
My usual MO here...

5 exposures (-2 to +2) in DPP
With sharpening, contrast and saturation slightly boosted in each
Merged in Dynamic Photo HDR
Aim to brighten the church and foreground / tree line while at the same time darkening the underside of the clouds.
Then straightened and cropped to remove red foreground and pole to left, and also put the church on a third.

More time spent would mean the pylon and wires being cloned out, and probably the car as well.

Sorry late but only just done - will add 'how' as soon as I can - John
Happy new year everyone, Here's my effort.

by Brian of Bozeat, on Flickr

Corrected for lens & accepted autotone.

Cropped & Straightened:
Removed PYLON & wires:
Adjusted levels for brickwork:
Adjusted levels for hillside:
Adjusted saturation & contrast for sky:
Adjusted levels and added a subtle blur to builders rubble.

Resized and added simple feathered border.
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Sorry late but only just done - will add 'how' as soon as I can - John

Told you I was ill - I must of been delirious when I wrote this as I thought it was Wednesday when it was only Tuesday :bonk::bonk::bonk:
thanks for the entries, im giving this one to overbez, great edit, good use of hdr which is what i was hoping for, over to you bud
Good one Graham - defo the best (y)
Thanks chaps - wish I'd made the effort to disappear the pylon and cables now. (Oh yeah, and that blimmin' car again!!)

I'll have a next one up by lunchtime!
Thanks Wayne - thought Brian's was really good too.

Thought I'd throw an extra little something in for you all this time....... I'm giving you TWO photos to play with. If anyone wants to only use one, then that's fine by me - I'll judge based on the final image!



RAW files should be here (29MB and 25MB) and

Full size jpegs here (10MB and 8MB) (developed from the RAW using as shot settings) and

As there's more work (potentially) here, I'll call it Monday mid-morning. (y)
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in keeping im going to put up 2 efforts
incresed clarity to the top (gives a sharpening affect)
then auto in raw, did the same for both files
merged as a panoramic in ps, and cloned and altered colours where the join was
cropped slightly, cloned out branches to the left
used a grunge hdr filter in topaz (again lol)
sharpened tree only
added blur to sky only to denoise

first finished
2nd just applied a film retro filter as it looked cool

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For some reason the raw files won't download for me (I'm away from the home computer) but the jpegs worked fine, very odd. Is it just me or is there a problem with the raw?
For some reason the raw files won't download for me (I'm away from the home computer) but the jpegs worked fine, very odd. Is it just me or is there a problem with the raw?

RAW downloaded for me OK this time. Your turn to have a problem so at least I now feel in good company ;)

PM if you would like me to email them to you?
Just tested them myself - straight down no problems..... is dead simple to use - no registration etc, just upload and link.... BUT, it is free so may be limited bandwidth with it - I have occasionally had to click a couple of times when checking downloads, and it removes files if not downloaded at all for a 30 day period... which for the purposes of this game I find acceptable (as the small jpegs are hosted on here for continuity).

Let me know if any further problems and I'll try my hotmail skydrive.
I was on a poor connection as well which probably didn't help, anyway I went with the jpegs in the end.
Photoshop merged the 2 pics together, cloned out the pylon thingy, filled in the missing bits from photomerge and played about with the sky, ajusted the clours and exposures to match up the two fields a bit better, then mid tone contrast boosted, finally split toned for a warm tone effect.


Just had a quick play, did cple of days ago, but think pano'd used curves, sharpened, added a flare, added a cast with another curve...umm think thats most of it

oh i made the tree bigger as well :)

edit1 by ajbaker50, on Flickr

A quick little edit.

1. Replaced the sky.
2. Removed front posts and side pilons.
3. Converted to B&W.
4. Added a walker and dog.
5. Adjusted contrast etc.

Hope you like it :)
Well done all who embraced the 2 shot pano here. I've been playing a fair bit with these, found Hugin to be a really good standalone stitcher which is what I used on my edit below.

Neil, once again great edits, I can (just) see the join though but you've brought a great colour to the sky from a pretty miserable overcast day.
Wayne, sorry the RAW files troubled you but again good effort bringing the two photos into one. I tried to clone out the poles left of the tree myself, but gave it up as too hard - the merge in PS has done something funny to the branch on the left of the tree but I like the B&W - suits the scene well. And well spotted on the exposure difference, had it on M to keep shutter and aperture the same, but forgot I had it on Auto ISO still, so there is about 1 stop differnce between the two shots.
Shaun, great edit again, good merge of the two shots, poles on the left nice and vertical, lovely depth to the sky with the receding clouds. (y)
And Andrew - welcome into the thread - be good to see you stick around - editing definately up to a good standard. nice touch with the dog walker - a bit of shadow around their feet would put them in shot a bit better, but good work on the sky replacement. :clap:

But there has to be a winner - and I pass the baton to Shaun (TheDrift-) - consistently good edits submitted for the past few rounds (y)

Here's mine, was a fair bit of work here.....
created 3 exposures (from each shot) in ViewNX2
HDR'd these in DPHDR to create 2 HDR images (keeping settings the same)
Then merged these in Hugin pano stitcher
slight tweaks to stitched image in GIMP, and added black borders as was my "thing" at the time.
Might try to remove the poles on the left at some time.

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OK thanks some great entries as i'm not sure about this but I'll give it ago...not just 1 picture but 3...I know some of you like to HDR so i thought a 3 shot bracket shot on tripod might make a change, if of course you dont fancy that then you can just take the mid one and work from there. :)

2 stops apart view over wolds towards the bellmont radio/tv arial on sat evening





Have fun and I'll call it Thursday afternoon..

Oh and you might need to give it a few mins for my drop box to sync up...slow connection & bad upload currently saying 1 hour to sync :(
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Nice idea - cheers Shaun.


First got all the RAW files, developed with DPP
Initially couldn't find anything interesting.... until I found the WB slider :bonk:
So, changed WB to cloudy, tiny boost to contrast, sharpening, and saturation
Developed mid at -2, 0 and +2
Developed Under at -2 and 0 (Giving -4 and -2)
Developed Over at 0 and +2 (Giving +2 and +4)
Found the +4 to have nothing of use in it so deleted
Found the -2 from the under (at 0) to have slightly more detail than from the mid at -2.
But really not a lot in it... so I'd say that the 4 stops you can get from a single RAW make bracketing not necessary. But as you did it I ran with the 0 version from the Under RAW, and also took the -2 version from the under
Giving me -4, -2, 0, and +2
(With me so far??)
Whacked them all into Dynamic Photo HDR
Made a couple of versions, one with a very coloured sky
Took the two HDR versions + the mid original into GIMP
Overlaid the two HDR versions over the original at opacity to suit
Including masking off of the field from the very coloured sky version
Wanted to crop some foreground, but found cropping the tree from the right left it a bit unbalanced
So cloned it out in GIMP.
Drop shadow in Picasa
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PP challenge by ajbaker50, on Flickr

1. Took the 3 exposures, merged for HDR in Photomatix pro.
2. Added some contrast and adjusted temp to neutralise the cold tone.
3. Closed and opened in CS5.5
4. Removed tree on the right.
5. Added unsharp mask.
6. Opened image in topaz, applied streak function and applied vis layer mask to field in foreground, to soften and give more definitive lines.
7. Added adj layer for contrast.
8. Adj curves.
9. Removed dust spots with spot healing brush.
10. Cropped shot to remove a lot of foreground to focus on mast
Entries a bit thin on the ground but thanks to bez and ajbaker for taking part :)

Really liked yours bez, but just pipped by AJbaker , really liked your crop well done :)

Here's my version
Very well done andrew - great start you've made in this game :clap:

Look forward to seeing what you post up for us, don;t feel you need to post 4 files up for us to go at - 1 will do!

Nice edit Shaun - I'm still amazed at what can be pulled out of seemingly dull files. How many of the RAW files did you actually use for yours??
Hi All,
Thought I would get involved in this thread.
I was having a quick go at editing Shaun's image and thought I would post the result.

Very well done andrew - great start you've made in this game :clap:

Look forward to seeing what you post up for us, don;t feel you need to post 4 files up for us to go at - 1 will do!

Nice edit Shaun - I'm still amazed at what can be pulled out of seemingly dull files. How many of the RAW files did you actually use for yours??

Thanks i used the first two raw files, and made a 3rd by pushing the mid exposure to +2, (cant remember why now, but i did decide i dint like the 2 over exposure for some reason)

@orbik great first entry :)!!
Thanks i used the first two raw files, and made a 3rd by pushing the mid exposure to +2, (cant remember why now, but i did decide i dint like the 2 over exposure for some reason)

@orbik great first entry :)!!

Thanks :) Just waiting to get stuck into the next image as I like a bit of photoshopping.

Welcome to the game!
The rules:
The Decider (previous PP king) must choose a Winner and runner up. The crowned king will have 24hrs to post their image, failure to do so means the game is automatically passed down to the runner up where he/she must then assume responsibility to continue gaming.

As its been over three days (and Andrew has logged on yesterday), any objections if I post something up?? I was the runner -up - admittedly of only 2 entries submitted before Shauns judging :LOL:
For what it's worth - I have no objections. Maybe someone should message Andrew and let him know he's the winner though?
Fair point Brian - I've just done that. Just assumed everyone checked their subscribed threads.

I'll hold back till this evening.

As its been over three days (and Andrew has logged on yesterday), any objections if I post something up?? I was the runner -up - admittedly of only 2 entries submitted before Shauns judging :LOL:

Get one up ASAP, I say, as it is a silly amount of time to be waiting. I feel 12 hours max should be enough time unless the winner takes the time to post to let us know when to expect it if it is going to be any later.

So go for it :clap:

PS Andrew may have a problem but still feel he would want us to move on (y)
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