uniquegardens 52 for 2010 - wk 15 "Single" pg 7

That's a few threads I've visited now where people are saying they're pleased. Sharp contrast to last week where the majority seemed to be making excuses!

I like your Street shot. It has bags of impact. Processing works well.

I also like Speed. I like the interpretation of the theme, and I like the reflections as well as the simple subject.

Keep it up!


Cheers Ian its very kind of you, I believe and including myself, that people find street photography a little awkward especially in today's climate, I know we shouldn't but its just one of those things.

Thank you again Ian glad you like them.
Graham, I really like that, it's not a take I was expecting this week, which is good. Love the colours and lighting, the reflection has worked well.
Very clever it is amazing what people come up with when given a theme :cool:
I agree with the others. This is a very unique take on the theme - stationary, yet synonymous with speed. I really like this photo, especially the colours and the reflections. If I had to change it at all, I would probably crop a little bit off the bottom.

like the colour version of street.. makes the brickwork stand out, nice processing.. certainly puts a different slant on a street sign..

speed, simple idea.. great interpretation of the theme and very nicely shot.. works for me!
Clever stuff for speed. I was playing with fibre cables, shining red lights down them but without a macro lens the images were poor to say the least. I really like this, it's sharp, has nice contrast and the shadow doesn't really distract me in the least.
Graham, I really like that, it's not a take I was expecting this week, which is good. Love the colours and lighting, the reflection has worked well.

Cheers John, but, Ive just looked at your Mars shot and thats "amazing" I never seen detail that good - superb

I like the idea and the use of an inanimate object to convey the theme this week.
(Although a firewire cable would be better as it is far quicker ;) :)


Thanks Allan, never thought of them, I have just given myself a stern talking too.

Very clever it is amazing what people come up with when given a theme :cool:

cheers mate.

I agree with the others. This is a very unique take on the theme - stationary, yet synonymous with speed. I really like this photo, especially the colours and the reflections. If I had to change it at all, I would probably crop a little bit off the bottom.


Thank you so much Jenny, didn't have to look far for this subject. I did have trouble though because I couldn't find the right angle to shoot it I hope I did it justice. Thank you for your idea for the crop - shall do.

like the colour version of street.. makes the brickwork stand out, nice processing.. certainly puts a different slant on a street sign..

speed, simple idea.. great interpretation of the theme and very nicely shot.. works for me!

Yes I agree, the B&W just dosen't do it (probably my PP), thank you for liking it. Many thanks for your positive comment for the speed shot (y)

Clever stuff for speed. I was playing with fibre cables, shining red lights down them but without a macro lens the images were poor to say the least. I really like this, it's sharp, has nice contrast and the shadow doesn't really distract me in the least.

Cheers Rob its kind of you, the fibre optic route sounds a good idea for speed.

The shadow was my main concern I am glad its not that distracting.

didn't think of that interpretation at all (y)
technically well done too!
Sorry Graham. I didn't get to comment on your street shot before you posted speed . . . so you had to go on my "avoid" list until I got my shot in ;) :LOL:

I prefer the original colour version for that week. Very interesting PP which I like a lot (y) Have you just inverted the colours or was there more to it than that?

It's got a real creepy, horror film sort of atmosphere - if you've ever read the Stephen King short story "Crouch End" this would make the perfect illustration.
I also like the fact that the first and last two letters of the street name spell "Hell" which adds to the eerie feeling even more (either that or I just have a very overactive imagination!)

Speed is a very different shot altogether. Clean, crisp and a really unique take on the theme. I love the blue tint that you've added and the shadow really doesn't bother me at all. I find that my eye goes straight from the plugs to the reflections and completely passes over the shadow.
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That's pretty cool! Dare to be different I say. (y)

Cheers Lee, (y) one tries, but it can get you into trouble :LOL:

A very clever take on the theme - and I love the processing. It works really well. :clap::clap::clap:


Very kind Jean, thank you so much. - gets you thinking.

Sorry Graham. I didn't get to comment on your street shot before you posted speed . . . so you had to go on my "avoid" list until I got my shot in ;) :LOL:

I prefer the original colour version for that week. Very interesting PP which I like a lot (y) Have you just inverted the colours or was there more to it than that?

It's got a real creepy, horror film sort of atmosphere - if you've ever read the Stephen King short story "Crouch End" this would make the perfect illustration.
I also like the fact that the first and last two letters of the street name spell "Hell" which adds to the eerie feeling even more (either that or I just have a very overactive imagination!)

Speed is a very different shot altogether. Clean, crisp and a really unique take on the theme. I love the blue tint that you've added and the shadow really doesn't bother me at all. I find that my eye goes straight from the plugs to the reflections and completely passes over the shadow.

Hi Sarah,

I don't like the "avoid list" feels like I am unwanted :crying: :LOL:. I understand completely it is one of my rules (its hard not to look sometimes).

As Ive mentioned already, the colour version works better for me too, as for the PP, yes basically, but there is filter added here and there (not too difficult) I can PM the full working outs if you would like.

I haven't sorry, and it is very kind of you to say so. Do you know what, I live 5 minutes from that sign and I have passed it a plethora of times and to be completely honest I've never noticed it-creepy and well spotted! :clap:

Strange, it took me ages to come up with a "speed" theme and these things are right in front of me, (blind as a bat) and then it clicked.
Glad you like it Sarah.

Look forward as ever to your next image...
Graham, I really like the speed shot. Looks really sharp and simple (in a good way!) Great reflection as well! Great stuff!

Cheers, Rob
Here's Wk 6 - Present...One I prepared earlier

For this week's theme it was a present (delivered now) and as I am stacked out with "Cakes" this week to do (for which I'm very grateful) considering PRESENT climate....I won't have time to get out/shoot anything else. Sorry


No 2
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The first shot is the better one for me Graham, although the composition on the 2nd is good also.

The problem with the second one (for me) is the corner line separating wall and table/floor.

Lots of good detail and some nice colour in the 1st shot (is it a crop of the 2nd?) I wonder whether an increase in the saturation of the orange rose would make it stand out a bit more.

I really like shot 1. I agree with the saturation idea though. I think it'd draw your eye to the flower. Also, probably just my rubbish monitor, but the rose looks a bit soft? Maybe not... my monitor is prehistoric. :bonk:
The tight crop works best of the two, the second shot is too central. The colour of the flower works really well, not too bright/strong.
That's just beautiful Graham - both the cake and the shots.
As an image No.1 definitely works best, but I like No.2 to help put it into context. You really are very talented :clap:

Glad to hear that you're so busy with the cakes too.
Now there's a challenge for next year . . . a whole themed 52 in Sugarcraft !!!
Definitely the first shot for me - great composition and colours. However long does it take to do something like that? It is beginning to make me feel hungry....
Mmmmm, hungry now.
1st one for me, leaves more to the imagination. I like the colours too, perhaps it's my cr&ppy stinkpad screen but they contrast well against each other.
Nice cake shot and some impressive work if you're saying that you made it! My only real comment has more to do with the subject and the oversized decoration on the top. I personally think the roses needed to be a little smaller and in proportion. Looks like some dropped half a tree and some flowers on the poor cake.
#1 for me Graham, lovely looking cake that and the image shows it off nicely.
Lovely looking cake Graham. Your first shot is great. Liking the detail of the smaller roses too. Hungry now!
The first shot is the better one for me Graham, although the composition on the 2nd is good also.

The problem with the second one (for me) is the corner line separating wall and table/floor.

Lots of good detail and some nice colour in the 1st shot (is it a crop of the 2nd?) I wonder whether an increase in the saturation of the orange rose would make it stand out a bit more.


I agree Ian, these were rushed as time wasn't on my side. Yes it is hmm probably will do, I'll increase. Many thanks Ian (y)

I really like shot 1. I agree with the saturation idea though. I think it'd draw your eye to the flower. Also, probably just my rubbish monitor, but the rose looks a bit soft? Maybe not... my monitor is prehistoric. :bonk:

Cheers RichM.

The tight crop works best of the two, the second shot is too central. The colour of the flower works really well, not too bright/strong.

To be honest I didn't have time to put much thought beind this weeks theme. No excuses just the truth. Cheers

Like the both, #1 best

Thank you jollyjack....I will get round to yours and everyone elses very soon-sorry

Really like #1. Makes me want to buy one.

It can be arranged...

That's just beautiful Graham - both the cake and the shots.
As an image No.1 definitely works best, but I like No.2 to help put it into context. You really are very talented :clap:

Glad to hear that you're so busy with the cakes too.
Now there's a challenge for next year . . . a whole themed 52 in Sugarcraft !!!

Hello Sarah,
Thank you, it was the only reason I added it (no2). I wish I was ;).
Sounds like a good idea, I'll give that some thought thank you. Heading your way.

Definitely the first shot for me - great composition and colours. However long does it take to do something like that? It is beginning to make me feel hungry....

Thank you so much Tracer, it can take quite along time depends on the complexity of the design. 1-2 days.

Mmmmm, hungry now.
1st one for me, leaves more to the imagination. I like the colours too, perhaps it's my cr&ppy stinkpad screen but they contrast well against each other.

Cheers RobC.

Nice cake shot and some impressive work if you're saying that you made it! My only real comment has more to do with the subject and the oversized decoration on the top. I personally think the roses needed to be a little smaller and in proportion. Looks like some dropped half a tree and some flowers on the poor cake.

:LOL:. Cheers...must be the angle :D

#1 for me Graham, lovely looking cake that and the image shows it off nicely.

Cheers my friend.

really pretty, I prefer the first shot TBH, the framing is more complimentary. Well done and well done with your cake making!

Thank you.

Lovely looking cake Graham. Your first shot is great. Liking the detail of the smaller roses too. Hungry now!

Very kind of you to say so, appreciate it-thank you (y)
Thats a decent take Graham, I like it. Some very fancy buns there, nice one(y)...Mick
Slightly different take.

Welcome to the people of the book.......!

Certainly not my best effort
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Hi Graham,

I must confess I'm not entirely sure what's going on here, but I do like it. It has an ethereal quality that is quite appealing.

Not sure about the border, and I would like to see it a bit bigger - mainly so I can work out what it is I'm looking at! :)

I'm not that sharpest tool in the box you see...

Hi Graham,

I must confess I'm not entirely sure what's going on here, but I do like it. It has an ethereal quality that is quite appealing.

Not sure about the border, and I would like to see it a bit bigger - mainly so I can work out what it is I'm looking at! :)

I'm not that sharpest tool in the box you see...


Hi Ian,

Your too kind, now tell the truth :LOL:. Cheers Ian

An insight to what the books conveys, It is ethereal (heavenlyish) based on a true story. Have you read it?

Have you read it?

Can't say that I have! Sounds intriguing though.

Catching up a bit Graham. Like your 1st present shot the best as that crop looks great. Hope it tasted as good as it looked.

People.........interesting............haven't got the foggiest what it means, but looks pretty cool (y)

Cheers, Rob