upped exposure, added clarity

PH shop, added a little detail to bridge (and some saturation) and lifted shadows further with curve, added a little bit more contrast to bridge

DSC_0098 by Brian of Bozeat, on Flickr

Straightened + corrected for lens distortion & CA. Auto settings, pushed up the clarity & dropped the white a bit.
Viveza: slight colour boost & pushed up the structure (its a bit like a muted HDR effect)
Back in PS:
tweaked the viveza layer opacity value (I usually take these things a little 'over' when using add ons, to give me more flexibility once back in PS)
sharpened the bridge & railings
softened the sky
Resized to 800px wide (Bicubic sharpen).
Saved as jpeg
Calling this one on Friday morning everyone......

That way the winner can "get one up" in time for the weekend. :nuts:

Neil - can you get yours back?? Or I'll go hunting through your photobucket for it. ;)
Tried all manner of crops, straightening & distortion correction until I was blue in the face. But I'm sure it is tweaked from original :nuts:

A lot of selecting bits with individual saturation & on the bridge desaturation to make it more 'macho' - steel like.

A lot of freehand saturation with brush set at 'Faux' finish on the sky.

A lot of other saturation elsewhere to bring out odds & ends of colour in the sky, fields & even the water.

High pass sharpen in soft mode.

Finally just remembered a trial Topaz star effect I have downloaded and chose city lights to give a glow to the inside of the central part of the bridge.

P.S .Now then Graham didn't you see that bloody bridge in the way when you were taking that lovely landscape shot of the river and surrounding fields ;)

P.P.S. ever tried cloning out the bridge :eek:

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It was one of the first proper (outside the house) shots I took with my new camera - hence the absolutely disgraceful combination of 1/3200, f/3.5 and ISO400 for a landscape shot :shake:.

'Tis the Basingstoke canal, and just to the left is the end of the runway at Farnborough airport. Wish I could have got a few more metres back, but I couldn't for a fairly obvious reason!

Anyone feel free to clone out the bridge - but you'll be loosing some lovely textures there. (y)
Welcome in Dan, good start (y)

No problems from me - cheers for being aware of these things though. You can change the privacy settings when you upload to private, pretty sure you can link to the image, but no-one can see it from within flickr?

And Neil, your image is not showing (for me, although it did show last night)....

I have created a set on my flickr just for the photo's I do for this game. I upload the photo's to it with the privacy set to only me. Then link it to here. The link works on here but no one can see it in my photostream through flickr except me. Hope that makes sense. I can't see how anyone on here could get shirty about who's name ends up on the flickr copy edited by someone else, we are all friends here.
(but not with Andrew it seems :LOL:)

Thanks, should be sorted now :)
Anyone feel free to clone out the bridge - but you'll be loosing some lovely textures there. (y)

You do realise I was only joking about cloning out the bridge :LOL:

Anyone in their right mind would clone out the river and fields behind :LOL:

P.S. Again only joking :love:
Calling this one on Friday morning everyone......

That way the winner can "get one up" in time for the weekend. :nuts:

Neil - can you get yours back?? Or I'll go hunting through your photobucket for it. ;)

back now?, just re upped it
And something slightly different.
HDR in photoshop then converted to 30 colours in illustrator.

I did 2 edits one colour and one B&W but prefered the mono much decided to post just the mono.

opened as RAW in LR4.

straightened and cropped.
changed to B&W mode;
Highlights -100
Shadows +100
Whites +38
Blacks -36
Clarity +62
Tone Curve: Highlights +95, Shadows +32.
sharpened quite a lot with custom settings,
colour noise reduction at 16, detail 73.
lens correction applied + remove chromatic aberation box ticked, this removed all purple fringing,
finally a mild vignette was applied,
exported as jpeg.

B&amp;W_rusty_bridge by btyreman, on Flickr
Bit of a B&W & Color Mix.
Took into Camera Raw, I mainly used recovery to even out the image and re-exposed.
Into Photoshop, Used the warp transform to straighten lens curve.
Used a two curve layers one for the sky the other for the rest and a hue & saturation to adjust the tones for B&W conversion, Used SilverFX plug-in for B&W, Then masked back in the color of the sky.

And now the part I really hate!

8 edits this round, all different. :clap: all round.

Sorry don't have time for detailed crit on all of them :LOL:... but I will say thay every one nailed the details and texture on the old bridge, great skies all around, Dan, you could have done with trying to get back some of the highlights in yours.

Ben - you really turned this into a great B&W image - works really well (y). Chris your selective colour take could have worked if maybe the blue sky was a bit more muted, but top marks for trying something different with it!

But finally, partly as I really was struggling to choose between about 3 or 4 of the others, and as I loved seeing something differnt done - it's quite easy to develop a style you like, and simply keep doing the same thing over and over just to different images - I'm giving my win to.......
the 47th chap from the valleys, Wayne it's over to you!

(And just in case Wayne is snowed in, or for some reason can't post up inside of 24 hour :LOL:, I'm choosing Ben's B&W as runner up.)

Mine was a 5 exposure HDR merge (as usual - must try something different soon), With a blend of layers at varying opacities - and a mask of the sky portions similar to Chris' idea.

Nice one wayne :clap:
I did mine on my laptop and it didnt look so saturated on that screen, now looking at in on my works monitor it definitely needs muting :)
I'll kick it off then... I found this one quite tough, but I have to learn somehow so here goes. Not really sure of everything I did.

Played with a few layers of Photoshop's HDR, different opacities.
Played with the saturation and vibrance.
Added a tilt shift blur and cropped it.
Upped the contrast.
Decided I didn't like the clouds as they drew too much focus, so I deleted them and tried my best to recreate a sky with some layers of different shades of blue.
Added a lens flare to recreate the Sun. Not sure if it's low enough for the shadows but it didn't look right any lower as it's not exactly a sunset!

Not sure if the sea looks over saturated but I like the look.

Seafront Riding by PSPDan, on Flickr
firstly what a great image!

opened in LR4;

straightened the horizon using the ruler tool in crop mode,
then in silver effects pro for B&W conversion and played with it until happy,
then increased clarity,
decreased blacks,
decreased highlights.
sharpened a little.
then used a filter on the sky increasing clarity even more and contrast,
second filter on the sand at the bottom which blurred it,
printed to jpeg with black background/letterboxing,
resized to 1024 jpeg with sharpening added

horses_ont_beach_int_wales_1024 by btyreman, on Flickr
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increased clarity
basic sliders
hdr for clouds to bring out some detail
softened edges on horses and riders
blurred sky slightly to reduce noise


In PE10 played with individual colour sliders to get muted look.

In Picasa put graduated tint on top half, saved, rotated and put another graduated tint on top half (really bottom half as it was rotated).

In Picasa focal zoom.

On PE10 picked out saturation points with brush

Sharpened only central part & that's it.
Some great edits, Bens was very close to what I ended up with (near as makes no difference) but I'm going with John DayDreamer as the winner, I really like what he's done and the zoom blur draws attention the main subject.

Over to you John.
Well done John - Picasa does have it's uses :LOL:
Some great edits, Bens was very close to what I ended up with (near as makes no difference) but I'm going with John DayDreamer as the winner, I really like what he's done and the zoom blur draws attention the main subject.

Over to you John.

Thanks for that Wayne (y) - not my usual style but starting to try and 'think (excuse the naff term) outside the box'.

Well done John - Picasa does have it's uses :LOL:

OMG I am so confused & I really do mean so confused. I use CS4, PE10, Picasa, Dynamic Photo HDR (stand alone & plug in versions) CS2 (free download from last week, recently trialled Topaz & Nik plug ins, trialled Snapseed, plus a lot more. I downloaded LR4 trial about a month ago and not been well enough to try it and the bloody trial has expired.

I was rather hoping to decide what I like and don't like so as not to randomly do a bit here and a bit there but so far failing miserably :LOL:

Will get something up soon but not sure whether to go for seaside, countryside, buildings or people. I can't make decisions today :bonk:
A pick from buildings or people would get a vote from me (if that helps!)
Good opportunity to try some new things. (y)


Try and remember some things I did.......

Inc contrast, saturation, sharpen
cloned out some bins
added more clouds!!
added a light effect to brighten buildings selectively
flipped it to give a lead in line from left hand corner
distorted my left hand corner (orignial right hand) to level the river a bit
angled graduated fade in Picasa
crop to edge of distorted corner
final resize, sharpen and border in Picasa
hdr`d the trees to give an Autumn feel to them
hdr`d the buildings and water to increase clarity in brickwork and spray etc
brought some detail out in the clouds
denoise for the clouds
Hey John, I went to see the film "les miserables" last night - and at one point I thought I had gone mental. :LOL:
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Hey John, I went to see the film "les miserables" last night - and at one point I thought I had gone mental. :LOL:

:thinking: I am missing the point :thinking:

Anyhow how was the film - would you recommend it?

P.S. Hope your edit is in the pipeline?

P.P.S. Just tried an edit myself and surprised how tough it is :help:
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