The Slimming Thread 2010

Ah hun, do you REALLY need the pastries? ;) They are only out to tempt you! Resist! :D
Ah hun, do you REALLY need the pastries? ;) They are only out to tempt you! Resist! :D

well i need to eat and its all cheese and bakeries out here, am being good in terms that im still only having 3 meals a day, and the evening meal is salad and meat done on the bbq although lunch is not easy.
WOW you look great well done!!! I am in the process of trying to loose the 7lbs I have put on in the last year.....I had lost over 3 stone since my children were born, but 7lbs crept on over christmas and stayed on boooo!

Now I am struggling to fit into the clothes I wore last summer and I want to feel as good about myself as I did diet and exercise everyday for me...I am planning on keeping the exercise in from now on...I feel good when I work out so that is a planned change for life :)

Well done you again and keep up the good work :)
Charlotte x
Well done there Dee, you are looking great. I would post a pic but wouldn't look good in a dress n heals :) I'm still going strong which is good for me woo
Sounds promising Steve! Ill have to post some update photos soon, (in a dress I mean :D)
Here are some more pics of me, as of 02.06.10

Check out my bruises! Thats from the spin bike saddle :D


Hi folks, only just found this thread and feel compelled to join in.

I decided to do something about my weight and weighed in for the first time on 18 Feb at 19st 8.5lbs. As of tonight I am 17st 4lbs - a loss of 2st 4.5lbs :D I'm looking to lose a total of 5stones so almost half way there. I go to Slimming World btw and my exercise is limited to cycling (which I do for about 30 mins every night) due to knackered ankle ligaments.

Hey Betty - looking fine girl :naughty::clap:
Great progress Betty, I wish I had done the photo thing at the start

Just remember, Its easier to not put the calories in your mouth than it is to burn them off in the gym. Also, you should weigh yourself at the same time on the same scales in the buff too for an accurate weight. I heard that your weight varies in the day which I didnt think would be much but out of curiousity I weighed myself in the morning and at night and it had changed by 2lbs.

I was just over 18st 10lbs at 6'3". I took up boxing twice a week and made more of an effort with what I am eating and I am down to about 17st 9lbs. That has taken 5 months though so was quite disappointed at how slow it was taking. No I have taken up 5-a-side once a week on top of this so hopefully things will move a little quicker!

What sort of diets are you guys on that have had good losses (Betty,Toothie,Ian). I really struggle with diets as I am always hungry and hunger leads to snacking!
I decided to do something about my weight and weighed in for the first time on 18 Feb at 19st 8.5lbs. As of tonight I am 17st 4lbs - a loss of 2st 4.5lbs :D I'm looking to lose a total of 5stones so almost half way there. I go to Slimming World btw and my exercise is limited to cycling (which I do for about 30 mins every night) due to knackered ankle ligaments.

Well done Steve, thats awesome progress! I cant actually run myself, I broke my ankle 3 years ago, and its never been the same since :D

Just remember, Its easier to not put the calories in your mouth than it is to burn them off in the gym. Also, you should weigh yourself at the same time on the same scales in the buff too for an accurate weight. I heard that your weight varies in the day which I didnt think would be much but out of curiousity I weighed myself in the morning and at night and it had changed by 2lbs.

I was just over 18st 10lbs at 6'3". I took up boxing twice a week and made more of an effort with what I am eating and I am down to about 17st 9lbs. That has taken 5 months though so was quite disappointed at how slow it was taking. No I have taken up 5-a-side once a week on top of this so hopefully things will move a little quicker!

What sort of diets are you guys on that have had good losses (Betty,Toothie,Ian). I really struggle with diets as I am always hungry and hunger leads to snacking!

I weigh myself every Monday morning, in the buff, and after a pee :D And yes, weight fluctuates massively! Once I weighed myself as normal, had some Weetabix, and weighed again (just to prove this point). I had gained half a stone :LOL:

I am doing Weight Watchers, and have found this is the diet for me. I did it a few years back and managed to lose 2.5 stone, but I fell back into bad habits, which is why I am having to do it again :p
Gotta say Dee that you're looking fab! The difference in the 'before' & 'after' pics is amazing :clap:
Thank you Cheryl! Its all worthwhile! How's your weight loss going? :)
Indeed, at least you havent gained! How come you've lost your motivation then? :(
Indeed, at least you havent gained! How come you've lost your motivation then? :(

I think it's because I've been in alot of pain recently due to the endometriosis (my surgery is only 3 weeks away now!) and either haven't felt like eating, or just want comfort food. I've felt really lethargic and totally exhausted. Am hoping that I can get back on track after my op.
Of course, well dont let it get you down :)

Ive lost another 2lbs this week! Only 4lbs to go!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations Dee, Your brave putting photo of you like that, I dont think there is a camera with a wide enough lens on to get all my belly in 1 shot, may need a panoramic setting
Have you not seen my Real Beauty Project threads Julian? Never bothers me showing flesh :D
Have you not seen my Real Beauty Project threads Julian? Never bothers me showing flesh :D

No love not seen em, I just have too much flesh to show thats what I was meaning :LOL:
Sad to say I had a bad week - put 1/2lb on :crying:

Did more exercise than usual - added in a round of golf - so don't really understand it :shake: Hey! maybe golf is fattening :shrug:

Here's to a better result next week :clap:
Sad to say I had a bad week - put 1/2lb on :crying:

Did more exercise than usual - added in a round of golf - so don't really understand it :shake: Hey! maybe golf is fattening :shrug:

Here's to a better result next week :clap:

Indeed! Hop straight back on that wagon!

Well done. I have been trying to get back in shape for a while, but so far all I have managed to do is spend a lot of time thinking "tomorrow I will get started, so I can allow myself a treat today..."

You need to start somewhere. Rather than saying one day, "Ill start tomorrow", set a date aside in your mind, be it in a week, or a months time. Write it on the calendar, and prepare yourself for that date, and when it rolls around, you go hell for leather :LOL:
Well done for taking that first step Martin! What do you have in mind to lose the weight? :)
Start to cut down on my food intake Dee. I just love food all food (apart from fish lol). Thats going to be the start, then up the exercise and cut down on alcohol.

Martin :)
Sounds promising! I cant cut down on alcohol, because... well, I dont drink any :LOL:
Wow!! - Dee - What a great idea to do the photos at the start and as you go along. I didn't see the need for the weight loss in the first place, but it's a personal thing, I guess & how you feel. But seeing those before and after photos - You've done so well and look absolutely gorgeous! It's really inspiring and you can tell that you're really pleased with what you've achieved! Rightfully so! :)

Keep it up, guys! :) When my life settles down a bit, I hope I can manage to take Dee's lead & start that road! :)
Good stuff here, I start training next week. Need to claim my body back and get fitness back after this didn't-go-according-to-plan knee surgery.
After a disappointing 1/2lb gain last week I'm chuffed to have lost another 1 1/2lbs this time around :D

Just 1 1/2lbs away from 2 1/2 stones since the end of February :clap:

Keep up the good work everybody you're helping to inspire me and keep me on track :cool:
Well done everyone!!!! Going well!

Ive lost another pound this week, just 2 until I hit goal!!!! :D
Ooh Im going to join in this thread. I joined Slimming World nearly 2 weeks ago. My best friend is a new consultant and her starting co-incided with me feeling yukky and unhealthy... my asthma has been awful this year and being a lardy bum really isnt helping me. So I wanted to support her and do something for me.

I lost 1lb first week, which was ok as I didnt do too brilliantly. Started this week off again more positively, but Saturday came and I was at a show and there was very nice cake.. oops. Been great today, but the laziness crept in for dinner and we had fatty risotto. But Ive been eating better than I have done in ages, so its slowly slowly, but Im getting there.

Weigh in day is Wednesday.
Fantastic difference in those photo's Dee - you've done really well :clap:

I'm going to join up to this thread too. I have let things slide basically since christmas and gave up smoking about four months ago which really hasn't helped. Just back from holiday and am determined to lose some weight and eat more heathily. I'm doing the Weightwatches thing (just at home - don't go to meetings or anything) and am having a good week so far so fingers crossed.

I'm going to start by eating better and then start adding exercise gradually - I know if I try to do all at once straight away it will be a bit too much and I'll give up.

Current weight on monday morning was 144lbs, target weight 126lbs. Wish me luck!
wooo 3lbs off this week!! Am off on my holidays on Saturday, but we are going self catering in Scotland (oh the glamour) so it should be pretty easy to keep at it.
I'm going to join up to this thread too. I have let things slide basically since christmas and gave up smoking about four months ago which really hasn't helped. !

Nice one, I gave up just short of 4 months ago too :)

In terms of weight I've stuck at about 13 1/2 stone for the last three weeks. Haven't been to the gym for a week, diets been crap during that time and I tore a muscle in my chest pretending I was still 21 :confused:
Current weight on monday morning was 144lbs, target weight 126lbs. Wish me luck!

Best of luck to you! I am doing WW as well, give me a shout if you want any pointers :)

wooo 3lbs off this week!! Am off on my holidays on Saturday, but we are going self catering in Scotland (oh the glamour) so it should be pretty easy to keep at it.

Well done you! Thats good that you have all the control over your food, you'll do fine (y)
Just seen this thread and I think I'm going to join in here too. Like a few others I've let things slide this year (well, probably a bit longer than that if I'm honest!) and have set myself the target of losing two stones. I've lost five pounds in the last month so this thread will hopefully help to keep me motivated.

Well done on your loss Dee and for starting the thread, and well done to everyone else who's made the decision to tackle their weight.